Create a Free-form Landing Page Template create-a-free-form-landing-page-template

Free-form landing pages require less technical knowledge than their guided counterparts. To create a template for future landing pages, follow the steps below.

  1. Go to Design Studio.

  2. Click New, then select New Landing Page Template.

  3. Choose your folder, then give your template a name. Free-form is the default editing mode, so after you name your template, click Create.

  4. Your template should open in a new tab. It is now editable to anyone familiar with CSS/HTML.

    note note
    Marketo Support is not set up to assist with troubleshooting custom HTML. For HTML assistance, please consult a web developer.
  5. When you’re done making edits, click Template Actions, then select Approve and Close.

    You now have a new free-form landing page template!

    note note
    Select Disable Munchkin Tracking if you want to prevent forms from pre-populating, or you just don’t want to track web behavior on a specific page.
    Select Validate Mobile Compatibility to make sure your code is compatible with mobile devices.
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