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Campaign report campaign-global-report-cja

The Campaign report acts as a comprehensive dashboard, providing a detailed analysis of key metrics associated with your campaign. It includes data such as click counts, delivered messages, profile numbers, and actions taken. By offering a complete overview of your campaign’s effectiveness and engagement levels, the report ensures a thorough understanding of your campaign’s overall performance.

Campaign reports can be accessed directly from your Campaign with the Reports button.

The Campaign report page will be displayed with the following tabs depending on the chosen channel:

To learn more on Customer Journey Analytics Workspace and how to filter and analyze data, refer to this page.

Campaign campaign-global

Campaign KPIs campaign-kpis

The Campaign Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) function as an all-encompassing dashboard, delivering an analysis of essential metrics associated with your campaign. This encompasses details such as the count of clicks and number of delivered messages, offering a comprehensive insight into your campaign’s effectiveness and level of engagement.

The KPIs will vary based on the channels used in your campaign.

Learn more on Campaign KPIs metrics
  • Click through rate: Percentage of users who interacted with the message.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your message.

  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

Campaign overview delivery-global

The Campaign overview table serve as a comprehensive dashboard, offering a detailed breakdown of key metrics related to your campaign. This includes essential information such as the number of profiles and the actions delivered, providing a thorough understanding of your campaign’s performance and engagement.

Note that metrics will vary based on the channels used in your campaign.

Learn more on Campaign overview metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your messages.

  • Click through rate: Percentage of users who interacted with the message.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your message.

  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your message.

  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Bounces for outbound channels: Total number of errors cumulated during the sending process and automatic return processing in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Outbound Errors: Total number of errors that occurred during the sending process preventing it from being sent to profiles.

  • Outbound Exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

Campaign funnel results campaign-funnel

The Campaign funnel results graph presents a detailed analysis of your profiles’ engagement with your messages, offering valuable insights into how various profiles interacted with your content.

Learn more on Campaign funnel results metrics
  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your message.

The Tracked link label table offers essential insights into your visitors’ engagement with the URLs included in your messages, providing valuable information about which links attract the most interaction.

Learn more on Tracked link label metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your message.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your message.

Experimentation experimentation

The Experimentation tab provides key insights into the performance of each variant, and identifies the most successful one.

Note that defining the best performer might take some time. If your experiment is not successful, it will be set to Inconclusive.

Experimentation KPIs experimentation-kpis

The Experimentation Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) function as an all-encompassing dashboard, delivering an analysis of essential metrics associated with your experimentation.

Learn more on Experimentation KPIs metrics
  • Lift: Measure of the percentage improvement in conversion rate of a given treatment over the baseline.

  • Confidence: Evidence that a given treatment is the same as the baseline treatment. Learn more

Variant by Inbound clicks variant-inbound

The Variant by Inbound clicks widget details the performance of each variant.
For a deep-dive in these results and how to interpret them, refer to this page.

Learn more on Variant by Inbound clicks metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your messages.

  • Inbound Clicks: Total count of clicks across outbound channels.

  • Conversion rate: Total value of the Success metric, previously selected when creating your Experiments, divided by the number of profiles.

  • Lift: Measure of the percentage improvement in conversion rate of a given treatment over the baseline.

  • Confidence: Evidence that a given treatment is the same as the baseline treatment. Learn more

Conversion rate for Inbound clicks conversion-rate

The Confidence interval graph measures uncertainty around improvement. It details the percentage difference in performance between the baseline and the best performing treatment. Learn more.

Email email-global

Delivered vs Click trend delivered-click

The Delivered vs Click trend graph presents a detailed analysis of your profiles’ engagement with your emails, offering valuable insights into how profiles interact with your content.

Learn more on Delivered vs Click trend metrics
  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent emails.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your emails.

Delivery status delivery-status

The Delivery status graph provides a comprehensive view of data related to sent emails in your campaign, offering insights into key metrics such as delivered and bounces. This enables a detailed analysis of the email sending process, providing valuable information on the efficiency and performance of your campaigns.

Learn more on Delivery status metrics
  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent emails.

  • Bounces for outbound channels:Total of errors cumulated during the sending process and automatic return processing in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Outbound errors: Total number of errors that occurred during a the sending process preventing it from being sent to profiles.

  • Outbound exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

Sending Statistics sending-statistics-email

The Sending Statistics table provides a comprehensive summary of essential data regarding emails in your campaigns. It details key metrics such as the interactions with your emails and number of emails successfully delivered, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness and reach of your emails and campaigns.

