What is Adobe Marketo Engage? what-is-adobe-marketo-engage

Adobe Marketo Engage is marketing automation software. Marketing automation enables you to streamline, automate, and measure marketing tasks and workflows so you can increase operational efficiency and grow revenue faster.

What can I do in Marketo Engage? what-can-i-do-in-marketo-engage

Marketo Engage has a ton of great features to help you achieve your marketing goals. Things like…

  • Form Editor
  • Landing Page Editor
  • Smart Campaigns
  • Dynamic Chat
  • Native Interactive Webinars
  • Guided Landing Page Templates
  • Email Editor
  • Mail blast tools
  • Segmentation
  • Predictive Content
  • Third-party webinar Integration
  • Mobile Marketing
  • Sync with your CRM (Salesforce or Dynamics)
  • Website Integration
  • Workflow Engine
  • Person Scoring
  • In-CRM Dashboard for Sales Reps
  • Program Analysis
  • Target Account Management

…and much more!

Do I need to learn all of that? do-i-need-to-learn-all-of-that

You do not. It’s easy to get started in Marketo Engage, and it will evolve with you. You can learn everything if you’d like, or just use the pieces that suit your needs.

Do I need to do any setup? do-i-need-to-do-any-setup

Yes, there are a handful of steps you must (or we strongly recommend you) do, and they can be found here.

Do I have to wait until setup is finished to learn? do-i-have-to-wait-until-setup-is-finished-to-learn

Nope! We made a bunch of easy tutorials. Get started here. They should take about an hour. You can start any time.

Is there a list of things that covers limits, like how many total emails I can send in a week? list-of-limits

There is. Static limits (and other parameters) are outlined in this article.

How long does Marketo hold on to my data? data-retention-policy

Please review this Marketing Nation blog post for details.

Welcome to Marketo Engage!
