Use Dynamic Content in a Free-form Landing Page use-dynamic-content-in-a-free-form-landing-page
Using Dynamic Content in Landing Pages engages your audience with targeted information.
Add Segmentation add-segmentation
Go to Marketing Activities.
Select your Landing Page, then click Edit Draft.
Click Segment By.
Enter the Segmentation name and click Save.
Your segmentation and its segments appear under Dynamic on the right.
Make Element Dynamic make-element-dynamic
Drag and drop the dynamic content elements from under Static to Dynamic.
You can also make elements Static or Dynamic from the element Settings.
Apply Dynamic Content apply-dynamic-content
Select an element under a segment, click the settings icon, then click Edit. Repeat for each segment.
A green check mark indicates content specific to that segment. A blank indicates default segment content.
Voila! You can now send targeted content.