Learn more on Sending Statistics metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your messages.

  • Targeted: Total number of emails processed during the sending process.

  • Sends: Total number of sends for your email.

  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Bounces for outbound channels: Total of errors cumulated during the sending process and automatic return processing in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Outbound Errors: Total number of errors that occurred during the sending process preventing it from being sent to profiles.

  • Outbound Exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

Tracking statistics tracking-statistics-email

The Email - Tracking statistics table offers a detailed account of profile activity related to emails included in your campaign. This includes metrics on opens, clicks, and other relevant engagement indicators, offering a comprehensive view of how profiles interact with your email content.

Learn more on Tracking statistics metrics
  • Click through rate (CTR): Percentage of users who interacted with the email.

  • Click through open rate (CTOR): Number of times the email was opened.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your emails.

  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in an email.

  • Email Opens: Number of times your emails were opened in a campaign.

  • Unique Email Opens: Percentage of opened emails.

  • Spam complaints: Number of times a message was declared as spam or junk.

  • Unsubscribes: Number of clicks on the unsubscription link.

Email domains email-domains

The Email Domains table offers an in-depth breakdown of emails categorized by domain, providing extensive insights into the performance metrics of your email campaigns. This comprehensive analysis enables you to understand the behavior of different domains in response to your email content.

Learn more on Email domains metrics
  • Sends: Total number of sends for your email.

  • Delivered: Number of emails successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent emails.

  • Email Opens: Number of times your emails were opened in a campaign.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your emails.

  • Bounces for outbound channels: Total number of errors cumulated during the sending process and automatic return processing in relation to the total number of sent emails.

  • Outbound Errors: Total number of errors that occurred during the sending process preventing it from being sent to profiles.

The Tracked link labels table offers a comprehensive overview of the link labels within your emails, highlighting those that generate the highest visitor traffic. This feature empowers you to identify and prioritize the most popular links.

Learn more on Tracked link labels metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in an email.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your emails.

The Tracked link URLs table provide a comprehensive overview of the URLs within your email that attract the highest visitor traffic. This enables you to identify and prioritize the most popular links, enhancing your understanding of profile engagement with specific content in your emails.

Learn more on Tracked link URLs metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in an email.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your emails.

  • Displays: Number of times the email was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the email was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

Email subjects email-subjects

The Email subjects table presents a thorough overview of email subjects that have attracted the highest visitor traffic. This resource offers valuable insights into audience engagement dynamics.

Learn more on Email subjects metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your emails.

Excluded reasons excluded-reasons

The Excluded reasons table presents a comprehensive view of the different factors that resulted in the exclusion of user profiles from the targeted audience, resulting in the message not being received.

Refer to this page for the comprehensive list of exclusion reasons.

Bounce reasons bounce-reasons-email

The Bounce Reasons table compiles the available data related to bounced messages, providing detailed insights into the specific reasons behind email bounces.

For more information on bounces, refer to the Suppression list page.

Error reasons error-reasons-email

The Error Reasons table offers visibility into the specific errors that occurred during the sending process, providing valuable information on the nature and occurrence of errors.

SMS sms

Delivered vs Click trend delivered-click-sms

The Delivered vs Click trend graph presents a detailed analysis of your profiles’ engagement with your emails, offering valuable insights into how profiles interact with your content.

Learn more on Delivered vs Click trend metrics
  • Delivered: Number of SMS messages successfully sent, in relation to the total number of SMS messages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your SMS messages.

Delivery status delivery-status-sms

The Delivery status table offers a detailed account of profile activity related to your SMS campaigns. This includes metrics on delivered, clicks, and other relevant engagement indicators, offering a comprehensive view of how profiles interact with your SMS content.

Learn more on Delivery status metrics
  • Delivered: Number of SMS messages successfully sent, in relation to the total number of SMS messages.

  • Bounces for outbound channels: Total of errors cumulated during the sending process and automatic return processing in relation to the total number of sent SMS messages.

  • Outbound errors: Total number of errors that occurred preventing it from being sent to profiles.

  • Outbound exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

The Tracked link labels table offers a comprehensive overview of the link labels within your SMS messages, highlighting those that generate the highest visitor traffic. This feature empowers you to identify and prioritize the most popular links.

Learn more on Tracked link labels metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your SMS message.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your SMS messages.

The Tracked link URLs table provide a comprehensive overview of the URLs within your SMS messages that attract the highest visitor traffic. This enables you to identify and prioritize the most popular links, enhancing your understanding of profile engagement with specific content in your SMS messages.

