(B2B) Business Price for Amazon listings

(B2B) Business Price settings are part of your store listing settings. Listing settings are accessed from the Amazon store dashboard.

Amazon Business is a marketplace that is exclusive to Amazon registered business accounts and is only available in the United States, France, Germany, and United Kingdom. If the marketplace allows B2B business pricing, it is editable within your listing settings.

B2B Business Pricing allows merchants with business accounts to purchase from each other with the expected performance of the Amazon shopping experience. With B2B business pricing, businesses can offer tiered pricing based on the quantity purchased.

For your products to be listed on the Amazon Business (B2B) site, you must first enable business in your Amazon Seller Central account. For more information on the B2B feature, see Amazon: B2B Central (requires Seller Central login).

Configure (B2B) Business Price settings

  1. Click Listing Settings on the store dashboard.

  2. Expand the (B2B) Business Price section.

  3. For Enable Business Pricing, choose an option.

    • Disabled - (Default) Choose when you do not want to enable business-to-business sales. All other fields in this section are disabled when chosen.

    • Enabled - Choose when you want to enable your business-to-business sales. When enabled, the business price is set equal to the list price after all pricing rules have been applied. The business price follows the website pricing scope, if enabled. A business price cannot be less than $1.

  4. For Enable Tiered Pricing, choose an option.

    • Disabled - (Default) Choose when you want the same listing price for all order quantities. When chosen, all Pricing Level fields in this section are disabled.

    • Enabled - Choose when you want to enable pricing adjustments based on order quantity. When chosen, the Pricing Level fields are enabled.

  5. Complete the Pricing Level settings.

    You can define up to five quantity/discount settings that set the tier pricing for your business listings. In each row, enter the quantity threshold value and the discount percent to apply. For example, if you enter 5 in the first field of the first row and 5 in the second field, the price applies a 5% discount when another business purchases a quantity of 5 or more.

  6. When complete, click Save listing settings.

Amazon Business Pricing (B2B) {width="500" modal="regular"}

Enable Business Pricing


  • Disabled - (Default) Choose when you do not want to enable business to business sales. When chosen, all other fields in this section are disabled.
  • Enabled - Choose when you want to enable your business to business sales. When chosen, the business price is set equal to the list price after all pricing rules have been applied. The business price follows the website pricing scope, if enabled. A business price cannot be less than $1.
Enable Tiered Pricing

(Required) Options:

  • Disabled - (Default) Choose when you want the same listing price for all order quantities. When chosen, all Pricing Level fields in this section are disabled.
  • Enabled - Choose when you want to enable pricing that adjusts based on order quantity. When chosen, the Pricing Level fields are enabled.
Pricing Level One-Five (qty/discount)
When Tiered Pricing is enabled, you can define up to five quantity/discount settings that set the tier pricing for your business listings. In each row, enter the quantity threshold value and the discount percent to apply. For example, if you enter 5 in the first field of the first row and 5 in the second field, the price applies a 5% discount when another business purchases a quantity of five or more.

Quick Access - Listing Settings sections
