使用Schema Registry API创建架构

Schema Registry用于访问Adobe Experience Platform中的Schema Library。 Schema Library包含按Adobe、Experience Platform合作伙伴以及您使用其应用程序的供应商提供的资源。 注册表提供了一个用户界面和RESTful API,所有可用的库资源都可通过该用户界面和API访问。

本教程使用Schema Registry API引导您完成使用标准类构建架构的步骤。 如果您希望在Experience Platform中使用用户界面,架构编辑器教程提供了在架构编辑器中执行类似操作的分步说明。



本指南要求您对 Adobe Experience Platform 的以下组件有一定了解:

  • Experience Data Model (XDM) System: Experience Platform用于组织客户体验数据的标准化框架。
  • Real-Time Customer Profile:根据来自多个源的汇总数据,提供统一的实时使用者个人资料。
  • Sandboxes: Experience Platform提供了将单个Platform实例划分为多个单独的虚拟环境的虚拟沙箱,以帮助开发和改进数字体验应用程序。

在开始本教程之前,请查看开发人员指南以了解成功调用Schema Registry API所需了解的重要信息。 这包括您的{TENANT_ID}、“容器”的概念以及发出请求所需的标头(请特别注意Accept标头及其可能的值)。

本教程将介绍构建忠诚度成员架构的步骤,该架构描述与零售忠诚度计划成员相关的数据。 开始之前,您可能希望预览附录中的完整忠诚度会员架构


架构可被视为您要摄取到Experience Platform的数据的Blueprint。 每个架构由一个类和零个或多个架构字段组组成。 换言之,不必添加字段组即可定义架构,但在大多数情况下至少使用一个字段组。


架构组合过程从选择类开始。 类定义数据的关键行为方面(记录与时间序列),以及描述将摄取的数据所需的最小字段。

您在本教程中创建的架构使用XDM Individual Profile类。 XDM Individual Profile是Adobe提供的用于定义记录行为的标准类。 有关行为的详细信息,请参阅架构组合的基础知识

要分配类,需进行API调用以在租户容器中创建(POST)新架构。 此调用包含架构将实现的类。 每个架构只能实现一个类。


POST /tenant/schemas


该请求必须包含引用类的$idallOf特性。 此属性定义架构将实施的“基类”。 在此示例中,基类是XDM Individual Profile类。 XDM Individual Profile类的$id用作下面allOf数组中$ref字段的值。

curl -X POST \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "type": "object",
        "title": "Loyalty Members",
        "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
        "allOf": [
              "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile"


成功的请求返回HTTP响应状态201 (已创建),其响应正文包含新创建架构的详细信息,包括$idmeta:altItversion。 这些值是只读的,由Schema Registry分配。

  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/tenantId/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:altId": "_tenantId.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
  "version": "1.0",
  "title": "Loyalty Members",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "refs": [
  "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
  "meta:extensible": false,
  "meta:abstract": false,
  "meta:extends": [
  "meta:xdmType": "object",
  "meta:registryMetadata": {
    "repo:createdDate": 1673310304048,
    "repo:lastModifiedDate": 1673310304048,
    "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:createdUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "eTag": "6d2ed8acd9c3b768a44de29e069fc6f71329d2550f708381d22fa8bf8c192366",
    "meta:globalLibVersion": "1.38.2"
  "meta:class": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
  "meta:containerId": "tenant",
  "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
  "meta:tenantNamespace": "_tenantId"


要查看新创建的架构,请使用架构的meta:altId或URL编码的$id URI执行查找(GET)请求。


GET /tenant/schemas/{SCHEMA_ID}


curl -X GET \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.adobe.xed+json; version=1'


响应格式取决于随请求发送的Accept标头。 请尝试使用不同的Accept标头进行实验,以查看哪个标头最符合您的需求。

  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
  "version": "1.0",
  "title": "Loyalty Members",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
  "meta:extensible": false,
  "meta:abstract": false,
  "meta:extends": [
  "meta:xdmType": "object",
  "meta:registryMetadata": {
    "repo:createdDate": 1673310304048,
    "repo:lastModifiedDate": 1673310304048,
    "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:createdUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "eTag": "6d2ed8acd9c3b768a44de29e069fc6f71329d2550f708381d22fa8bf8c192366",
    "meta:globalLibVersion": "1.38.2"
  "meta:class": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
  "meta:containerId": "tenant",
  "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
  "meta:tenantNamespace": "_{TENANT_ID}",
  "meta:allFieldAccess": true

添加字段组 add-a-field-group


根据所选架构的类,有不同的标准字段组可供使用。 每个字段组都包含一个intendedToExtend字段,该字段定义了与该字段组兼容的类。



PATCH /tenant/schemas/{SCHEMA_ID}


此请求更新忠诚度会员架构以包含人口统计详细信息字段组 (profile-person-details)中的字段。


curl -X PATCH \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas/_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.533ca5da28087c44344810891b0f03d9 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '[
        { "op": "add", "path": "/allOf/-", "value":  {"$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-person-details"}}



  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
  "version": "1.1",
  "title": "Loyalty Members",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-person-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "refs": [
  "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
  "meta:extensible": false,
  "meta:abstract": false,
  "meta:extends": [
  "meta:xdmType": "object",
  "meta:registryMetadata": {
    "repo:createdDate": 1673310304048,
    "repo:lastModifiedDate": 1673310912096,
    "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:createdUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "eTag": "b480f28a35f356b237fc129e796074a3f33a7a67df273f6a8beaee1ec6465540",
    "meta:globalLibVersion": "1.38.2"
  "meta:class": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
  "meta:containerId": "tenant",
  "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
  "meta:tenantNamespace": "_{TENANT_ID}",
  "meta:descriptorStatus": {
    "result": []



有必要查看所有可用的字段组,以熟悉每个组中包含的字段。 通过针对每个“全局”和“租户”容器执行GET,您可以列出(请求)所有可用于特定类的字段组,仅返回那些“meta:intendedToExtend”字段与您使用的类匹配的字段组。 在这种情况下,它是XDM Individual Profile类,因此使用XDM Individual Profile $id
code language-http
GET /global/fieldgroups?property=meta:intendedToExtend==https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile
GET /tenant/fieldgroups?property=meta:intendedToExtend==https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile


