Using SMS Options in a Smart Campaign :headding-anchor:using-sms-options-in-a-smart-campaign

After you create an SMS message, you’ll want to use Smart List triggers and filters within a Smart Campaign to get the benefits.

If you’re looking to send an SMS message, we have a specific article for that.
SMS triggers/filters only appear if the Vibes service has been enabled.

SMS Triggers :headding-anchor:sms-triggers

Here are a few examples:

The SMS Message Bounces trigger initiates a flow, such as sending an email, when an SMS message bounces.

The Subscribes to Vibes List trigger initiates a flow when a person subscribes.

The Clicks Link in SMS Message trigger initiates a flow when a person clicks on a link in the SMS message.

SMS Filters :headding-anchor:sms-filters

The Subscribed to Vibes List filter finds anyone who has ever subscribed to Vibes. This includes both unsubscribed and deleted people, even though deleted people are omitted from the flow. This filter is best suited for reporting.

By contrast, the Member of Vibes List filter finds anyone currently subscribed to Vibes and is most suited for use in Smart Campaigns or lists.

All SMS filters include the Date of Activity constraint by default.

SMS Flow Steps :headding-anchor:sms-flow-steps

There are three SMS flow steps to choose from.

Send SMS Message
This flow action sends messages to people from the Marketo Smart List that are subscribed to a user opted-in Vibes subscription list. It does not initiate the subscription process. Learn more.
Subscribe to Vibes List
This flow action initiates the SMS subscription process via a user-selected Vibes acquisition campaign. Vibes then sends a confirmation message, and the recipient must reply to it with "Y" within 24 hours to confirm opt-in. Once the user has opted in, they will become a member of your associated Vibes subscription list.
Unsubscribe from Vibes List
This flow action unsubscribes each person from a user opted-in Vibes subscription list. When a user texts "STOP" to your code, their person record is updated to reflect they're no longer a member of the Vibes Subscription list.
The Subscribe to Vibes List and Unsubscribe from Vibes List flows have different requirements. For Subscribe, you must select the Vibes list and the Vibes acquisition campaign. For Unsubscribe, only the Vibes list is required.