
You have two options for defining editable Image Elements. You may use either a <div>, which specifies a container that the image will be inserted into, or an <img> tag.

Option 1 - Use a <div>

Required attributes:

class: “mktoImg”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.

mktoImgClass: String. The value here will be added to the class attribute of the <img> element inside the div.


<div class="mktoImg" id="exampleImg" mktoName="Example Image"></div>

Option 2 - Use a <img>

Required attributes:
class: “mktoImg”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.

src: String URL. This will be used as the default value for the image.


<img class="mktoImg" id="exampleImg" mktoName="Example Image">

When using the <img> version, the rendered HTML will contain a generated div wrapper around the <img> tag. It will be set to class .”mktoImg.mktoGen,” and will be display:inline-block.


Example:Required attributes:
class: “mktoForm”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.

<div class="mktoForm" id="exampleForm" mktoName="Example Form"></div>


Required attributes:
class: “mktoSnippet”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.


<div class="mktoSnippet" id="exampleSnippet" mktoName="Example Snippet"></div>

Share Button

Required attributes:
class: “mktoShareButton”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.


<div class="mktoShareButton" id="exampleShareButton" mktoName="Example Share Button"></div>


When using the video element in a landing page, Marketo only supports videos from YouTube. If you use another service, we recommend utilizing a rich text box and pasting in the video’s embed code.

Required attributes:
class: “mktoVideo”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.


<div class="mktoVideo" id="exampleVideo" mktoName="Example Video"></div>


Required attributes:
class: “mktoPoll”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.


<div class="mktoPoll" id="examplePoll" mktoName="Example Poll"></div>


Required attributes:
class: “mktoReferral”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.


<div class="mktoReferral" id="exampleReferral" mktoName="Example Referral"></div>


Required attributes:
class: “mktoSweepstakes”
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.


<div class="mktoSweepstakes" id="exampleSweepstakes" mktoName="Example Sweepstakes"></div>

Editable Variables

All variable types are used by referencing the value of their id attribute wrapped inside of a ${ } character sequence. They can be used anywhere in the document, except for inside of other variable declarations.




Variables are declared as meta tags inside the <head> element of the template. There are three types of variables available for use: String, Color, and Boolean.


Required Attributes:
class : “mktoString”,
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.

default: String value for the attribute. Blank if none provided.
allowHtml: “true” or “false”. Controls if the value will be printed without being HTML escaped. Defaults to “false” if unset.

Basic Example:

<meta class="mktoString" id="var1" mktoName="My Variable">

Example with all attributes:

<meta class="mktoString" id="var1" mktoName="My Variable" default="This is my default value" allowHtml="true">


Required Attributes:
class : “mktoColor”,
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.

default: A 7-digit HEX character color code. Eg: “#336699”

Basic Example:

<meta class="mktoColor" id="color1" mktoName="My Color Variable">

Example with all attributes:

<meta class="mktoColor" id="color" mktoName="My Color Variable" default="#336699">


Required Attributes:
class : “mktoBoolean”,
id: ID string. Contains only letters, numbers, dash “-”, and underscore “_”. No spaces allowed. Must be unique.
mktoName : String. This is the display name that will be shown in the landing page editor. Best practice is to use a descriptive name.

default: Boolean string. “true” or “false” controls if the value starts in the ON or OFF position. “false” if not provided.
false_value: String. The value to be inserted for the variable when it is in the OFF position. “false” if not provided.
true_value: String. The value to be inserted for the variable when it is in the ON position. “true” if not provided.
false_value_name: String. The display name to be shown in the landing page editor when the value is in the OFF position. “OFF” if not provided.
true_value_name: String. The display name to be shown in the landing page editor when the value is in the ON position. “ON” if not provided.

Basic Example:

<meta class="mktoColor" id="color" mktoName="My Color Variable" default="#336699">

<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="boolean1" mktoName="My Boolean Variable">

Example with all attributes:

This example shows a common use case where a boolean variable controls the visibility of a css element by setting the value of css display property to either “block” or “none” to show/hide an element by id with CSS. The landing page editor will use the display name Show/Hide instead of OFF/ON.

<meta class="mktoBoolean" id="boolean1" mktoName="My Boolean Variable" default="true" true_value="block" false_value="none" false_value_name="Hide" true_value_name="Show"> <style> #myConditionalDisplayArea { display: ${boolean1}; } </style>

Program tokens (my.token) can also be used anywhere in Guided or Free-form landing pages.
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