PATCH /tenant/schemas/{SCHEMA_ID}



  • 个人联系人详细信息 (profile-personal-details):添加联系人信息,如家庭地址、电子邮件地址和家庭电话。
  • 忠诚度详细信息 (profile-loyalty-details):添加联系信息,如家庭地址、电子邮件地址和家庭电话。
curl -X PATCH \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas/_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.533ca5da28087c44344810891b0f03d9 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '[
        { "op": "add", "path": "/allOf/-", "value":  {"$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-personal-details"}},
        { "op": "add", "path": "/allOf/-", "value":  {"$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/mixins/profile/profile-loyalty-details"}}



忠诚度成员架构现在应在allOf数组中包含四个$ref值: profileprofile-person-detailsprofile-personal-detailsprofile-loyalty-details,如下所示。

  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
  "version": "1.2",
  "title": "Loyalty Members",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-person-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-personal-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/mixins/profile/profile-loyalty-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "refs": [
  "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
  "meta:extensible": false,
  "meta:abstract": false,
  "meta:extends": [
  "meta:xdmType": "object",
  "meta:registryMetadata": {
    "repo:createdDate": 1673310304048,
    "repo:lastModifiedDate": 1673311559934,
    "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:createdUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "eTag": "1de5ed1a07e3478719952f0a8c94d5e5390d5a9a998761adb4cf1989137fd6ea",
    "meta:globalLibVersion": "1.38.2"
  "meta:class": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
  "meta:containerId": "tenant",
  "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
  "meta:tenantNamespace": "_{TENANT_ID}",
  "meta:descriptorStatus": {
    "result": []



要添加这些字段,您可以在tenant容器中定义自己的自定义字段组。 这些字段组是您的组织所独有的,组织外的任何人不可见或编辑。




POST /tenant/fieldgroups



curl -X POST\
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -H 'content-type: application/json' \
  -d '{
        "type": "object",
        "title": "Loyalty Tier",
        "meta:intendedToExtend": [
        "description": "Captures info about the current loyalty tier of a customer.",
        "definitions": {
          "loyaltyTier": {
            "properties": {
              "_{TENANT_ID}": {
                "type": "object",
                "properties": {
                  "loyaltyTier": {
                    "type": "object",
                    "properties": {
                      "id": {
                        "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
                        "type": "string",
                        "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier."
                      "effectiveDate": {
                        "title": "Effective Date",
                        "type": "string",
                        "format": "date-time",
                        "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier."
                      "currentThreshold": {
                        "title": "Current Point Threshold",
                        "type": "integer",
                        "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the current tier."
                      "nextThreshold": {
                        "title": "Next Point Threshold",
                        "type": "integer",
                        "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier."
        "allOf": [
            "$ref": "#/definitions/loyaltyTier"


成功的请求返回HTTP响应状态201 (已创建),其响应正文包含新创建的字段组的详细信息,包括$idmeta:altItversion。 这些值是只读的,由Schema Registry分配。

  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/mixins/9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.mixins.9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691",
  "meta:resourceType": "mixins",
  "version": "1.0",
  "title": "Loyalty Tier",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Captures info about the current loyalty tier of a customer.",
  "definitions": {
    "loyaltyTier": {
      "properties": {
        "_{TENANT_ID}": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "loyaltyTier": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "id": {
                  "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
                  "type": "string",
                  "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "string"
                "effectiveDate": {
                  "title": "Effective Date",
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "date-time",
                  "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "date-time"
                "currentThreshold": {
                  "title": "Current Point Threshold",
                  "type": "integer",
                  "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the current tier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "int"
                "nextThreshold": {
                  "title": "Next Point Threshold",
                  "type": "integer",
                  "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "int"
              "meta:xdmType": "object"
          "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "#/definitions/loyaltyTier",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "refs": [],
  "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
  "meta:extensible": true,
  "meta:abstract": true,
  "meta:intendedToExtend": [
  "meta:xdmType": "object",
  "meta:registryMetadata": {
    "repo:createdDate": 1673313004645,
    "repo:lastModifiedDate": 1673313004645,
    "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
    "xdm:createdUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
    "eTag": "98e5d48808f5a4d9655493777389568a2581cfce013351ab9e1595d82f698dd6",
    "meta:globalLibVersion": "1.38.2"
  "meta:containerId": "tenant",
  "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
  "meta:tenantNamespace": "_{TENANT_ID}"




PATCH /tenant/schemas/{SCHEMA_ID}



curl -X PATCH \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas/_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.533ca5da28087c44344810891b0f03d9 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '[
        { "op": "add", "path": "/allOf/-", "value":  {"$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/mixins/9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691"}}



    "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
    "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
    "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
    "version": "1.3",
    "title": "Loyalty Members",
    "type": "object",
    "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
    "allOf": [
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
            "type": "object",
            "meta:xdmType": "object"
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-person-details",
            "type": "object",
            "meta:xdmType": "object"
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-personal-details",
            "type": "object",
            "meta:xdmType": "object"
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/mixins/profile/profile-loyalty-details",
            "type": "object",
            "meta:xdmType": "object"
            "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/mixins/9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691",
            "type": "object",
            "meta:xdmType": "object"
    "refs": [
    "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
    "meta:extensible": false,
    "meta:abstract": false,
    "meta:extends": [
    "meta:xdmType": "object",
    "meta:registryMetadata": {
        "repo:createdDate": 1673310304048,
        "repo:lastModifiedDate": 1673313118938,
        "xdm:createdClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
        "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
        "xdm:createdUserId": "{USER_ID}",
        "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
        "eTag": "6559b197a04bb3fda5bc80bf383a260cfbe32539d528f0139c5750711eebfba2",
        "meta:globalLibVersion": "1.38.2"
    "meta:class": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
    "meta:containerId": "tenant",
    "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
    "meta:sandboxType": "production",
    "meta:tenantNamespace": "_{TENANT_ID}",
    "meta:descriptorStatus": {
        "result": []




GET /tenant/schemas/{SCHEMA_ID}


curl -X GET \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas/_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.adobe.xed-full+json; version=1'


通过使用application/vnd.adobe.xed-full+json; version=1 Accept标头,您可以看到显示所有属性的完整架构。 这些属性是用来构建架构的类和字段组贡献的字段。 在下面的示例响应中,仅显示最近添加的字段以留出空间。 您可以在此文档末尾的附录中查看完整架构,包括所有属性及其属性。

"properties"下,您可以看到添加自定义字段组时创建的_{TENANT_ID}命名空间。 在该命名空间内是loyaltyTier对象以及在创建字段组时定义的字段。

