Project overview

Selecting a project from the All projects list opens the project overview. The project overview always displays a project navigation bar, which includes an environment selector and a configuration button:

Project navigation

The project overview, as long as you do not have an environment selected, shows a summary of project details in the preview area:

  • Project name
  • Region, Project ID
  • Plan, allotted storage, environments, users
  • Storefront URL with Set a custom domain button

And in the main project overview:

  • Environments view shows a list or tree view of

    active branch

    (active) and

    inactive branch

    (inactive) environments.

  • Activity stream shows running, pending, and recent activities for the project.

For Starter projects, there is a hierarchy of branches starting from master (Production). Any branch that you create display as children from the master branch. Adobe recommends creating a staging branch, then create an integration branch for development. See Starter architecture.

For Pro, there is a hierarchy of branches starting from production to staging to integration. The Dedicated icon icon indicates that the branch deploys to a dedicated environment. Any branches that you create display as children of the integration branch. See Pro architecture.

Pro environment list

Environment overview

Selecting an environment from the project navigation bar changes the overview and the navigation bar to focus on the selected environment. The navigation bar includes branch controls (Branch, Merge, and Sync) and a configuration button:

Environment selected

The environment overview shows a summary of environment details in the preview area:

  • Environment name, type
  • Region, Project ID
  • Date and time of last activity, including backup
  • HTTP access and search engine status
  • Machine name assigned to environment
  • Environment status (Active or Inactive)
  • Storefront URL with Set a custom domain button

And in the main environment overview:

  • Activity stream makes up the main environment overview and shows running, pending, and recent activities for the selected environment.
  • Backups tab provides a list of stored backups, history of backup actions, and the Backup button.

Access storefront

Each active environment has a storefront. Select an environment from the top navigation and click the URL in the environment overview. Also, there is a URLs list on the right-hand side above the Activity list.

The Web Access URL may include the following:

  • Unique ID = 7 random alpha-numeric characters
  • Project ID = 13-character project ID
  • Region = AWS or Azure region name, see Regional IP addresses

The Pro Production and Staging environments include three nodes that you can access using the following links:

  • Load balancer URLs:

    • http[s]://<your-domain>.c.<project-ID>
    • http[s]://<your-staging-domain>.c.<project-ID>
  • Direct access to one of the three redundant servers:

    • http[s]://<your-domain>.{1|2|3}.<project-ID>
    • http[s]://<your-staging-domain>.{1|2|3}.<project-ID>

    The production URL is used by the content delivery network (CDN).


Open the Settings panel by clicking the configure project icon (configure) icon on the right side of the project navigation.

Project settings

Project Settings expands a menu of project-level controls to manage users, variables, and more:

GeneralManage the timezone for use with scheduling backups or maintenance.
AccessManage user access to project and environment types.
CertificatesView a list of the SSL certificates associated with the project.
Deploy KeyAdd and view the public key to the project code repository.
DomainsAdd a domain name to the project. See Manage domains.
IntegrationsAdd and manage integrations, such as health notifications and webhooks.
VariablesAdd project-level variables that are available at build and runtime in all environments.

Environment settings

Click Environments and select a specific environment from the list for controls to manage site settings, environment variables, and more:

GeneralConfigure display name, environment type, and parent environment.
Toggle different environment settings:
Enable outgoing emails: Send outgoing emails from the environment using the SMTP protocol.
Hide from search engines: Block search engine indexers and crawlers from the site.
HTTP access control: Enable security configuration for the Cloud Console using a login and IP address access control.
Status is active or inactive. Most of your work is in an active environment. You can deactivate or delete the environment.
VariablesView, create, and manage environment-level variables available at runtime.
DomainsView a list of configured routes.
DO NOT use the HTTP access control method for securing Pro Staging and Production environments. This breaks Fastly caching. Instead, use the Blocking feature available in the Fastly CDN for Adobe Commerce.

Fastly and New Relic credentials

Your project includes Fastly and New Relic. The project details display information for your project plan and important licenses and tokens for these integrations. Only the License Owner has initial access to the credentials and services. Provide these credentials to technical and developer resources as needed.

  • Fastly provides content delivery (CDN), image optimization, and security services (DDoS and WAF) for your Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure projects. See Get Fastly credentials.

  • New Relic provides application metrics and performance information for Staging and Production environments.

Use the Cloud CLI to review your integration tokens, IDs, and more:

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