Add display logic and skip logic to a custom form with the legacy form builder

With the 24.7 release, the form designer will be generally available and will become the default experience for creating and editing custom forms in Adobe Workfront. The legacy form builder will no longer be available. We recommend that you switch to the form designer now and take advantage of its features.
For information, see Design a form with the form designer.
The legacy form builder was removed from the Preview environment on June 19, 2024, and will be removed from the Production environment with the 24.7 release in July.

You can decide which sections of a custom form should be displayed or skipped based on the choices that a user makes when filling it out.

Logic only applies within one form and can’t be based on selections from a different form.

Access requirements

You must have the following to perform the steps in this article:

Adobe Workfront plan*
Adobe Workfront license*
Access level configurations*

Administrative access to custom forms

For information about how Workfront administrators grants this access, see Grant users administrative access to certain areas.

*To find out what plan, license type, or access level configurations you have, contact your Workfront administrator.

Considerations for using display logic and skip logic

  • To add display logic on a custom field, widget, or section break, at least one multiple choice field (radio buttons, dropdown, or check boxes) must be positioned prior to it on the form.

    For information about custom fields and widgets in custom forms, see Add a custom field to a custom form with the legacy form builder and Add or edit an asset widget in a custom form with the legacy form builder.

  • You cannot add skip logic to a widget or section break. You can add it only to a multiple choice field (radio buttons, dropdown, or check boxes).

  • You can add both display logic and skip logic to a custom field if all of the following is true about the custom field:

    • It is a multiple choice field (radio buttons, dropdown, or check boxes)
    • It is preceded by a multiple choice field
    • It is followed by another custom field
  • When copying forms with display logic or skip logic, the logic is copied to the new custom form.

  • When editing objects in bulk, all custom fields display in the Edit objects box, including the fields that are skipped or hidden.

  • Keep the following in mind when you create a display logic rule for a custom form:

    • Custom fields not included in a display logic statement show on a custom form, by default.
    • You can create multi-field display logic statements.
    • If all of the fields under a section break have display logic applied to them and they are all hidden as a result of the logic, the entire section will be hidden on the custom form.

Create a sample custom form that has display and skip logic

The best way to learn how to add display and skip logic to a custom form is through the practical example explained in the two following sections:

Display logic display-logic

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, then click Setup .

  2. In the left panel, click Custom Forms.

  3. Create the sample custom form:

    1. Click New Custom Form, then click Project in the drop-down list.

    2. In the Form Title box, type Sample custom form - Learning display logic and skip logic.

    3. Click Add a Field in the upper left corner.

    4. Add a dropdown field called Issue Field by clicking Dropdown, then typing Issue field in the Label box.

    5. Under Choices, add the following choices in the text boxes:

      Research needed

      No more research

    6. Click Save + Close in the lower left corner.

  4. Select the new Sample custom form - Learning display logic and skip logic custom form, then click Edit.

  5. Add a new single line text field called Other Research by clicking Single Line Text Field, then typing Other Research in the Label box.

  6. Click Add Logic near the lower-left side of the Edit Custom Form screen.

  7. In the box that appears, with the Display Logic tab open, set up the logic for when the Other Research field will appear on the form by clicking Issue field in the first drop-down, Research Needed in the second drop-down, and Selected in the third drop-down.

  8. Click Save to close the Field Logic window, then click Done in the Field Settings area.

    Now, when someone selects Research Needed in the Issue field drop-down, the Other Research field will display.

  9. Click Preview to make sure the logic appears the way you want it on the form.

  10. Click End Preview when you find that the logic works as expected.

  11. Click Save + Close on the Edit Custom Form window to save the form, then continue on to Skip logic below.

Skip logic skip-logic

Skip logic functions similarly to display logic, but acts as the inverse: instead of making specific custom multiple-choice fields appear based on specific selections, you determine which ones should be skipped, based on users’ selections.

To learn about this, continue working on the sample custom form you created in the section Display logic in this article:

  1. Click the Main Menu icon in the upper-right corner of Adobe Workfront, then click Setup .

  2. Click Custom Forms.

  3. Select the form Sample custom form - Learning display logic and skip logic that you created in the steps above, then click Edit.

  4. Select the drop-down field you created named Issue field.

  5. Click the Add Logic button in the Field Settings sidebar.

  6. In the Field Logic box, make sure the Skip Logic tab is selected.

  7. Set the first drop-down to No more research and the second drop-down to Selected.

  8. In the Then Skip To drop-down, select End of form.

    Now, when someone selects No more research in the Issue field drop-down field, the form will skip directly to the end of the form without displaying the Other Research field.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Click Preview to make sure the logic applies the way you want it.

  11. Click Done in the lower left side of the form.
