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Get started with new Reporting interface channel-report-gs-cja

To revert to Journey Optimizer’s traditional reporting, simply toggle the Use new Experience option.

Journey Optimizer reporting comes with an improved interoperability with Customer Journey Analytics capabilities, standardizing reporting across both platforms and improving data consistency and reliability. This seamless integration between Journey Optimizer and Customer Journey Analytics provides a clearer view of performance metrics, enabling users to make more informed decisions.

  • If you want to target a journey or deliveries in the context of a journey, from the Journeys menu, access your journey and click the View report button.

    From the list of existing journey, you can also select Report from the advanced menu of your selected journey. Learn more on the Journey report

  • If you want to target a campaign, from the Campaigns menu, access your campaign and click the Reports button.

    From the list of existing campaigns, you can also select Report from the advanced menu of your selected campaign. Learn more on the Campaign report

  • If you want to target metrics for all campaigns and journeys within your environment, access the Overview report by navigating to the Reports menu within the Journey Management section. Learn more on the Overview report

Prerequisites prerequisites

  • If you do not own Customer Journey Analytics, or if you own it but do not have access to any Customer Journey Analytics product profile, permissions are managed in Journey Optimizer. In this case, you will only need the View channel reports permission or related roles. Learn more on Journey Optimizer permissions

  • If you own Customer Journey Analytics and have access to a Customer Journey Analytics product profile, then standard Customer Journey Analytics permissions apply. The Customer Journey Analytics administrator is responsible for maintaining proper user access. Learn more on Customer Journey Analytics permissions

  • Your Customer Journey Analytics dataviews need to be configured with the following setting: Set as default data view in Adobe Journey Optimizer. Learn more on data views

  • To access the Customer Journey Analytics dashboard within Journey Optimizer, just enable the Use new Experience toggle in your report.

How-to video video

The video below shows how to use the enhanced Journey Optimizer reporting with Customer Journey Analytics.