Learn more on Tracked link URLs metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your SMS message.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your SMS messages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

SMS inbound message sms-inbound

The SMS inbound message table presents a thorough overview of which SMS messages have attracted the highest visitor traffic. This resource offers valuable insights into audience engagement dynamics.

Learn more on SMS inbound message metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your SMS messages.

SMS Message type sms-message-type

The SMS Message type table presents a thorough overview of which SMS Message type have attracted the highest visitor traffic. This resource offers valuable insights into audience engagement dynamics.

Learn more on SMS Message type metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your SMS messages.

SMS providers sms-providers

The SMS providers table presents a thorough overview of which SMS providers have attracted the highest visitor traffic. This resource offers valuable insights into audience engagement dynamics.

Learn more on SMS providers metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your SMS messages.

Bounce reasons bounce-reasons-sms

The Bounces Reasons table provides a comprehensive overview of data related to bounced SMS messages, delivering valuable insights into the specific reasons behind instances of SMS message bounces.

Error reasons error-reasons-sms

The Error Reasons table allows you to identify the specific errors that occurred during the sending process of your SMS messages, facilitating a thorough analysis of any issues encountered.

Exclude reasons excluded-reasons-sms

The Exclude Reasons table visually depicts the diverse factors that led to the exclusion of user profiles from the targeted audience, preventing them from receiving your SMS messages.

Refer to this page for the comprehensive list of exclusion reasons.

Push notification push-notification

Sending Statistics sending-statistics-push

The Sending Statistics table provides a comprehensive summary of essential data regarding your push notification campaigns. It details key metrics such as the size of the targeted audience and number of push notification successfully delivered, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness and reach of your push notification.

Learn more on Sending Statistics metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your push notifications.

  • Targeted: Total number of push notifications processed during the analysis.

  • Sends: Total number of sends for the push notification.

  • Delivered: Number of push notifications successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent push notifications.

  • Bounces for outbound channels: Total of errors cumulated during the sending process and automatic return processing in relation to the total number of push notifications.

  • Outbound errors: Total number of errors that occurred preventing it from being sent to profiles.

  • Outbound exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

Tracking statistics tracking-statistics-push

The Tracking statistics table offers a detailed snapshot of profile activity tied to your push notifications, providing essential insights into engagement and push notifications effectiveness.

Learn more on Tracking statistics metrics
  • Click through rate (CTR): Percentage of users who interacted with the push notifications.

  • Click through open rate (CTOR): Number of times the push notifications was opened.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your push notifications.

  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your push notifications.

The Tracked link labels table offers a comprehensive overview of the link labels within your push notifications, highlighting those that generate the highest visitor traffic. This feature empowers you to identify and prioritize the most popular links.

Learn more on Tracked link labels metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your push notifications.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your push notifications.

The Tracked link URLs table provide a comprehensive overview of the URLs within your push notifications that attract the highest visitor traffic. This enables you to identify and prioritize the most popular links, enhancing your understanding of profile engagement with specific content in your push notifications.

Learn more on Tracked link URLs metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your push notifications.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your push notifications.

Bounce reasons bounce-reasons-push

The Bounces Reasons table provides a comprehensive overview of data related to bounced push notifications, delivering valuable insights into the specific reasons behind instances of push notifications bounces.

Error reasons error-reasons-push

The Error Reasons table allows you to identify the specific errors that occurred during the sending process of your push notifications, facilitating a thorough analysis of any issues encountered.

Excluded reasons exclude-reasons-push

The Exclude Reasons table visually depicts the diverse factors that led to the exclusion of user profiles from the targeted audience, preventing them from receiving your push notifications.

Refer to this page for the comprehensive list of exclusion reasons.

In-app in-app

Impression & click trend impression-click-trend

The Impression & Click trend graph presents a detailed analysis of your profiles’ engagement with your In-app messages, offering valuable insights into how profiles interact with your content.

Learn more on Impression & Click trend metrics
  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your In-app messages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

Clicks clicks-inapp

The Clicks graph displays In-app click metrics, illustrating both the total number of content clicks and the number of unique profiles who clicked on the content.

Learn more on Clicks metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your In-app messages

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your In-app messages.

Display display-inapp

The Displays graph helps you understand both the overall reach of the message and the number of unique profiles engaging with it.

Learn more on Display metrics
  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

Tracking data tracking-data-inapp

The Tracking data table offers a detailed snapshot of profile activity tied to your In-app messages, providing essential insights into engagement and In-app messages effectiveness.

