Target release notes (current)

These release notes provide information about features, enhancements, and fixes for each Adobe Target Standard and Target Premium release. In addition, release notes for Target APIs, SDKs, the Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK, at.js, and other platform changes are also included, when applicable.

(The issue numbers in parentheses are for internal Adobe use.)

Target reporting in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics (May 8, 2024)

The integration between Adobe Customer Journey Analytics and Target provides powerful analysis and timesaving tools for your optimization program.

The primary benefits of using Customer Journey Analytics as the reporting source for Target are:

  • Marketers can dynamically apply Customer Journey Analytics success metrics to Target activity reports at any time. It is not required to specify everything before running the activity.
  • Marketers can take advantage of Customer Journey Analytics features, such as the Experimentation Panel, to further analyze their website personalization.
  • Marketers can have a single source of reporting for Adobe Journey Optimizer and Target. Both personalization products can be connected to Customer Journey Analytics for a more holistic view of your web personalization.

For more information, see Target reporting in Adobe Customer Journey Analytics.

Visual Experience Composer helper extension (April 23, 2024)

The legacy Target Visual Experience Composer helper extension was created using Manifest V2. Google announced that it will no longer allow extensions created using Manifest V2 starting in June 2024. For more information, see Visual Experience Composer helper extension.

Adobe recommends that customers move to the newer Visual Editing Helper extension as soon as feasible.

Updates for Browser:iPad and Browser:iPhone in Browser audience attributes (April 30, 2024)

Browser:iPad and Browser:iPhone updated in Browser attributes used when creating audiences.

Adobe Target lets you target on any of several category attributes, including visitors who use a specific browser or browser options when they visit your page.

Starting with the Target Standard/Premium 24.3.1 (March 4-6, 2024), built-in audiences created using the Target UI, such as Browser:iPad and Browser:iPhone will be updated to perform proper targeting for iPad and iPhone using, and

This update requires no action on the customers’ side.

Important: For customers to perform proper targeting for iPad and iPhone in profile scripts (and JavaScript segments), manual changes must be made by the customer by April 30, 2024. For examples of alternate settings that must be manually changed, see Updates for iPad and iPhone in Browser audience attributes.

Additional release notes and version details

Release notes: Adobe Target Platform Experience Web SDK
Details about changes in each version of the Platform Web SDK.
at.js version details
Details about changes in each version of the Adobe Target at.js JavaScript library.

Documentation Changes, Past Release Notes, and Experience Cloud Release Notes

In addition to the notes for each release, the following resources provide additional information:

Documentation Changes
View detailed information about updates to this guide that are not included in these release notes.
Release notes for previous releases.
View information about new features and enhancements in previous releases of Target Standard and Target Premium.
Adobe Experience Cloud Release Notes
View the latest release notes for the Adobe Experience Cloud solutions.

Prerelease Information section_5D588F0415A2435B851A4D0113ACA3A0

The following resources let you see what’s coming in the next Target release.

Adobe Priority Product Update
Receive advance notifications about upcoming product enhancements to Target and other Adobe Experience Cloud solutions.
Target Release Notes - Prerelease
Information about the current month’s Target releases, including prerelease information.