Configure the Twitter Message

  1. Click to edit the share prompt and message that will appear in Twitter tweets.

    Use {html_title} in your tweet text to display the title of the page automatically.
  2. Click Next.

Configure the LinkedIn Message

  1. Configure the message that will appear in LinkedIn posts.

    If you choose Add Dynamic content, the values of the pages tags (title and description), and the thumbnail, are automatically added to LinkedIn posts. See the next step.

    If you choose Add Static content, enter the title, caption, and description, and upload an image. See the next two steps.

  2. In the View & Edit window, click Show Edits and edit the share prompt and message that will appear in LinkedIn posts.

    Use {html_title} in your post text to display the title of the page automatically.
  3. If you chose Add Static content above, edit the title and description, and upload a custom image (from your Marketo Images and Files).

    See Add Images and Files to Marketo.

    If you upload an image, you will not see it here until you close and reopen the social app editor.
  4. Click Next.

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Marketo Engage