  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/mixins/9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.mixins.9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691",
  "meta:resourceType": "mixins",
  "version": "1.0",
  "title": "Loyalty Tier",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Captures info about the current loyalty tier of a customer.",
  "definitions": {
    "loyaltyTier": {
      "properties": {
        "_{TENANT_ID}": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "loyaltyTier": {
              "type": "object",
              "properties": {
                "id": {
                  "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
                  "type": "string",
                  "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "string"
                "effectiveDate": {
                  "title": "Effective Date",
                  "type": "string",
                  "format": "date-time",
                  "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "date-time"
                "currentThreshold": {
                  "title": "Current Point Threshold",
                  "type": "integer",
                  "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the current tier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "int"
                "nextThreshold": {
                  "title": "Next Point Threshold",
                  "type": "integer",
                  "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier.",
                  "meta:xdmType": "int"
              "meta:xdmType": "object"
          "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "#/definitions/loyaltyTier",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "refs": [],
  "imsOrg": "{ORG_ID}",
  "meta:extensible": true,
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您创建的忠诚度级别字段组包含可能在其他架构中有用的特定属性。 例如,数据可能会作为体验事件的一部分摄取,或者由实现其他类的架构使用。 在这种情况下,有必要将对象层次结构另存为数据类型,以便更容易在其他位置重复使用该定义。




POST /tenant/datatypes



curl -X POST \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/datatypes \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '{
        "title": "Loyalty Tier",
        "type": "object",
        "description": "Loyalty Tier data type",
        "definitions": {
          "loyaltyTier": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "id": {
                "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
                "type": "string",
                "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier."
              "effectiveDate": {
                "title": "Effective Date",
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time",
                "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier."
              "currentThreshold": {
                "title": "Current Point Threshold",
                "type": "integer",
                "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the       current tier."
              "nextThreshold": {
                "title": "Next Point Threshold",
                "type": "integer",
                "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier."
        "allOf": [
            "$ref": "#/definitions/loyaltyTier"


成功的请求返回HTTP响应状态201(已创建),其响应正文包含新创建的数据类型的详细信息,包括$idmeta:altItversion。 这些值是只读的,由Schema Registry分配。

  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/datatypes/c069d13ebfaaa5980d988e7694d794b37b1784fe11d754cb",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.datatypes.c069d13ebfaaa5980d988e7694d794b37b1784fe11d754cb",
  "meta:resourceType": "datatypes",
  "version": "1.0",
  "title": "Loyalty Tier",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Loyalty Tier data type",
  "definitions": {
    "loyaltyTier": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string"
        "effectiveDate": {
          "title": "Effective Date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date-time"
        "currentThreshold": {
          "title": "Current Point Threshold",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the current tier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int"
        "nextThreshold": {
          "title": "Next Point Threshold",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int"
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "#/definitions/loyaltyTier",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
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    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
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  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
  "meta:tenantNamespace": "_{TENANT_ID}"

您可以使用编码的URL $id URI执行查找(GET)请求,以直接查看新数据类型。 请确保在查找请求的Accept标头中包含version




PATCH /tenant/fieldgroups/{FIELD_GROUP_ID}


curl -X PATCH \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/fieldgroups/_{TENANT_ID}.mixins.9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '[
          "op": "replace",
          "path": "/definitions/loyaltyTier/properties/_{TENANT_ID}/properties",
          "value": {
            "loyaltyTier": {
              "title": "Loyalty Tier",
              "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/datatypes/c069d13ebfaaa5980d988e7694d794b37b1784fe11d754cb",
              "description": "Loyalty tier info"



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  "title": "Loyalty Tier",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Captures info about the current loyalty tier of a customer.",
  "definitions": {
    "loyaltyTier": {
      "properties": {
        "_{TENANT_ID}": {
          "type": "object",
          "properties": {
            "loyaltyTier": {
              "title": "Loyalty Tier",
              "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/datatypes/c069d13ebfaaa5980d988e7694d794b37b1784fe11d754cb",
              "description": "Loyalty tier info",
              "type": "object",
              "meta:xdmType": "object"
          "meta:xdmType": "object"
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "#/definitions/loyaltyTier",
      "type": "object",
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  "meta:descriptorStatus": {
    "result": []


"_{TENANT_ID}": {
  "type": "object",
  "meta:xdmType": "object",
  "properties": {
    "loyaltyTier": {
      "title": "Loyalty Tier",
      "description": "Loyalty tier info",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "id": {
          "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string"
        "effectiveDate": {
          "title": "Effective Date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date-time"
        "currentThreshold": {
          "title": "Current Point Threshold",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the current tier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int"
        "nextThreshold": {
          "title": "Next Point Threshold",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/datatypes/c069d13ebfaaa5980d988e7694d794b37b1784fe11d754cb"


架构用于将数据摄取到Experience Platform。 此数据最终跨多个服务使用,以创建个人的单个统一视图。 为了帮助完成此过程,可以将关键字段标记为“身份”,并在摄取数据时,将这些字段中的数据插入该个人的“身份图”中。 然后,Real-Time Customer Profile和其他Experience Platform服务可以访问图形数据,以提供每个客户的拼合视图。

通常标记为“标识”的字段包括:电子邮件地址、电话号码、Experience Cloud ID (ECID)、CRM ID或其他唯一ID字段。 请考虑特定于贵组织的任何唯一标识符,因为它们可能是良好的标识字段。




POST /tenant/descriptors


以下请求在personalEmail.address字段中为忠诚度成员架构定义标识描述符。 这告知Experience Platform使用忠诚度会员的电子邮件地址作为标识符,以帮助拼合有关个人的信息。 通过将xdm:isPrimary设置为true,此调用还将此字段设置为架构的主要标识,这是启用架构以在实时客户个人资料中使用的要求。

curl -X POST \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/descriptors \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '{
        "@type": "xdm:descriptorIdentity",
        "xdm:sourceSchema": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/533ca5da28087c44344810891b0f03d9",
        "xdm:sourceVersion": 1,
        "xdm:sourceProperty": "/_{TENANT_ID}/loyalty/loyaltyId",
        "xdm:namespace": "Email",
        "xdm:property": "xdm:code",
        "xdm:isPrimary": false
您可以使用Identity Service API列出可用的“xdm:namespace”值或创建新值。 “xdm:property”的值可以是“xdm:code”或“xdm:id”,具体取决于使用的“xdm:namespace”。


成功的响应返回HTTP状态201 (已创建),响应正文包含新创建的描述符的详细信息,包括其@id@id是由Schema Registry分配的只读字段,用于引用API中的描述符。

