Early release notes e-release-notes

Adobe Journey Optimizer continuously delivers new features, enhancements to existing features, and bug fixes. All changes are consolidated at the end of each month in the release notes.

Early release notes below are subject to change without prior notice until the release availability date. Links, screens and updated documentation are published in the release notes, at the release date.

July 2024 early release notes e-2024

Release date: July 30-31, 2024

New capabilities e-features

This release brings the new capabilities detailed below.

IP Warmup Workflow

If you are sending email on a brand new IP address, you can now easily perform IP warmup workflows directly from the user interface. Adobe Journey Optimizer offers a standardized and efficient way to warm up your IP adresses that follows the best practices for optimal deliverability.

SMS channel with any provider (Beta)

You can now configure additional SMS providers within Journey Optimizer, in addition of the default providers Sinch, Infobip, and Twilio.

Federated Audience Composition (Limited Availability)

Federated Audience Composition is now available in Adobe Journey Optimizer. It allows enterprises to compose data for better utilization across various use cases. With this new approach, as a Adobe Real-Time Customer Data Platform and/or Adobe Journey Optimizer user, you can federate datasets directly from your existing data warehouse to build and enrich Adobe Experience Platform audiences and attributes all in one system.

Improvements e-improvements

This release comes with the improvements listed below.


  • (Availability: July 8) You can now leverage the advanced expression editor while configuring an event, allowing you to define more complex expressions or use functions in the Event ID condition. Learn more


  • The use of audiences from custom upload (CSV file) is now available for use with Privacy and Security Shield.