Create a Free-form Landing Page Template create-a-free-form-landing-page-template
Free-form landing pages require less technical knowledge than their guided counterparts. To create a template for future landing pages, follow the steps below.
Go to Design Studio.
Click New, then select New Landing Page Template.
Choose your folder, then give your template a name. Free-form is the default editing mode, so after you name your template, click Create.
Your template should open in a new tab. It is now editable to anyone familiar with CSS/HTML.
note note NOTE Marketo Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting custom HTML. For HTML assistance, please consult a web developer. -
When you’re done making edits, click Template Actions, then select Approve and Close.
You now have a new free-form landing page template!
note note NOTE Select Disable Munchkin Tracking if you want to prevent forms from pre-populating, or you just don’t want to track web behavior on a specific page.
Select Validate Mobile Compatibility to make sure your code is compatible with mobile devices.related-articles Related Articles