  "@id": "719a4391897c097786efbaa6d4262bb928a1cd88540344c6",
  "@type": "xdm:descriptorIdentity",
  "xdm:sourceSchema": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "xdm:sourceVersion": 1,
  "xdm:sourceProperty": "/personalEmail/address",
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  "version": "1",
  "xdm:namespace": "Email",
  "xdm:property": "xdm:code",
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  "meta:sandboxId": "28e74200-e3de-11e9-8f5d-7f27416c5f0d",
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启用架构以便在Real-Time Customer Profile中使用 profile

在架构应用了主标识描述符后,您可以通过向meta:immutableTags属性添加union标记来启用忠诚度成员架构以供Real-Time Customer Profile使用。

有关使用联合视图的更多信息,请参阅Schema Registry开发人员指南中有关联合的章节。


为了将架构包含在合并合并视图中,必须将union标记添加到架构的meta:immutableTags属性。 这是通过PATCH请求完成的,该请求用于更新架构并添加值为unionmeta:immutableTags数组。


PATCH /tenant/schemas/{SCHEMA_ID}


curl -X PATCH \
  https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas/_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.533ca5da28087c44344810891b0f03d9 \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}' \
  -d '[
        { "op": "add", "path": "/meta:immutableTags", "value": ["union"]}



  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
  "version": "1.4",
  "title": "Loyalty Members",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
  "allOf": [
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-person-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile-personal-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/mixins/profile/profile-loyalty-details",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
      "$ref": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/mixins/9068fd4ea2abf813f4fd2fc9c8b413ae453ff0efc7636691",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
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    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
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  "meta:sandboxType": "production",
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  "meta:immutableTags": [
  "meta:descriptorStatus": {
    "result": []


您现在已成功将架构添加到XDM Individual Profile联合。 要查看属于同一合并的所有架构的列表,您可以使用查询参数执行GET请求以筛选响应。

使用property查询参数,您可以指定只返回包含meta:immutableTags字段的架构,该字段的meta:class等于XDM Individual Profile类的$id


GET /tenant/schemas?property=meta:immutableTags==union&property=meta:class=={CLASS_ID}


下面的示例请求返回属于XDM Individual Profile并集的所有架构。

curl -X GET \
  'https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/tenant/schemas?property=meta:immutableTags==union&property=meta:class==https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile' \
  -H 'Accept: application/vnd.adobe.xed-id+json' \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS_TOKEN}' \
  -H 'x-api-key: {API_KEY}' \
  -H 'x-gw-ims-org-id: {ORG_ID}' \
  -H 'x-sandbox-name: {SANDBOX_NAME}'


响应是一个经过过滤的架构列表,仅包含同时满足这两个要求的架构。 请记住,使用多个查询参数时,假定使用AND关系。 列表响应的格式取决于请求中发送的Accept标头。

  "results": [
      "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/d29a200b5deb6cfb55d3b865ef627f33",
      "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.d29a200b5deb6cfb55d3b865ef627f33",
      "version": "1.2",
      "title": "Profile Schema"
      "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/5d70026f5522fc60b3c81f6523b83c86",
      "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.5d70026f5522fc60b3c81f6523b83c86",
      "version": "1.3",
      "title": "CRM Onboarding"
      "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/653e53eb04341d09453c9b6a5fb43d1b4ca9526ec274856d",
      "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.653e53eb04341d09453c9b6a5fb43d1b4ca9526ec274856d",
      "version": "1.1",
      "title": "Profile consents"
      "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
      "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
      "version": "1.4",
      "title": "Loyalty Members"
  "_page": {
    "orderby": "updated",
    "next": null,
    "count": 4
  "_links": {
    "next": null,
    "global_schemas": {
      "href": "https://platform.adobe.io/data/foundation/schemaregistry/global/schemas?property=meta:immutableTags==union&property=meta:class==https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/profile"


通过遵循本教程,您已使用标准字段组和您定义的字段组成功编写了架构。 您现在可以使用此架构创建数据集并将记录数据摄取到Adobe Experience Platform。

在本教程中创建的完整忠诚度成员架构在以下附录中提供。 查看架构时,您可以看到字段组对整体结构的贡献以及哪些字段可用于数据摄取。

创建多个架构后,可通过使用关系描述符定义它们之间的关系。 有关详细信息,请参阅的教程,以定义两个架构之间的关系。 有关如何执行注册表中的所有操作(GET、POST、PUT、PATCH和DELETE)的详细示例,在使用API时请参阅架构注册表开发人员指南

附录 appendix


完整忠诚度成员架构 complete-schema


架构实现XDM Individual Profile类并合并多个字段组。 它使用标准Demographic Details、个人联系人详细信息和忠诚度详细信息字段组,以及通过教程中定义的自定义忠诚度级别字段组捕获有关忠诚度成员的信息。