Learn more on Tracking data metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your In-app messages.

  • Click through rate (CTR): Percentage of users who interacted with the In-app messages.

  • Click through open rate (CTOR): Number of times the In-app messages was opened.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your In-app messages.

  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your In-app messages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

  • Sends: Total number of sends for your In-app messages.

The Tracked link labels table offers a comprehensive overview of the link labels within your In-app messages, highlighting those that generate the highest visitor traffic. This feature empowers you to identify and prioritize the most popular links.

Learn more on Tracked link labels metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your In-app messages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your In-app messages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

The Tracked link URLs table provide a comprehensive overview of the URLs within your In-app messages that attract the highest visitor traffic. This enables you to identify and prioritize the most popular links, enhancing your understanding of profile engagement with specific content in your In-app messages.

Learn more on Tracked link URLs metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your In-app messages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your In-app messages.

Direct mail direct-mail

Sending Statistics sending-statistics-directmail

The Sending Statistics table provides a comprehensive summary of essential data regarding your direct mail campaigns. It details key metrics such as the size of the targeted audience and number of direct mail successfully delivered, offering valuable insights into the effectiveness and reach of your direct mail messages.

Learn more on Sending Statistics metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your messages.

  • Targeted: Total number of direct mail messages processed during the sending process.

  • Sends: Total number of sends for your direct mail messages.

  • Delivered: Number of direct mail messages successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent messages.

  • Outbound Errors: Total number of errors that occurred during the sending process preventing it from being sent to profiles.

  • Outbound Exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

Delivery status delivery-status-directmail

The Delivery status graph provides a comprehensive view of data related to sent direct mail messages in your campaign, offering insights into key metrics such as delivered and errors. This enables a detailed analysis of the direct mail messages sending process, providing valuable information on the efficiency and performance of your campaigns.

Learn more on Delivery status metrics
  • Delivered: Number of direct mail messages successfully sent, in relation to the total number of sent direct mail messages.

  • Outbound errors: Total number of errors that occurred during a the sending process preventing your direct mail messages from being sent to profiles.

  • Ountbound exclusions: Number of profiles which have been excluded by Adobe Journey Optimizer.

Error reasons error-reasons-directmail

The Error Reasons table allows you to identify the specific errors that occurred during the sending process of your direct mail messages, facilitating a thorough analysis of any issues encountered.

Excluded reasons exclude-reasons-directmail

The Exclude Reasons table visually depicts the diverse factors that led to the exclusion of user profiles from the targeted audience, preventing them from receiving your direct mail messages.

Refer to this page for the comprehensive list of exclusion reasons.

Web web

Impression & click trend impressions-web

The Impression & Click trend graph presents a detailed analysis of your profiles’ engagement with your Web pages, offering valuable insights into how profiles interact with your content.

Learn more on Impression & Click trend metrics
  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your Web pages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

Clicks clicks-web

The Clicks graph displays Web page click metrics, illustrating both the total number of content clicks and the number of unique profiles who clicked on the content.

Learn more on Clicks metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your Web pages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your Web pages.

Displays displays-web

The Displays graph helps you understand both the overall reach of the message and the number of unique profiles engaging with it.

Learn more on Display metrics
  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

Tracking data track-data-web

The Tracking data table offers a detailed snapshot of profile activity tied to your Web pages, providing essential insights into engagement and Web pages effectiveness.

Learn more on Tracking data metrics
  • People: Number of user profiles who qualify as target profiles for your Web pages.

  • Click through rate (CTR): Percentage of users who interacted with the Web pages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your Web pages.

  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your Web pages.

  • Displays: Number of times the Web page was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the Web page was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

The Tracked link labels table offers a comprehensive overview of the link labels within your Web pages, highlighting those that generate the highest visitor traffic. This feature empowers you to identify and prioritize the most popular links.

Learn more on Tracked link labels metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your Web pages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your Web pages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.

The Tracked link URLs table provide a comprehensive overview of the URLs within your Web pages that attract the highest visitor traffic. This enables you to identify and prioritize the most popular links, enhancing your understanding of profile engagement with specific content in your Web pages.

Learn more on Tracked link URLs metrics
  • Unique Clicks: Number of profiles who clicked on a content in your Web pages.

  • Clicks: Number of times a content was clicked on in your Web pages.

  • Displays: Number of times the message was opened.

  • Unique displays: Number of times the message was opened, multiple interactions of one profile are not taken into account.
