Profile entrance management
- Intermediate
- User
Profile entrance management depends on the type of journey.
Types of journeys
In Adobe Journey Optimizer, the following types of journeys are available:
Unitary event journeys: these journeys start with a Unitary event. When the event is received, the associated profile enters the journey. Read more
Business event journeys: these journeys start with a Business event immediately followed by a Read audience activity. When the event is received, profiles belonging to the targeted audience enter the journey. One instance of this journey is created for each profile. Read more
Read audience journeys: these journeys start with a Read audiece activity. When the journey is executed, profiles belonging to the targeted audience enter the journey. One instance of this journey is created for each profile. These journeys can be recurring or “one-shot”. Read more
Audience qualification journeys: these journeys start with an Audience qualification event. These journeys listen to the entrances and exits of profiles in audiences. When this happens, the associated profile enters the journey. Read more
In all journey types, a profile cannot be present multiple times in the same journey, at the same time. To check that a person is in a journey, the profile identity is used as a key. The system does not allow the same key, for example the key CRMID=3224
, to be at different places in the same journey.
Unitary event and Audience qualification journeys
In Unitary event and Audience qualification journeys, you can enable or disable reentrance:
If reentrance is enabled, a profile can enter a journey several times, but cannot do it until he fully exited the previous instance of the journey.
If reentrance is disabled, a profile cannot enter multiple times the same journey, within the global journey timeout period. See this section.
By default, journeys allow reentrance. When the Allow reentrance option is activated, the Reentrance wait period field is displayed. It allows you to define the time to wait before allowing a profile to enter the journey again. This prevents journeys from being erroneously triggered multiple times for the same event. By default the field is set to 5 minutes. The maximum duration is 91 days (global timeout).
After the reentrance period, profiles can reenter the journey. To avoid this, and fully disable reentrance for those profiles, you can add a condition to test if the profile entered already or not, using profile or audience data.
Business journeys
In Business journeys, to allow multiple business event executions, activate the corresponding option in the Execution section of the journey properties.
In the case of business events, for a given journey, audience data retrieved at first execution is reused during a 1-hour time window.
A profile can be present multiple times in the same journey, at the same time, but in the context of different business events.
For more information, refer to this section
Read audience journeys
Read audience journeys can be recurring or “one-shot”:
For non-recurring/“one-shot” journeys: the profile enters once and only once in the journey.
For recurring journeys: by default, all the profiles belonging to the audience enter the journey on each recurrence. They must finish the journey before they can reenter in another occurrence.
Two options are available for recurring Read audience journeys:
Incremental read option: when a journey with a recurring Read audience executes for the first time, all the profiles in the audience enter the journey. This option allows you to target, after the first occurrence, only the individuals who entered the audience since the last execution of the journey.
If you are targeting a custom upload audience in your journey, profiles are only retrieved on the first recurrence if this option is enabled in a recurring journey, as these audiences are fixed. -
Force reentrance on recurrence: this option allows you to make all profiles still present in the journey automatically exit it at the next execution. If the lifespan of your profiles in this journey may be longer than the recurrence frequency (for instance if you use wait activities), do not activate this option to make sure that profiles can finish their journey.
For more information, refer to this section