Explore Program & Channel Details with the Program Analyzer explore-program-channel-details-with-the-program-analyzer

You can see detailed program and channel stats in the Program Analyzer. You can also open them in Revenue Cycle Explorer.

Not all Marketo editions include this functionality. Contact your account manager for more detail.
  1. Click Analytics.

  2. Select your Program Analyzer.

  3. To see the specific statistics for a channel or program (depending on the View you select), click the corresponding bubble.

    note note
    Many of the metrics you can choose in the program analyzer are available with first-touch (FT) and multi-touch (MT) calculations. It is important to understand the difference between FT and MT attribution.
  4. To compare all the programs within a single channel, click the channel name in the pop-up dialog.

  5. Now you can compare the individual programs within that one channel!

    note note
    Clicking a single channel switches your view to By Program, filtered to just that channel. To return to all channels, select View > By Channel.
  6. To open the Revenue Cycle Explorer to dig even deeper into a statistic, click that number in the pop-up dialog.