code language-json
  "$id": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/schemas/ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:altId": "_{TENANT_ID}.schemas.ee56b80adc7e03b8214e135a28538fe83c7f85bf87f565b3",
  "meta:resourceType": "schemas",
  "version": "1.4",
  "title": "Loyalty Members",
  "type": "object",
  "description": "Information for all members of the loyalty program",
  "properties": {
    "_{TENANT_ID}": {
      "type": "object",
      "properties": {
        "loyaltyTier": {
          "title": "Loyalty Tier",
          "description": "Loyalty tier info",
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "properties": {
            "id": {
              "title": "Loyalty Tier Identifier",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "Loyalty Tier Identifier.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string"
            "effectiveDate": {
              "title": "Effective Date",
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "description": "Date the member joined their current loyalty tier.",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time"
            "currentThreshold": {
              "title": "Current Point Threshold",
              "type": "integer",
              "description": "The minimum number of loyalty points the member must maintain to remain in the current tier.",
              "meta:xdmType": "int"
            "nextThreshold": {
              "title": "Next Point Threshold",
              "type": "integer",
              "description": "The number of loyalty points the member must accrue to graduate to the next tier.",
              "meta:xdmType": "int"
          "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/{TENANT_ID}/datatypes/c069d13ebfaaa5980d988e7694d794b37b1784fe11d754cb"
      "meta:xdmType": "object"
    "_id": {
      "title": "Identifier",
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri-reference",
      "description": "A unique identifier for the record.",
      "meta:xdmType": "string",
      "meta:xdmField": "@id"
    "_repo": {
      "properties": {
        "createDate": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "meta:immutable": true,
          "meta:usereditable": false,
          "examples": [
          "description": "The server date and time when the resource was created in the repository, such as when an asset file is first uploaded or a directory is created by the server as the parent of a new asset. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
          "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
          "meta:xdmField": "repo:createDate"
        "modifyDate": {
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "meta:usereditable": false,
          "examples": [
          "description": "The server date and time when the resource was last modified in the repository, such as when a new version of an asset is uploaded or a directory's child resource is added or removed. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
          "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
          "meta:xdmField": "repo:modifyDate"
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "meta:xedConverted": true
    "billingAddress": {
      "title": "Billing Address",
      "description": "Billing postal address.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "_id": {
          "title": "Coordinates ID",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The unique identifier of the coordinates.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "@id"
        "_repo": {
          "properties": {
            "createDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:immutable": true,
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was created in the repository, such as when an asset file is first uploaded or a directory is created by the server as the parent of a new asset. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:createDate"
            "modifyDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was last modified in the repository, such as when a new version of an asset is uploaded or a directory's child resource is added or removed. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:modifyDate"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "_schema": {
          "properties": {
            "description": {
              "title": "Description",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "A description of what the coordinates identify.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:description"
            "elevation": {
              "title": "Elevation",
              "type": "number",
              "description": "The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84](http://gisgeography.com/wgs84-world-geodetic-system/) datum and is measured in meters.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:elevation"
            "latitude": {
              "title": "Latitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -90,
              "maximum": 90,
              "description": "The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:latitude"
            "longitude": {
              "title": "Longitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -180,
              "maximum": 180,
              "description": "The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:longitude"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "city": {
          "title": "City",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the city.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:city"
        "country": {
          "title": "Country",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the government-administered territory. Other than `xdm:countryCode`, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:country"
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country code",
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
          "description": "The two-character [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://datahub.io/core/country-list) code for the country.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "createdByBatchID": {
          "title": "Created by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The dataset files in Catalog which has been originating the creation of the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:createdByBatchID"
        "dmaID": {
          "title": "Designated market area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The Nielsen media research designated market area.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:dmaID"
        "label": {
          "title": "Label",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Free form name of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:label"
        "lastVerifiedDate": {
          "title": "Last verified date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date",
          "description": "The date that the address was last verified as still associated to the person.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:lastVerifiedDate"
        "modifiedByBatchID": {
          "title": "Modified by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The last dataset files in Catalog which has modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByBatchID` is set as `createdByBatchID`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:modifiedByBatchID"
        "msaID": {
          "title": "Metropolitan statistical area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:msaID"
        "postOfficeBox": {
          "title": "Post office box",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Post office box of the address.",
          "maxLength": 20,
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postOfficeBox"
        "postalCode": {
          "title": "Postal code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postalCode"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary address indicator. A profile can have only one `primary` address at a given point of time.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "region": {
          "title": "Region",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The region, county, or district portion of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:region"
        "repositoryCreatedBy": {
          "title": "Created by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who created the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryCreatedBy"
        "repositoryLastModifiedBy": {
          "title": "Modified by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who last modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByUser` is set as `createdByUser`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryLastModifiedBy"
        "state": {
          "title": "State",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the State. This is a free-form field.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:state"
        "stateProvince": {
          "title": "State or province",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the [ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision)][http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/subdivisions.html] standard.",
          "examples": [
          "pattern": "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Z0-9]{1,3}|)",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:stateProvince"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the address.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "pending_verification": "Pending verification",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "street1": {
          "title": "Street 1",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street1"
        "street2": {
          "title": "Street 2",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information second line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street2"
        "street3": {
          "title": "Street 3",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information third line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street3"
        "street4": {
          "title": "Street 4",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information fourth line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street4"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/common/address",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:billingAddress"
    "createdByBatchID": {
      "title": "Created by batch identifier",
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri-reference",
      "description": "The dataset files in Catalog which has been originating the creation of the record.",
      "meta:xdmType": "string",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:createdByBatchID"
    "faxPhone": {
      "title": "Fax Phone",
      "description": "Fax phone number.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country Calling Code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Country calling code (CC) as defined by E.164.",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 3,
          "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,3}?$",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "extension": {
          "title": "Extension",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The internal dialing number used to call from a private exchange, operator, or switchboard.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:extension"
        "number": {
          "title": "Number",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The phone number. Note the phone number is a string and may include meaningful characters such as brackets '()', hyphens '-', or characters to indicate sub-dialing identifiers like extensions 'x' for example,  1-353(0)18391111 or +613 9403600x1234.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:number"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary phone number indicator. Unlike address or email address, there can be multiple primary phone numbers; one per communication channel. The communication channel is defined by the type: `textMessaging`, `mobile`, `phone`, `home`, `work`, `unknown`, and `fax`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the phone number.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "validity": {
          "title": "Validity",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A level of technical correctness of the phone number.",
          "meta:enum": {
            "consistent": "Consistent",
            "inconsistent": "Inconsistent",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "successfullyUsed": "Successfully used"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:validity"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/phonenumber",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:faxPhone"
    "homeAddress": {
      "title": "Home Address",
      "description": "A home postal address.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "_id": {
          "title": "Coordinates ID",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The unique identifier of the coordinates.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "@id"
        "_repo": {
          "properties": {
