One-click opt-out from the email content
To set a personalized unsubscribe URL, insert a one-click opt-out link into the email message content and enter the URL of your choice, as described below:
Access your email content and insert a link.
Select One click Opt-out as the type of link.
Enter the URL of the landing page where the user is redirected once unsubscribed. This page is here to confirm that opting out was successful.
NOTEIf you enabled the List-Unsubscribe option at the channel configuration level and have the default one-click opt-out URL option unchecked, then this URL is used when users click the unsubscribe link in the email header. Learn moreYou can personalize your links. Learn more on personalized URLs in this section.
Select how you want to apply the opting out: at the channel, identity, or subscription level.
- Channel: The opt-out applies to future messages sent to the profile’s target (i.e. email address) for the current channel. If several targets are associated with a profile, the opt-out applies to all targets (i.e. email addresses) in the profile for that channel.
- Identity: The opt-out applies to future messages sent to the specific target (i.e. email address) being used for the current message.
Save your changes.