Reuse a custom field or asset widget in a custom form with the legacy form builder

With the 24.7 release, the form designer will be generally available and will become the default experience for creating and editing custom forms in Adobe Workfront. The legacy form builder will no longer be available. We recommend that you switch to the form designer now and take advantage of its features.
For information, see Design a form with the form designer.
The legacy form builder was removed from the Preview environment on June 19, 2024, and will be removed from the Production environment with the 24.7 release in July.

When you are creating or editing a custom form, you can add a custom field or asset widget that has already been added to another custom form.

You can also reuse an existing calculated custom field in a custom form. For instructions, see Reuse an existing calculated custom field in a custom form.

For information about custom fields and asset widgets in custom forms, see Add a custom field to a custom form and Add or edit an asset widget in a custom form.

Access requirements

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Access level configurations*

Administrative access to custom forms

For information about how Workfront administrators grants this access, see Grant users administrative access to certain areas.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access level configurations you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Reuse a custom field or widget already used in another custom form

  1. Begin creating or editing a custom form, as described in Create or edit a custom form with the legacy form builder.

  2. With Add a field selected, click Field Library.

  3. Drag the field or widget here you want it in the custom form.

  4. (Optional) Repeat the two previous steps to add any other fields or widgets.

    note note
    You can add up to 500 fields and widgets on a single custom form. However, performance degradation can occur when more than 100 exist on a form, depending on its complexity.
    Examples of complex forms include forms with cascading parameters, calculated custom data fields, and multiple value options in a single field.
  5. If you want to continue building your custom form in other ways, continue on to one of the following articles:
