Release Notes: January 2022 release-notes-jan-22

The following features are included in the January '22 release. Check your Adobe Marketo Engage edition for feature availability.

Features denoted by a star ( star ) are paid add-ons. Please contact your Marketo Engage representative to learn more.

Quarterly Releases

The following features will start to be released on January 21, 2022, with a phased rollout of every feature over the following weeks (unless specified otherwise).

Next-Generation Experience modern-ux

  • Updated Screens in the Next-Generation Experience: We’re delivering additional, refreshed screens in the next-generation experience that offer an updated design and usability enhancements accessible via toggle switch:

    • Landing Page Asset Details in Design Studio
    • Landing Page Asset Details in Marketing Activities

Microsoft Dynamics Integration microsoft-dynamics-integration

  • Syncing of the Multiselect Optionset Field Type Generally Available: Sync the multiselect optionset field type from Microsoft Dynamics to leverage in Smart Lists and Smart Campaigns for more granular audience targeting. Examples include: topics/products of interest, preferred modes of communication, and more. This new sync is available for Microsoft Dynamics version 9.X (including Dynamics 365 Online).

  • Server to Server Authentication for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online: For increased security, we will now support Server to Server (S2S) as an additional mode of authentication for the Marketo Engage sync user on Azure Active Directory for non-interactive access to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Online. This allows you to employ multi-factor authentication, as all authentication and sign-ons will be based on OAuth (only client ID and client secret).

The S2S mode is based on Application User rather than Licensed User, which saves the use of an additional license.

Administration administration

  • Form Validation Rules: Maintain the health of your database with the ability to block problematic or undesirable email domains from submitting Marketo Engage forms. The Global Form Validation Rule panel allows administrators to define a blocklist or enable a pre-defined list of free consumer domains to block from forms.

  • Landing Page Header Security: Administrators can manage Strict Transport Security and X-Frame Options headers on their landing page domains to enforce strong security requirements.

Releasing Throughout the Quarter

The following features are on a non-quarterly cycle and will be released throughout the coming months.

AEP Marketo Engage Destination Connector - Create Net-new Leads aep-marketo-engage-destination-connector

Marketo Engage customers that also use the Adobe Experience Platform (AEP) can maximize their database with the ability to push net-new person records into Marketo Engage from AEP via the AEP destination connector. When sending audience segments from AEP to Marketo Engage, people within the segment that don’t already exist in your Marketo Engage database can be automatically added to it.

Sales Insight sales-insight


Sales Insight for Salesforce CRM

  • New Type Column for Best Bets: Sellers will get quicker insights with a new column labeled “Type” to differentiate between leads and contacts on the Best Bets page.

  • Salesforce Platform API Update: In response to Salesforce retiring Salesforce Platform API versions 21.0 through 30.0, the Sales Insight package has been updated with the latest APIs.

  • Updated Branding: All Sales Insight pages are being updated to align with Adobe branding.

Sales Insight for Microsoft Dynamics

  • Updated Account Layout: Sellers can get a collective view of the top activities such as: email activities, web activities, interesting moments, and score changes for all contacts within an account.

Sales Connect sales-connect


  • Call Outcomes and Reasons: Understand and track your sales teams’ outbound efforts in more detail with new, fully customizable call outcome and call reason options. In addition to these new fields, we are introducing new governance to enforce call reason and outcome selection while sellers are making calls, new governance to enable or disable call reasons and outcomes, and a new Call Reason and Call Outcome Salesforce Activity custom field for logging data to Salesforce. Click here to learn more.

  • Salesforce Activity Detail Customization: Capture more sales activity and task data in Salesforce by customizing what information is added to the Salesforce task subject field when a sales activity is logged to Salesforce from Sales Connect. Click here to learn more.

Announcements announcements

  • Marketo Sky Deprecation: In March, Marketo Sky will no longer be available as we focus our resources on delivering the next-generation user experience. In an effort to maintain access to functionality that is exclusive to Marketo Sky today, we are bringing Asset Expiration and Smart Campaign Priority Override into the mainstream experience in March. Click here to learn more.

  • Form Endpoints Deprecation: Unsupported programmatic form POSTs to the leadCapture/save2 endpoint will be rejected by Marketo Engage forms. Click here to learn more.

Marketo Engage Domains - Sales Insight Configuration: For Marketo Engage domains which do not have SSL cert provisioned and https://, calls will fail with an SSL handshake error. Therefore, these domains are going to be sunset. As a result, Sales Insight users with an older configuration pointing to any of these domains might run into system callout errors on their Lead, Contact, Account, Opportunity Panels, or Marketo Global page. We recommend you update your Marketo Engage configuration in Salesforce if you run into this error. You only need to update Marketo Engage credentials highlighted in the “Marketo Sales Insight Config” section of the document.

Product Release Webinar

January 2022 Marketo Engage Release Webinar
