Get started with Helper functions functions

Use Journey Optimizer templating language to perform operations on data, such as calculations, data formatting or conversions, conditions, and manipulate them in the context of personalization. Learn personalization syntax guidelines in this page.

➡️ Learn how to use helper functions in this video

Templating language is leveraged in helper functions available in personalization drop-down list of the personalization editor, as below:

The functions and capabilities available in the personalization editor differ from the ones available in the Journey advanced expression editor.

In the Journey Optimizer personalization editor, helper functions are grouped into three categories: Functions, Helpers and Operators.

Select a category, to access sub-categories and functions.

Access to sub-categories by clicking the > icon. Select a function by clicking on the + icon: the function is automatically added to the personalization screen.

Click the ... icon to view the description of the function and add it to your favorites. Learn more

Functions functions-helper

Aggregation and Array Functions

This function returns the arithmetic mean of all the selected values within the array
This function returns the number of elements within the given array
Count Only Null
This function counts the number of null values in the list.
Count With Null
This function counts all the elements of the list including null values
This function gets values from an array or a list with duplicate values removed
Distinct Count With Null
This function counts the number of different values including the null values
First item
This function returns the first item in an array or a list
First n in array
This function returns the first `N` items in an array, when sorted in ascending order based on the given numerical expression
This function is used to determine if an item is a member of an array or list
This function determines if an array or list contains a given item
This function determines if two arrays or lists have at least one common member
Last n in array
This function returns the last `N` items in an array, when sorted in ascending order based on the given numerical expression
This function returns the largest of all the selected values within an array
This function returns the smallest of all the selected values within the array
Not in
This function determines if an item is not a member of an array or list
Subset of
This function determines if a specific array (array A) is a subset of another array (array B), i.e. if all elements in array A are elements of array B
This function returns the sum of all the selected values within the array
Superset of
This function determines if a specific array (array A) is a superset of another array (array B), i.e. if that array A contains all elements in array B

Date Time Functions date-functions

This function retrieves the age from a given date
Current time in milliseconds
This function retrieves current time in epoch millisecond
Date difference
This function retrieves the difference between two dates in number of days
Day of week
This function retrieves the day of week
Day of year
This function retrieves the day of year
Format date
This function formats a date time value
Format date with locale support
This function formats a date time value into its corresponding language sensitive representation, i.e in a desired locale.
Set Days
This function sets the day of the month for the given date-time
Set Hours
This function sets the hour of the date-time
This function converts a datetime to UTC
Week of year
This function returns the week of the year

Map Functions map-functions

This function is used to retrieve the value of a map for a given key
This function is used to retrieve all the keys for a given map
This function retrieves all the values of a given map

Math Functions math-functions

This function formats any number into its language-sensitive representation.
Format number
This function formats any number into its language-sensitive representation.
This function returns a random value between 0 and 1
Round down
This function rounds down a number
Round up
This function rounds up a number
To hex string
cconverts any number into its hexadecimal string.
Converts any of these types (number, double, int, long, float, short, byte, boolean, string) into an integer.
To percentage
This function converts a number to percentage
To precision
This function converts a number to required precision
To string
This function converts any number into its string representation.

Object Functions object-functions

Is not null
This function is used to determine if an object reference exists
Is null
This function is used to determine if an object reference does not exist

String Functions string-functions

Camel Case
This function is used to capitalize the first letter of each word of a string
Char code at
This function returns ASCII value of a character, like the charCodeAt function in JavaScript
This function is used to combine two strings into one
This function is used to determine if a string contains a specified substring
Does not contain
This function is used to determine if a string does not contain a specified substring
Does not end with
This function is used to determine if a string does not end with a specified substring
Does not start with
This function is used to determine if a string does not start with a specified substring
Encode 64
This function is used to encode or decode a string
Ends with
This function is used to determine if a string ends with a specified substring
This function is used to determine if a string does not start with a specified substring, with case sensitivity
Equals Ignore Case
This function is used to determine if a string does not start with a specified substring, without case sensitivity
Extract Email Domain
This function is used to extract the domain of an email address
Format currency
This function converts any number into its corresponding language-sensitive currency representation depending on the locale passed as a string in the second argument
Get url host
This function is used to get url host.
Get url path
This function is used to get url path
Get url protocol
This function is used to get url protocol
Index Of
This function returns the position (in the first argument) of the first occurrence of the second parameter. Returns -1 if there is no match
This function is used to check if a string or expression is empty.
Is Not Empty
This function returns true if the string in the parameter is not empty.
Last Index Of
This function returns the position (in the first argument) of the last occurrence of the second parameter. Returns -1 if there is no match.
Left trim
This function removes white spaces from beginning of a string
This function is used to get the number of characters in a string or an expression
This function is used to determine if a string matches a specified pattern
Lower Case
This function converts a string to lower case letters
This function is used to replace a part of a string with "X" characters.
This function is used to determine if a string matches a specific regular expression
This function returns md5 hash of input string.
Not equal to
This function is used to determine if a string is not equal to the specified string
Not Equal With Ignore Case
This function compares two strings ignoring case.
Regular expression group
This function is used to extract specific information, based on the regular expression provided
This function replaces a given substring in a string with another substring
Replace all
This function replaces all substrings of a text that matches the "target" with the specified literal "replacement" string
Right trim
This function removes white spaces from end of a string
This function is used to split a string by a given character
Starts with
This function is used to determine if a string starts with a specified substring
String to date
This function converts a string value into a date-time value
String to integer
This function Converts a string value into an integer value.
String to number
This function is used to convert a string into number. It returns the same string as output for invalid input.
Sub string
This function returns the sub-string of the string expression between the begin index and the end index.
Title Case
This function is used to capitalize first letters of each word of a string
To Bool
This function Converts an argument value into a boolean value, depending on its type.
To Date Time
This function is used to convert string to date. It returns the epoch date as output for invalid input.
To Date Time only
This function converts an argument value into a date time only value. It returns the epoch date as output for invalid input.
This function removes white spaces from the beginning and from end of a string
Upper case
This function converts a string to upper case letters
Url decode
This function is used to decode a url encoded string.
Url encode
This function is used to url encode a string.

Helpers helper-helper

Helpers are detailed in this page.

Default fallback value
This function is used to render a variable with default
This function is used to iterate over an array
This function is used to define a conditional block - if the expression evaluation returns true, the block is rendered
This function allows an expression to be stored as a variable to be used later in a query
This function is used to define a conditional block - if the expression evaluation returns false, the block is rendered
This function is used to change the evaluation token of template-part

Operators operators-helper

Arithmetic functions arithmetic-helper

Arithmetic functions are used to perform basic calculations on values.

This operator is used to find the sum of two argument expressions
This operator is used to find the quotient of two argument expressions
This operator is used to find the product of two argument expressions
This operator is used to find the remainder after dividing the two argument expressions
This operator finds the difference between two expressions

Boolean functions boolean-functions

Boolean functions are used to perform boolean logic on different elements.

This operator creates a logical conjunction
This operator creates a logical disjunction

Comparison functions comparison-functions

Comparison functions are used to compare between different expressions and values, returning true or false accordingly.

This operation checks if values are equal
Greater than
This operator checks if first value is greater than the second value
Greater or equals to
This operator checks if first value is greater than or equal to the second value
Less than or equals to
This operator checks if first value is smaller than or equal to the second value
Not equals to
This operator checks if given expression not equal to give value

How-to video video

Learn how to transform personalization values using personalization helper functions and understand different use cases for helper functions.
