Create a direct mail message create-direct

To create direct mail messages, create a scheduled campaign, and configure the extraction file. This file is required by direct mail providers to send mail to your customers.

Before creating a direct mail message, make sure you have configured:
  1. A file routing configuration which specifies the server where the extraction file should be uploaded and stored,
  2. A direct mail message surface which will reference the file routing configuration.

Create a direct mail campaign create-dm-campaign

To create a direct mail campaign, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new scheduled campaign, and choose Direct mail as the action.

  2. Select the Direct mail surface to use and click Create. Learn how to create a direct mail surface.

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  3. In the Properties section, edit your Campaign’s Title and Description.

  4. To define your target audience, click the Select audience button and choose from the available Adobe Experience Platform audiences. Learn more.

    note important
    For now, audience selection is restricted to 3 million profiles. This limitation can lifted upon request to your Adobe representative.
  5. In the Identity namespace field, select the appropriate namespace to identify individuals within the chosen audience. Learn more.

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  6. Campaigns can be scheduled for a specific date or set to recur at regular intervals. Learn how to configure the Schedule of your campaign in this section.

You can now start configuring the extraction file to send to your direct mail provider.

Configure the extraction file extraction-file

  1. Configure the columns and the information to be displayed in the extraction file:

    1. Click the Add button to create a new column.

    2. The Formatting pane displays on the right-hand side, allowing you to set up the selected column. Specify a Label for the column.

    3. In the Data field, select the profile attributes to display using the personalization editor.

    4. To sort the extraction file using a column, select the column and toggle on the Sort by option. The Sort By icon displays next to the column’s label in the Data Fields section.

The extraction file is required by direct mail providers to send mail to your customers. To define the extraction file configuration, follow these steps:

  1. From the campaign configuration screen, click the Edit content button to configure the extraction file content.

  2. Adjust the extraction file properties:

    1. Specify the desired Filename for the extraction file.

    2. Optionally, enable the Append timestamp to export filename option if you want to add an automatic timestamp to the specified file name.

    3. Sometimes you may need to add information at the beginning or at the end of the extraction file. To do this, use the Notes field then specify if you want to include the note as header or footer.

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  3. Configure the columns and the information to be displayed in the extraction file:

    1. Click the Add button to create a new column.

    2. The Formatting pane displays on the right-hand side, allowing you to set up the selected column. Specify a Label for the column.

    3. In the Data field, select the profile attributes to display using the personalization editor.

    4. To sort the extraction file using a column, select the column and toggle on the Sort by option. The Sort By icon displays next to the column’s label in the Data Fields section.

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    5. Repeat these steps to add as many columns as needed for your extraction file. Note that you can add up to 50 columns.

      To change the position of a column, drag and drop it to the desired location in the Data field section. To delete a column, select it and click the Remove button in the Formatting pane.

You can now test your direct mail message and send it to your audience. Learn how to test & send direct mail messages