            "createDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:immutable": true,
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was created in the repository, such as when an asset file is first uploaded or a directory is created by the server as the parent of a new asset. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:createDate"
            "modifyDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was last modified in the repository, such as when a new version of an asset is uploaded or a directory's child resource is added or removed. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:modifyDate"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "_schema": {
          "properties": {
            "description": {
              "title": "Description",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "A description of what the coordinates identify.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:description"
            "elevation": {
              "title": "Elevation",
              "type": "number",
              "description": "The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84](http://gisgeography.com/wgs84-world-geodetic-system/) datum and is measured in meters.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:elevation"
            "latitude": {
              "title": "Latitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -90,
              "maximum": 90,
              "description": "The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:latitude"
            "longitude": {
              "title": "Longitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -180,
              "maximum": 180,
              "description": "The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:longitude"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "city": {
          "title": "City",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the city.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:city"
        "country": {
          "title": "Country",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the government-administered territory. Other than `xdm:countryCode`, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:country"
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country code",
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
          "description": "The two-character [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://datahub.io/core/country-list) code for the country.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "createdByBatchID": {
          "title": "Created by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The dataset files in Catalog which has been originating the creation of the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:createdByBatchID"
        "dmaID": {
          "title": "Designated market area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The Nielsen media research designated market area.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:dmaID"
        "label": {
          "title": "Label",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Free form name of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:label"
        "lastVerifiedDate": {
          "title": "Last verified date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date",
          "description": "The date that the address was last verified as still associated to the person.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:lastVerifiedDate"
        "modifiedByBatchID": {
          "title": "Modified by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The last dataset files in Catalog which has modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByBatchID` is set as `createdByBatchID`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:modifiedByBatchID"
        "msaID": {
          "title": "Metropolitan statistical area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:msaID"
        "postOfficeBox": {
          "title": "Post office box",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Post office box of the address.",
          "maxLength": 20,
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postOfficeBox"
        "postalCode": {
          "title": "Postal code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postalCode"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary address indicator. A profile can have only one `primary` address at a given point of time.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "region": {
          "title": "Region",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The region, county, or district portion of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:region"
        "repositoryCreatedBy": {
          "title": "Created by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who created the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryCreatedBy"
        "repositoryLastModifiedBy": {
          "title": "Modified by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who last modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByUser` is set as `createdByUser`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryLastModifiedBy"
        "state": {
          "title": "State",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the State. This is a free-form field.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:state"
        "stateProvince": {
          "title": "State or province",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the [ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision)][http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/subdivisions.html] standard.",
          "examples": [
          "pattern": "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Z0-9]{1,3}|)",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:stateProvince"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the address.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "pending_verification": "Pending verification",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "street1": {
          "title": "Street 1",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street1"
        "street2": {
          "title": "Street 2",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information second line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street2"
        "street3": {
          "title": "Street 3",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information third line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street3"
        "street4": {
          "title": "Street 4",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information fourth line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street4"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/common/address",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:homeAddress"
    "homePhone": {
      "title": "Home Phone",
      "description": "Home phone number.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country Calling Code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Country calling code (CC) as defined by E.164.",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 3,
          "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,3}?$",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "extension": {
          "title": "Extension",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The internal dialing number used to call from a private exchange, operator, or switchboard.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:extension"
        "number": {
          "title": "Number",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The phone number. Note the phone number is a string and may include meaningful characters such as brackets '()', hyphens '-', or characters to indicate sub-dialing identifiers like extensions 'x' for example,  1-353(0)18391111 or +613 9403600x1234.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:number"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary phone number indicator. Unlike address or email address, there can be multiple primary phone numbers; one per communication channel. The communication channel is defined by the type: `textMessaging`, `mobile`, `phone`, `home`, `work`, `unknown`, and `fax`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the phone number.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "validity": {
          "title": "Validity",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A level of technical correctness of the phone number.",
          "meta:enum": {
            "consistent": "Consistent",
            "inconsistent": "Inconsistent",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "successfullyUsed": "Successfully used"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:validity"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/phonenumber",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:homePhone"
    "loyalty": {
      "type": "object",
      "description": "Captures details related to the customer's loyalty rewards.",
      "properties": {
        "joinDate": {
          "title": "Program Join Date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date-time",
          "description": "Date which the visitor registered for the loyalty program.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:joinDate"
        "loyaltyID": {
          "title": "Program ID",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "string",
            "meta:xdmType": "string"
          "description": "The loyalty program ID(s) associated with a specific user, if they are enrolled in the client's loyalty program.",
          "meta:xdmType": "array",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:loyaltyID"
        "points": {
          "title": "Program Points Balance",
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Current balance of the loyalty points/awards in a visitor's loyalty account.",
          "meta:xdmType": "number",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:points"
        "pointsExpiration": {
          "title": "Points Expiration",
          "type": "array",
          "items": {
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {
              "pointsExpirationDate": {
                "type": "string",
                "format": "date-time",
                "description": "Date on which the given portion of the loyalty points expire.",
                "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
                "meta:xdmField": "xdm:pointsExpirationDate"
              "pointsExpiring": {
                "title": "Points Expiring",
                "type": "number",
                "description": "Point balance expiring as of the associated expiration date.",
                "meta:xdmType": "number",
                "meta:xdmField": "xdm:pointsExpiring"
            "meta:xdmType": "object"
          "meta:xdmType": "array",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:pointsExpiration"
        "pointsRedeemed": {
          "title": "Points Redeemed",
          "type": "number",
          "description": "Amount of points applied toward a purchase or otherwise redeemed.",
          "meta:xdmType": "number",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:pointsRedeemed"
        "program": {
          "title": "Program Name",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "This should define the loyalty progam in which a visitor is enrolled.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:program"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Captures the visitor's loyalty progam status, such as active, disabled, or suspended.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "tier": {
          "title": "Tier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Captures the loyalty progam tier in which a visitor is enrolled.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:tier"
        "upgradeDate": {
          "title": "Program Name",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Date which the customer was upgraded to the next tier level.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:upgradeDate"
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:loyalty"
    "mailingAddress": {
      "title": "Mailing Address",
      "description": "Mailing postal address.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "_id": {
          "title": "Coordinates ID",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The unique identifier of the coordinates.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "@id"
        "_repo": {
          "properties": {
            "createDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:immutable": true,
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was created in the repository, such as when an asset file is first uploaded or a directory is created by the server as the parent of a new asset. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:createDate"
            "modifyDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was last modified in the repository, such as when a new version of an asset is uploaded or a directory's child resource is added or removed. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:modifyDate"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "_schema": {
