Helpers gs-helpers

Default Fallback Value default-value

The Default Fallback Value helper is used to return a default fallback value if an attribute is empty or null. This mechanism works for Profile attributes and Journey events.


Hello { ?: "there" %}!

In this example, the value there is displayed if the firstName attribute of this profile is empty or null.

Conditions if-function

The if helper is used to define a conditional block.
If the expression evaluation returns true, the block is rendered otherwise it is skipped.


{%#if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
<a href="">Check out this link</a>

Following the if helper, you can enter an else statement to specify a block of code to be executed, if the same condition is false.
The elseif statement will specify a new condition to test if the first statement returns false.


        {%#if condition1%} element_1
        {%else if condition2%} element_2
        {%else%} default_element


  1. Render different store links based on conditional expressions

    code language-sql
    {%#if profile.homeAddress.countryCode = "FR"%}
    <a href="">Consultez notre catalogue</a>
    <a href="">Checkout our catalogue</a>
  2. Determine email address extension

    code language-sql
    {%#if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
    <a href="">Checkout our page for Academia personals</a>
    {%else if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".org")%}
    <a href="">Checkout our page for Non Profits</a>
    <a href="">Checkout our page</a>
  3. Add a conditional link

    The following operation will add a link to the ‘’ website for profiles with ‘.edu’ email addresses only, to the ‘’ website for profiles with ‘.org’ email addresses, and the default URL ‘’ for all other profiles:

    code language-sql
    {%#if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
    <a href="">Checkout our page for Academia personals</a>
    {%else if contains(profile.personalEmail.address, ".org")%}
    <a href="">Checkout our page for Non Profits</a>
    <a href="">Checkout our page</a>
  4. Conditional content based on audience membership

    code language-sql
    {%#if profile.segmentMembership.get("ups").get("5fd513d7-d6cf-4ea2-856a-585150041a8b").status = "existing"%}
    Hi! Esteemed gold member. <a href="">Checkout your exclusive perks </a>
    {%else%} if 'profile.segmentMembership.get("ups").get("5fd513d7-d6cf-4ea2-856a-585150041a8c").status = "existing"'%}
    Hi! Esteemed silver member. <a href="">Checkout your exclusive perks </a>
To learn more about audiences and the segmentation service, refer to this section.

Unless unless

The unless helper is used to define a conditional block. By opposition to the The if helper, if the expression evaluation returns false, the block is rendered.


{%#unless unlessCondition%} element_1 {%else%} default_element {%/unless%}


Render some content based on email address extension:

{%#unless endsWith(profile.personalEmail.address, ".edu")%}
Some Normal Content
Some edu specific content Content

Each each

The each helper is used to iterate over an array.
The syntax of the helper is {{#each ArrayName}} YourContent {{/each}}
We can refer to the individual array items by using the keyword this inside the block. The index of the array’s element can be rendered by using {{@index}}.


{{#each profile.productsInCart}}


  {{@index}} : {{this}}<br>


Render a list of products that this user has in their cart:

{{#each profile.products as |product|}}
    <li>{{product.productName}} {{product.productRating}}</li>

With with

The with helper is used to change the evaluation token of template-part.


{{this.firstName}} {{this.lastName}}

The with helper is useful to define a shortcut variable too.


Use with for aliasing long variable names to shorter ones:

{{#with as |name|}}
 Hi {{name.firstName}} {{name.lastName}}!
 Checkout our trending products for today!

Let let

The let function allows an expression to be stored as a variable to be used later in a query.


{% let variable = expression %} {{variable}}


The following example lets you calculate the total sum of prices for products in the cart with prices between 100 and 1000.

{% let sum = 0%}
    {{#each profile.productsInCart as |p|}}
        {%#if p.price>100 and p.price<1000%}
            {%let sum = sum + p.price %}