Push an Adobe Experience Platform Segment to a Marketo Static List push-an-adobe-experience-platform-segment-to-a-marketo-static-list

This feature allows you to push segments located in your Adobe Experience Platform over to Marketo Engage in the form of a static list.

  • Edit the API Role to make sure it has the Read-Write Person permission (found under the Access API drop-down).
  • Create an API User in Marketo.
  • Go to Admin > Launchpoint. Find the name of the role you just created and click View Details. Copy and save the info in Client ID and Client Secret, as you could need it for Step 7.
  • In Marketo, create a static list, or find and select one you’ve already created. You’ll need its ID.
  1. Log in to Adobe Experience Platform.

  2. Click the grid icon and select Experience Platform.

  3. In the left nav, click Destinations.

  4. Click Catalog.

  5. Find the Marketo Engage tile and click Activate.

  6. Click Configure New Destination.

  7. Under Account Type, select the Existing or New Account radio button (in this example, we’re choosing Existing Account). Click the Select Account icon.

    note note
    If you are choosing New Account, you can find your Munchkin ID by going to Admin > Munchkin (it’s also part of your Marketo URL once logged in). Client ID/Secret you should have from following the prerequisites at the top of this article.
  8. Choose the destination account and click Select.

  9. Enter a Destination Name and an optional Description. Click the Person Creation drop-down and choose “Match Existing Marketo People and Create Missing People in Marketo” or “Match Existing Marketo People Only” (in this example we’re choosing the former). You must also choose a Workspace.

    note note
    If you choose “Match Existing Marketo People Only” you’ll only need to map the Email and/or ECID, so you can skip Steps 13-16.
  10. This section is optional. Click Create to skip.

  11. Select the destination you created and click Next.

  12. Choose the segment you want to send to Marketo and click Next.

    note note
    If you choose multiple segments, you’ll have to map each segment to a specified static list in the Segment Schedule tab.
    note important
    After a segment has been activated to the Marketo destination for the first time, backfilling profiles that already existed in the segment prior to Marketo destination activation can take up to 24 hours. Going forward, any time profiles are added to the segment, they’ll be added to Marketo immediately.
  13. Click Add New Mapping.

  14. Click the mapping icon.

  15. Choose your desired attribute(s) and click Select. In this example, we’re choosing first name, last name, and email address.

    note note
    You can map attributes from Experience Platform to any of the attributes that your organization has access to in Marketo Engage. Use the Describe API request to retrieve attribute fields that your organization has access to.
  16. Map the Last Name and Company Name by clicking Add New Mapping again and repeating Step 15 twice, choosing lastName and then companyName.

  17. Now it’s time to map the email address. Click Add New Mapping again.

  18. Click the mapping icon.

  19. Click the Select Identity Namespace radio button, choose Email, then click Select.

    note important
    Mapping Email and/or ECID from the Identity Namespace tab is the most important thing to do to ensure the person is matched in Marketo. Mapping Email will ensure the highest match rate.
  20. Now it’s time to choose the source fields. For email, click the cursor icon.

  21. Click the Select Identity Namespace radio button, find and select Email, then click Select.

  22. To choose the Company Name source field, click the cursor icon in its row.

  23. Leave the Select Attributes radio button checked. Search for “company” and select companyName, then click Select.

  24. Map the source fields for Last Name and First Name by clicking the cursor icon for each and repeating Step 23 twice, choosing lastName and then firstName.

  25. Click Next.

  26. Review your changes and click Finish.
