Access the Important Attributes report

  1. Click Activities, then click the desired Automated Personalization or Auto-Target activity from the list.

    If you have many activities, click the Filter ( Filter icon ) icon to filter the list by selecting options from the Type, Status, Reporting Source, Experience Composer, Metrics Type, and Activity Source drop-down lists.

  2. Click Reports.

    The Automated Personalization Summary or Auto-Target Summary report displays, which provides information about the performance of your activities, represented by the first screen icon. The two additional icons represent the two Personalization Insights reports: Automated Segments ( Automated Segments report ) and Important Attributes ( Important Attributes icon ).

    Note that Auto-Target has an additional graph icon for the graphical view of the Summary report.

    The Important Attributes report won’t be available until at least 15 days after you’ve activated your activity. During this initial period, you won’t be able to access this report or click the Important Attributes icon. After 15 days have passed, assuming there is sufficient personalized traffic in your activity, the Important Attributes report is available.
  3. After 15 days from activating the activity, click the Important Attributes ( Important Attributes icon )icon.

  4. Select the desired date range.

    Unlike the Summary report (performance reporting), Personalization Insights, including Important Attributes, is available only for fixed date ranges: 15 days, 30 days, and 60 days.

    These fixed date ranges allow Personalization Insights to use a large enough range of data to reduce the likelihood that you derive insights from a short-lived pattern in your activity. The two decisions you can make for your date range is the “End Date” and the “Duration.” You’ll notice that the “Start” is greyed out. The start date automatically changes based on your selections for the end date and duration.

    You can access the available fixed date ranges from the Preset Date Range drop-down list.

  5. Review the Important Attributes report data.

  6. (Optional) Click the Download ( Download icon ) icon to download the report in CSV format for analysis in Excel and other tools.

    The Personalization Insights UI report contains select information. The CSV download for the Important Attributes report contains additional details. The Important Attributes report download includes the full list of the top 100 attributes, while the UI report includes the top 10 only. If you are looking for a specific attribute on the report but it is not there, that doesn’t mean that the attribute didn’t influence the activity, it just didn’t make the list for the top 100 attributes.