MSI Feature Overview msi-feature-overview

MSI has the following features available in Salesforce Lightning and Classic.

In order to see all available data, please make sure your browser zoom is set to no more than 125% when using Windows and 150% on Mac OS.

Visualforce Panel visualforce-panel

MSI Visualforce Panel includes the following functionalities:

  • Tabs

  • Actions

    • Add to Marketo Campaign
    • Send Marketo Email
    • Add/Remove from Watch List
  • Stars & Flames

Lead Layout lead-layout

Visualforce pages:

  • Lead - Includes the option to click on hyper “Go to Full List”, you will be sent to a new tab in Salesforce where the MSI panel will be visible in a full page layout
  • Lead Full List - Does not include “Go to Full List” option
  • Lead Mobile - Visible in Salesforce mobile application
  • Lead Contact Bridge - Displays MSI panel of the contact you have added in the MSI Contact ID field


  • Last Interesting Moment
  • Last Interesting Moment Date
  • Last Interesting Moment Desc
  • Last Interesting Moment Source
  • Last Interesting Moment Type
  • Last Marketo Activity by Sales
  • Last Marketo Engagement by Sales
  • Relative Score
  • Relative Score Value
  • Urgency
  • Urgency Value
  • View in Marketo - Click on this field to open a non-editable view of the lead in Marketo. Includes: Lead Info, Company Info, SFDC Lead Info, SFDC Custom Fields, Activity Log
  • MSI Contact Id - Add a Salesforce contact to this field and include “Lead Contact Bridge” panel in the lead layout to see the MSI panel of the contact

Contact Layout contact-layout

Visualforce pages:

  • Contact - Includes option to click on hyper “Go to Full List,” you will be sent to a new tab in Salesforce where the MSI panel will be visible in a full page layout
  • Contact Full List - Does not include “Go to Full List” option
  • Contact Mobile - Visible in Salesforce mobile application
  • Add to Marketo Campaign ContactPage - Add to Marketo Campaign feature is available within this panel


  • Last Interesting Moment
  • Last Interesting Moment Date
  • Last Interesting Moment Desc
  • Last Interesting Moment Source
  • Last Interesting Moment Type
  • Last Marketo Activity by Sales
  • Relative Score
  • Relative Score Value
  • Urgency
  • Urgency Value
  • View in Marketo - Click on this field to open a non-editable view of the lead in Marketo. Includes: Lead Info, Company Info, SFDC Lead Info, SFDC Custom Fields, Activity Log
  • Mkto Lead Score
  • Sales Insight - Opens contact full list page

Account Layout account-layout

Visualforce pages:

  • Account - Includes option to click on hyper “Go to Full List”, you will be sent to a new tab in Salesforce where the MSI panel will be visible in a full page layout
  • Account Full List - Does not include “Go to Full List” option
  • Account Mobile - Visible in Salesforce mobile application


  • Sales Insight - Opens contact full list page


  • Add to Marketo Campaign
  • Send Marketo Email
  • Add/Remove from Watch List

The following features are not available in the Account Layout page:

  • Stars & Flames

Opportunity Layout opportunity-layout

Visualforce pages:

  • Opportunity - Includes option to click on hyper “Go to Full List,” you will be sent to a new tab in Salesforce where the MSI panel will be visible in a full page layout
  • Opportunity Full List - Does not include “Go to Full List” option
  • Opportunity Mobile - Visible in Salesforce mobile application


  • Sales Insight - Opens contact full list page
  • Marketo Opportunity Analysis – Opens Opportunity Influence Analyzer in Marketo


  • Add to Marketo Campaign
  • Send Marketo Email
  • Add/Remove from Watch List

The following features are not available in the Opportunity Layout page:

  • Stars & Flames

Lead and Contact List view (Bulk Actions) lead-and-contact-list-view-bulk-actions

Salesforce Lightning: Add to Watchlist, Add to Marketo Campaign and Send Marketo Email bulk action buttons in Lead and Contact list view.

Salesforce Classic: Add to Watchlist, Add to Marketo Campaign, and Send Marketo Email bulk action buttons in Lead and Contact list view.

Marketo Tab marketo-tab

  • Best Bets

    • Includes ability to create and edit views. Ability to Hide Best Bets depending on configuration of “Default Hide” option in Marketo Configuration page
    • Columns - Name, Account, Last Interesting Moment, Status Header, Engagement (Stars & Flames), Hide
  • My Watch List

    • Includes ability to create and edit views
    • Columns - Name, Account, Last Interesting Moment, Status Header, Engagement (Stars & Flames), Remove
  • Web Activity

    • Includes ability to create and edit views, time frame filter functionality
    • Column - Page view, Name, Account, Last Visit
  • Anonymous Web Activity

    • Includes ability to create and edit views, time frame filter functionality
    • Columns - Page View, Company, Last Visit, Research (opens LinkedIn page of the company)
  • My Email

    • Includes ability to create and edit views
    • Columns - Name, Account, Subject, Date, Open, Click
  • Lead feed - Includes ability to subscribe to interesting moments, RSS feed on Configuration page must be enabled to use this feature

    • Lead/Contact who had this interesting moment
    • Interesting Moment type (web, email, or milestone) and description
    • Account Name
    • Time this interesting moment occurred
    • Subscribe option to receive email notification for this type of event
    • High priority icon to show this person is a Best Bet

Marketo Sales Insight Configuration Tab marketo-sales-insight-configuration-tab

  • Operational Settings: Includes Soap & Rest API credentials needed to set up MSI in SFDC
  • MSI Configuration: Includes configuration of Marketo tab and MSI visualforce panel
  • Reset Marketo Sales Insight: Includes ability to wipe out all configurations

Sales Insight Performance Reports sales-insight-performance-reports

View the performance of emails sent through Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, or a Gmail or Outlook plug-in

MSI for Mobile msi-for-mobile

MSI features are supported in Salesforce mobile application

Language Support language-support

Marketo Sales Insight is stored by language. So, if you want it to work for more than one language, you have to enter the credentials separately for each language.

  • A contact/lead needs to be in the Default partition in order to be added to the Watchlist.

  • The MSI Salesforce package doesn’t support custom view with dependent fields.
