SEO - Add/Remove Keywords from a List seo-add-remove-keywords-from-a-list
You can keep all your keywords nice and organized by using lists. This will make finding data on specific keywords easy as pie.
Add to a List add-to-a-list
Go to the Keywords section.
Hover over the keyword you want to add to a list. Click Add/Remove from list.
Click the list and the keywords will be added.
note tip TIP You can also make a new list for your keywords. Just type the name in Create a new list.
Woo hoo! Select your list to see the new keywords.
Remove Keyword from List remove-keyword-from-list
You can also remove keywords from a list.
Go to the Keywords section.
Hover over the keyword you want to remove from a list. Click Add/Remove from list.
Click the list that you want to remove the keywords from.
note note NOTE All lists that the keyword belongs to currently will have a check mark. Once removed from the list, the check disappears. Perfect, the keyword is no longer on this list. Refresh your page to update the display.
related-articles Related Articles Understanding Keywords (Summary View)