          "properties": {
            "description": {
              "title": "Description",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "A description of what the coordinates identify.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:description"
            "elevation": {
              "title": "Elevation",
              "type": "number",
              "description": "The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84](http://gisgeography.com/wgs84-world-geodetic-system/) datum and is measured in meters.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:elevation"
            "latitude": {
              "title": "Latitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -90,
              "maximum": 90,
              "description": "The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:latitude"
            "longitude": {
              "title": "Longitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -180,
              "maximum": 180,
              "description": "The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:longitude"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "city": {
          "title": "City",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the city.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:city"
        "country": {
          "title": "Country",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the government-administered territory. Other than `xdm:countryCode`, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:country"
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country code",
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
          "description": "The two-character [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://datahub.io/core/country-list) code for the country.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "createdByBatchID": {
          "title": "Created by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The dataset files in Catalog which has been originating the creation of the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:createdByBatchID"
        "dmaID": {
          "title": "Designated market area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The Nielsen media research designated market area.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:dmaID"
        "label": {
          "title": "Label",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Free form name of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:label"
        "lastVerifiedDate": {
          "title": "Last verified date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date",
          "description": "The date that the address was last verified as still associated to the person.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:lastVerifiedDate"
        "modifiedByBatchID": {
          "title": "Modified by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The last dataset files in Catalog which has modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByBatchID` is set as `createdByBatchID`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:modifiedByBatchID"
        "msaID": {
          "title": "Metropolitan statistical area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:msaID"
        "postOfficeBox": {
          "title": "Post office box",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Post office box of the address.",
          "maxLength": 20,
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postOfficeBox"
        "postalCode": {
          "title": "Postal code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postalCode"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary address indicator. A profile can have only one `primary` address at a given point of time.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "region": {
          "title": "Region",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The region, county, or district portion of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:region"
        "repositoryCreatedBy": {
          "title": "Created by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who created the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryCreatedBy"
        "repositoryLastModifiedBy": {
          "title": "Modified by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who last modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByUser` is set as `createdByUser`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryLastModifiedBy"
        "state": {
          "title": "State",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the State. This is a free-form field.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:state"
        "stateProvince": {
          "title": "State or province",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the [ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision)][http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/subdivisions.html] standard.",
          "examples": [
          "pattern": "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Z0-9]{1,3}|)",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:stateProvince"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the address.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "pending_verification": "Pending verification",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "street1": {
          "title": "Street 1",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street1"
        "street2": {
          "title": "Street 2",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information second line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street2"
        "street3": {
          "title": "Street 3",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information third line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street3"
        "street4": {
          "title": "Street 4",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information fourth line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street4"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/common/address",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:mailingAddress"
    "mobilePhone": {
      "title": "Mobile Phone",
      "description": "Mobile phone number.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country Calling Code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Country calling code (CC) as defined by E.164.",
          "minLength": 1,
          "maxLength": 3,
          "pattern": "^[0-9]{1,3}?$",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "extension": {
          "title": "Extension",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The internal dialing number used to call from a private exchange, operator, or switchboard.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:extension"
        "number": {
          "title": "Number",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The phone number. Note the phone number is a string and may include meaningful characters such as brackets '()', hyphens '-', or characters to indicate sub-dialing identifiers like extensions 'x' for example,  1-353(0)18391111 or +613 9403600x1234.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:number"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary phone number indicator. Unlike address or email address, there can be multiple primary phone numbers; one per communication channel. The communication channel is defined by the type: `textMessaging`, `mobile`, `phone`, `home`, `work`, `unknown`, and `fax`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the phone number.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "validity": {
          "title": "Validity",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A level of technical correctness of the phone number.",
          "meta:enum": {
            "consistent": "Consistent",
            "inconsistent": "Inconsistent",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "successfullyUsed": "Successfully used"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:validity"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/phonenumber",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:mobilePhone"
    "modifiedByBatchID": {
      "title": "Modified by batch identifier",
      "type": "string",
      "format": "uri-reference",
      "description": "The last dataset files in Catalog which has modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByBatchID` is set as `createdByBatchID`.",
      "meta:xdmType": "string",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:modifiedByBatchID"
    "person": {
      "title": "Person",
      "description": "An individual actor, contact, or owner.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "birthDate": {
          "title": "Birth date(YYYY-MM-DD)",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date",
          "description": "The full date a person was born.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:birthDate"
        "birthDayAndMonth": {
          "title": "Birth date (MM-DD)",
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "[0-1][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]",
          "description": "The day and month a person was born, in the format MM-DD. This field should be used when the day and month of a person's birth is known, but not the year.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:birthDayAndMonth"
        "birthYear": {
          "title": "Birth year",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The year a person was born including the century, for example, 1983.  This field should be used when only the person's age is known, not the full birth date.",
          "minimum": 1,
          "maximum": 32767,
          "meta:xdmType": "short",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:birthYear"
        "gender": {
          "title": "Gender",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "meta:enum": {
            "male": "Male",
            "female": "Female",
            "not_specified": "Not Specified",
            "non_specific": "Non-specific"
          "description": "Gender identity of the person.\n",
          "default": "not_specified",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:gender"
        "maritalStatus": {
          "title": "Marital Status",
          "type": "string",
          "enum": [
          "meta:enum": {
            "married": "Married",
            "single": "Single",
            "divorced": "Divorced",
            "widowed": "Widowed",
            "not_specified": "Not Specified"
          "description": "Describes a person's relationship with a significant other.",
          "default": "not_specified",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:maritalStatus"
        "name": {
          "title": "Full name",
          "description": "The person's full name.",
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "properties": {
            "courtesyTitle": {
              "title": "Courtesy title",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "Normally an abbreviation of a persons title, honorific, or salutation. The `courtesyTitle` is used in front of full or last name in opening texts. For example, Mr. Miss. or Dr.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "xdm:courtesyTitle"
            "firstName": {
              "title": "First name",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The first segment of the name in the writing order most commonly accepted in the language of the name. In many cultures this is the preferred personal or given name. The `firstName` and `lastName` properties have been introduced to maintain compatibility with existing systems that model names in a simplified, non-semantic, and non-internationalizable way. Using `xdm:fullName` is always preferable.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "xdm:firstName"
            "fullName": {
              "title": "Full name",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The full name of the person, in writing order most commonly accepted in the language of the name.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "xdm:fullName"
            "lastName": {
              "title": "Last name",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "The last segment of the name in the writing order most commonly accepted in the language of the name. In many cultures this is the inherited family name, surname, patronymic, or matronymic name. The `firstName` and `lastName` properties have been introduced to maintain compatibility with existing systems that model names in a simplified, non-semantic, and non-internationalizable way. Using `xdm:fullName` is always preferable.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "xdm:lastName"
            "middleName": {
              "title": "Middle name",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "Middle, alternative, or additional names supplied between the first name and last name.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "xdm:middleName"
            "suffix": {
              "title": "Suffix",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "A group of letters provided after a person's name to provide additional information. The `suffix` is used at the end of someones name. For example Jr., Sr., M.D., PhD, I, II, III, etc.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "xdm:suffix"
