Understanding Smart Campaigns understanding-smart-campaigns

If Marketo Engage is a car, the Smart Campaign is its engine. Smart Campaigns can do more than you can imagine, and it’s easy to get started using them.

The Smart Campaign has 3 main areas: The Smart List, Flow and Schedule tabs.

Smart List smart-list

The Smart List is how you define who you want to target with your Smart Campaign. It has filters and triggers.

Clicked Link
Collect all of the people in a batch that qualify at the present time.
Clicks Link
The moment someone does something, fire the flow immediately.

You can combine filters in various ways as well as use them in conjunction with triggers. This is a powerful tool–experiment with it.

Flow flow

The flow includes the steps you want the Smart Campaign to perform, including Wait steps and split choices.

Schedule schedule

Finally, this controls when you run your Smart Campaign. You can even set up recurrence so it runs on a repeating schedule.

There is an enormous amount of things the Smart Campaign can do. Get the hang of it and you’ll find everything in Marketo becomes much simpler to understand.

If you move a Smart Campaign from one program to another program and the campaign’s Smart List or Flow Steps reference the original program, you must manually update the information to reflect its new program, as it will not auto-update.