Get Started with Alerts alerts

Access and subscribe alerts alerting-capabilities

When a failure happens, you can get system alerts in Journey Optimizer notification center (in-app alerts), and/or receive an email.

From the Alerts menu, you can view the available alerts, and subscribe to them. When a certain set of conditions in your operations is reached (such as a potential problem when the system breaches a threshold), alert messages are delivered to any users in your organization who subscribed to them.

Learn more about alerts in Adobe Experience Platform in Adobe Experience Platform documentation.

In the left menu, under Administration, click Alerts. Two pre-configured alerts for Journey Optimizer are available: the Journey Custom Action Failure alert and the Read Audience Trigger Unsuccessful alert. These alerts are detailed below.

You can subscribe to each alert individually from the user interface, by selecting the Subscribe option from the Alerts dashboard. Use the same method to unsubscribe.

You can also subscribe to alerts through I/O Event notifications. Alert rules are organized into different subscription packages. Event subscriptions corresponding to the specific Journey Optimizer alerts are detailed below.

If an unexpected behavior occurs, an alert notification is sent to the subscribers. Based on the user preferences, alerts are sent by email, and/or directly within Journey Optimizer notification center, in the top right corner of the user interface. By default, only in-app alerting is enabled. To enable email alerting, refer to Adobe Experience Platform documentation.

When an alert is resolved, subscribers receive a “Resolved” notification.

Adobe Journey Optimizer specific alerts apply only to live journeys. Alerts are not triggered for journeys in test mode.

Journey Custom Action Failure alert-custom-actions

This alert warns you if a custom action fails. We consider there is a failure where there has been more than 1% of errors on a specific custom action over the last 5 minutes. This is evaluated every 30 seconds.

Alerts on custom actions are resolved when, over the last 5 minutes:

  • there has not been any error on that custom action (or errors below the 1% threshold),

  • or, no profile has reached that custom action.

The I/O event subscription name corresponding to the custom action alert is Journey Custom Action Failure.

Read Audience Trigger Unsuccessful alert-read-audiences

This alert warns you if a Read Audience activity has not processed any profile 10 mins after scheduled time of execution. This failure can be caused by technical issues, or because the audience is empty.

Alerts on Read Audience activities only apply to recurring journeys. Read Audience activities in live journeys that have a schedule to run Once or As soon as possible are ignored.

Alerts on Read Audience are resolved when a profile enters the Read Audience node.

The I/O event subscription name corresponding to the Read Audience Trigger Unsuccessful alert is Journey read audience Delays, Failures and Errors.

Troubleshooting alert-troubleshooting

To troubleshoot Read Audience alerts, check your audience count in the Experience Platform interface.

To troubleshoot Custom Action alerts:

  • Check your custom action using test mode on another journey:

  • Check your journey report to see error reasons on action.

  • Check your journey stepEvents to look for more information around the “failureReason”.

  • Check your custom action configuration and validate that the authentication is still OK. Perform a manual check with Postman,
    for instance.