          "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/person-name",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:name"
        "nationality": {
          "title": "Nationality",
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
          "description": "The legal relationship between a person and their state represented using the ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 code.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:nationality"
        "taxId": {
          "title": "Tax ID",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The Tax / Fiscal ID of the person, e.g. the TIN in the US or the CIF/NIF in Spain.",
          "meta:status": "deprecated",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:taxId"
        "type": {
          "title": "Type",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The type of individual in different business contexts like B2C.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:type"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/person",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:person"
    "personID": {
      "title": "Person ID",
      "description": "Unique identifier of Person/Profile fragment.",
      "type": "string",
      "meta:xdmType": "string",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:personID"
    "personalEmail": {
      "title": "Personal Email",
      "description": "A personal email address.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "address": {
          "title": "Address",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "email",
          "description": "The technical address, for example, 'name@domain.com' as commonly defined in RFC2822 and subsequent standards.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:address",
          "minLength": 1
        "label": {
          "title": "Label",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Additional display information that maybe available, for example, Microsoft Outlook rich address controls display 'John Smith smithjr@company.uk', 'John Smith' part is data that would be placed in the label.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:label"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary email indicator. A profile can have only one `primary` email address at a given point of time.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the email address.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "pending_verification": "Pending verification",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "type": {
          "title": "Type",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The way the account relates to the person for example 'work' or 'personal'.",
          "meta:enum": {
            "unknown": "Unknown",
            "personal": "Personal",
            "work": "Work",
            "education": "Education"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:type"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/context/emailaddress",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:personalEmail",
      "required": [
    "repositoryCreatedBy": {
      "title": "Created by user identifier",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "User ID of who created the record.",
      "meta:xdmType": "string",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryCreatedBy"
    "repositoryLastModifiedBy": {
      "title": "Modified by user identifier",
      "type": "string",
      "description": "User ID of who last modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByUser` is set as `createdByUser`.",
      "meta:xdmType": "string",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryLastModifiedBy"
    "shippingAddress": {
      "title": "Shipping Address",
      "description": "Shipping postal address.",
      "type": "object",
      "meta:xdmType": "object",
      "properties": {
        "_id": {
          "title": "Coordinates ID",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The unique identifier of the coordinates.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "@id"
        "_repo": {
          "properties": {
            "createDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:immutable": true,
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was created in the repository, such as when an asset file is first uploaded or a directory is created by the server as the parent of a new asset. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:createDate"
            "modifyDate": {
              "type": "string",
              "format": "date-time",
              "meta:usereditable": false,
              "examples": [
              "description": "The server date and time when the resource was last modified in the repository, such as when a new version of an asset is uploaded or a directory's child resource is added or removed. The date time property should conform to ISO 8601 standard. An example form is \"2004-10-23T12:00:00-06:00\".",
              "meta:xdmType": "date-time",
              "meta:xdmField": "repo:modifyDate"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "_schema": {
          "properties": {
            "description": {
              "title": "Description",
              "type": "string",
              "description": "A description of what the coordinates identify.",
              "meta:xdmType": "string",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:description"
            "elevation": {
              "title": "Elevation",
              "type": "number",
              "description": "The specific elevation of the defined coordinate. The value conforms to the [WGS84](http://gisgeography.com/wgs84-world-geodetic-system/) datum and is measured in meters.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:elevation"
            "latitude": {
              "title": "Latitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -90,
              "maximum": 90,
              "description": "The signed vertical coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:latitude"
            "longitude": {
              "title": "Longitude",
              "type": "number",
              "minimum": -180,
              "maximum": 180,
              "description": "The signed horizontal coordinate of a geographic point.",
              "meta:xdmType": "number",
              "meta:xdmField": "schema:longitude"
          "type": "object",
          "meta:xdmType": "object",
          "meta:xedConverted": true
        "city": {
          "title": "City",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the city.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:city"
        "country": {
          "title": "Country",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the government-administered territory. Other than `xdm:countryCode`, this is a free-form field that can have the country name in any language.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:country"
        "countryCode": {
          "title": "Country code",
          "type": "string",
          "pattern": "^[A-Z]{2}$",
          "description": "The two-character [ISO 3166-1 alpha-2](https://datahub.io/core/country-list) code for the country.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:countryCode"
        "createdByBatchID": {
          "title": "Created by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The dataset files in Catalog which has been originating the creation of the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:createdByBatchID"
        "dmaID": {
          "title": "Designated market area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The Nielsen media research designated market area.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:dmaID"
        "label": {
          "title": "Label",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Free form name of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:label"
        "lastVerifiedDate": {
          "title": "Last verified date",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "date",
          "description": "The date that the address was last verified as still associated to the person.",
          "meta:xdmType": "date",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:lastVerifiedDate"
        "modifiedByBatchID": {
          "title": "Modified by batch identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "format": "uri-reference",
          "description": "The last dataset files in Catalog which has modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByBatchID` is set as `createdByBatchID`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:modifiedByBatchID"
        "msaID": {
          "title": "Metropolitan statistical area",
          "type": "integer",
          "description": "The metropolitan statistical area in the United States where the observation occurred.",
          "meta:xdmType": "int",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:msaID"
        "postOfficeBox": {
          "title": "Post office box",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Post office box of the address.",
          "maxLength": 20,
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postOfficeBox"
        "postalCode": {
          "title": "Postal code",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The postal code of the location. Postal codes are not available for all countries. In some countries, this will only contain part of the postal code.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:postalCode"
        "primary": {
          "title": "Primary",
          "type": "boolean",
          "description": "Primary address indicator. A profile can have only one `primary` address at a given point of time.",
          "meta:xdmType": "boolean",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:primary"
        "region": {
          "title": "Region",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The region, county, or district portion of the address.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:region"
        "repositoryCreatedBy": {
          "title": "Created by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who created the record.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryCreatedBy"
        "repositoryLastModifiedBy": {
          "title": "Modified by user identifier",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "User ID of who last modified the record. At creation time, `modifiedByUser` is set as `createdByUser`.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:repositoryLastModifiedBy"
        "state": {
          "title": "State",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The name of the State. This is a free-form field.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:state"
        "stateProvince": {
          "title": "State or province",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "The state, or province portion of the observation. The format follows the [ISO 3166-2 (country and subdivision)][http://www.unece.org/cefact/locode/subdivisions.html] standard.",
          "examples": [
          "pattern": "([A-Z]{2}-[A-Z0-9]{1,3}|)",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:stateProvince"
        "status": {
          "title": "Status",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "An indication as to the ability to use the address.",
          "default": "active",
          "meta:enum": {
            "active": "Active",
            "incomplete": "Incomplete",
            "pending_verification": "Pending verification",
            "blacklisted": "Blacklisted",
            "blocked": "Blocked"
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:status"
        "statusReason": {
          "title": "Status reason",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "A description of the current status.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:statusReason"
        "street1": {
          "title": "Street 1",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Primary street level information, apartment number, street number, and street name.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street1"
        "street2": {
          "title": "Street 2",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information second line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street2"
        "street3": {
          "title": "Street 3",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information third line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street3"
        "street4": {
          "title": "Street 4",
          "type": "string",
          "description": "Optional street information fourth line.",
          "meta:xdmType": "string",
          "meta:xdmField": "xdm:street4"
      "meta:referencedFrom": "https://ns.adobe.com/xdm/common/address",
      "meta:xdmField": "xdm:shippingAddress"
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    "xdm:lastModifiedClientId": "{CLIENT_ID}",
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    "xdm:lastModifiedUserId": "{USER_ID}",
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