Adobe Experience Platform release notes

Release date: June 30, 2021

Updates to existing features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Real-Time Customer Profile profile

Adobe Experience Platform enables you to drive coordinated, consistent, and relevant experiences for your customers no matter where or when they interact with your brand. With Real-Time Customer Profile, you can see a holistic view of each individual customer that combines data from multiple channels, including online, offline, CRM, and third party data. Profile allows you to consolidate customer data into a unified view offering an actionable, timestamped account of every customer interaction.

Merge policy workflow updates
When creating and updating merge policies in the UI, users can now preview 20 sample profiles based on the union schema. This allows users to preview what customer profiles will look like before saving merge policy configurations. For more information, see the merge policies UI guide.
Identity overlap report
The identity overlap report is part of the Real-Time Customer Profile API and provides visibility into the composition of the Profile store. Using the /previewsamplestatus endpoint, the identity overlap report exposes the identities that contribute most to addressable audience. To learn more, visit the preview sample status API endpoint guide.

For more information on Real-Time Customer Profile, including tutorials and best practices for working with Profile data, please begin by reading the Real-Time Customer Profile overview.

Sandboxes sandboxes

Adobe Experience Platform is built to enrich digital experience applications on a global scale. Companies often run multiple digital experience applications in parallel and need to cater for the development, testing, and deployment of these applications while ensuring operational compliance. In order to address this need, Experience Platform provides sandboxes which partition a single Platform instance into separate virtual environments to help develop and evolve digital experience applications.

Production sandbox reset enhancements
You can now reset production sandboxes that are used for bi-directional segment sharing with Adobe Audience Manager or Audience Core Service. This can be done either from the UI, or by using the new validationOnly and ignoreWarnings parameters in the API. See the tutorials on resetting a sandbox in the UI and resetting a sandbox in the API for more information.

Sources sources

Adobe Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources while allowing you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, third-party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

Veeva CRM (Beta)
You can now connect Veeva CRM to Experience Platform using the Flow Service API or the UI. See the Veeva CRM connector overview for more information.
Support for monitoring streaming dataflows
You can now use the sources UI workspace to monitor data ingestion activities from streaming sources with corresponding metrics and status. See the tutorial on monitoring streaming dataflows for more information.

To learn more about sources, see the sources overview.
