Step 2 of 3: Set up Marketo Solution with Server to Server Connection step-2-of-3-set-up-marketo-sync-user-in-dynamics-s2s
Create Client Application in Azure AD create-client-application-in-azure-ad
Navigate to this Microsoft article.
Follow all the steps. For Step 3, enter a relevant application name (e.g., “Marketo Integration”). Under the Supported Account Types, select Account in this Organizational Directory Only.
Write down the Application ID (ClientId) and Tenant ID. You’ll need to enter it in Marketo later.
Grant Admin consent by following the steps in this article.
Generate a Client Secret in the Admin Center by clicking Certificates & secrets.
Click the New client secret button.
Enter a client secret description and click Add.
Create Application User in Microsoft create-application-user-in-microsoft
Follow steps from the following link to set up an application user in Microsoft.
note important IMPORTANT - While giving permissions to the Application User, be sure to assign it to “Marketo Sync User Role.”
- Note the email address of the Application User from the view details option on Power Platform. This email address will be used as the username when setting up the connection to MS Dynamics within Marketo.
- Any updates made in your CRM by the Sync User will not be synced back to Marketo.
Azure AD Federated with AD FS On-prem azure-ad-federated-with-ad-fs-on-prem
Federated Azure AD to ADFS Onprem needs the creation of a Home Realm Discovery policy for the specific application. With this policy, Azure AD will redirect the authentication request to the federation service. Password hash synchronization has to be enabled in AD Connect for this. For more information, please see OAuth with ROPC and Set an hrd policy for an application.
Additional references can be found here.
Configure Marketo Solution configure-marketo-solution
Almost there! All we have left is to inform Marketo Solution about the new user created.
Go back to the Advanced Settings section and click the
note note NOTE If you don’t see “Marketo Config” in the Settings menu, refresh the page. If that doesn’t work, try to publish the Marketo Solution again or log out and back in. -
Click Default.
Click the search button on the Marketo User field and select the sync user you created.
Click the
Click the X in the upper-right to close the screen.
Click the
Click the Publish All Customizations button.
note note NOTE If you’re upgrading from Basic Authentication to OAuth, you can use this article to reconfigure your authentication.
Before Proceeding to Step 3 before-proceeding-to-step
- If you want to restrict the number of records you sync, set up a custom sync filter now.
- Run the Validate Microsoft Dynamics Sync process. It verifies that your initial setups were done correctly.
- Log in to the Marketo Sync User in Microsoft Dynamics CRM.