Configure the Web SDK tag extension

The Web SDK tag extension sends data to Adobe Experience Cloud from web properties through the Experience Platform Edge Network.

The extension allows you to stream data into Platform, synchronize identities, process customer consent signals, and automatically collect context data.

This document explains how to configure the tag extension in the Tags UI.

Install the Web SDK tag extension install

The Web SDK tag extension needs a property to be installed on. If you have not done so already, see the documentation on creating a tag property.

After you have created a property, open the property and select the Extensions tab on the left side bar.

Select the Catalog tab. From the list of available extensions, find the Web SDK extension and select Install.

Image showing the Tags UI with the Web SDK extension selected

After selecting Install, you must configure the Web SDK tag extension and save the configuration.

The tag extension only gets installed after saving the configuration. See the next sections to learn how to configure the tag extension.

Configure instance settings general

The configuration options at the top of the page tell Adobe Experience Platform where to route the data and what configurations to use on the server.

Image showing the general settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI

  • Name: The Adobe Experience Platform Web SDK extension supports multiple instances on the page. The name is used to send data to multiple organizations with a tag configuration. The instance name defaults to alloy. However, you can change the instance name to any valid JavaScript object name.
  • IMS organization ID: The ID of the organization that you would like the data sent to at Adobe. Most of the time, use the default value that is autopopulated. When you have multiple instances on the page, populate this field with the value of the second organization you want to send data to.
  • Edge domain: The domain that the extension sends and receives data from. Adobe recommends using a 1st-party domain (CNAME) for this extension. The default 3rd-party domain works for development environments but is not suitable for production environments. Instructions on how to set up a first-party CNAME are listed here.

Configure datastream settings datastreams

This section allows you to select the datastreams that should be used for each of the three available environments (production, staging, and development).

When a request is sent to the Edge Network, a datastream ID is used to reference the server-side configuration. You can update the configuration without having to make code changes on your website.

See the guide on datastreams to learn how to configure a datastream.

You can either choose a datastream from the available drop-down menus, or select Enter values and enter a custom datastream ID for each environment.

Image showing the datastream settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI

Configure privacy settings privacy

This section allows you to configure how Web SDK handles user consent signals from your website. Specifically, it allows you to select the default level of consent that is assumed of a user if no other explicit consent preference has been provided.

The default consent level is not saved to the user profile.

Image showing the privacy settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI

Default consent level
Collect events that occur before the user provides consent preferences.
Discard events that occur before the user provides consent preferences.
Queue events that occur before the user provides consent preferences. When consent preferences are provided, the events will be collected or discarded depending on the provided preferences.
Provided by data element
The default consent level is determined by a separate data element that you define. When using this option, you must specify the data element using the provided dropdown menu.
Use Out or Pending if you require explicit user consent for your business operations.

Configure identity settings identity

This section allows you to define the behavior of the Web SDK when it comes to handling user identification.

Image showing the identity settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI

  • Migrate ECID from VisitorAPI: This option is enabled by default. When this feature is enabled, the SDK can read the AMCV and s_ecid cookies and set the AMCV cookie used by Visitor.js. This feature is important when migrating to Web SDK, as some pages might still be using Visitor.js. This option allows the SDK to continue to use the same ECID so that users are not identified as two separate users.

  • Use third-party cookies: When this option is enabled, Web SDK attempts to store a user identifier in a third-party cookie. If successful, the user is identified as a single user as they navigate across multiple domains, rather than being identified as a separate user on each domain. If this option is enabled, the SDK might still be unable to store the user identifier in a third-party cookie if the browser does not support third-party cookies or has been configured by the user to not allow third-party cookies. In this case, the SDK only stores the identifier in the first-party domain.

    note important

    Third-party cookies are not compatible with the first-party device ID functionality in Web SDK.
    You can either use first-party device IDs, or you can use third-party cookies, but you cannot use both features simultaneously.

Configure personalization settings personalization

This section allows you to configure how you want to hide certain parts of a page while personalized content is loaded. This ensures that your visitors only see the personalized page.

Image showing the personalization settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI

  • Migrate Target from at.js to the Web SDK: Use this option to enable Web SDK to read and write the legacy mbox and mboxEdgeCluster cookies that are used by at.js 1.x or 2.x libraries. This helps you keep the visitor profile while moving from a page that uses the Web SDK to a page that uses at.js 1.x or 2.x libraries and vice-versa.

Prehiding style prehiding-style

The prehiding style editor allows you to define custom CSS rules to hide specific sections of a page. When the page is loaded, Web SDK uses this style to hide the sections which need to be personalized, retrieves the personalization, then un-hides the personalized page sections. This way, your visitors see the already personalized pages, without seeing the personalization retrieval process.

Prehiding snippet prehiding-snippet

The prehiding snippet is useful when the Web SDK library is loaded asynchronously. In this situation, to avoid flickering, we recommend hiding the content before the Web SDK library is loaded.

To use the prehiding snippet, copy and paste it inside the <head> element of your page.

When using the prehiding snippet, Adobe recommends to use the same CSS rule as the one used by the prehiding style.

Configure data collection settings data-collection

Manage data collection configuration settings. Similar settings in the JavaScript library are available using the configure command.

Image showing the data collection settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI.

  • On before event send callback: A callback function to evaluate and modify the payload sent to Adobe. Use the content variable within the callback function to modify the payload. This callback is the tag equivalent to onBeforeEventSend in the JavaScript library.

  • Collect internal link clicks: A checkbox that enables the collection of link tracking data internal to your site or property. When you enable this checkbox, event grouping options appear:

    • No event grouping: Link tracking data is sent to Adobe in separate events. Link clicks sent in separate events can increase the contractual usage of data sent to Adobe Experience Platform.
    • Event grouping using session storage: Store link tracking data in session storage until the next page event. On the following page, the stored link tracking data and page view data is sent to Adobe at the same time. Adobe recommends enabling this setting when tracking internal links.
    • Event grouping using local object: Store link tracking data in a local object until the next page event. If a visitor navigates to a new page, link tracking data is lost. This setting is most beneficial in context of single-page applications.
  • Collect external link clicks: A checkbox that enables the collection of external links.

  • Collect download link clicks: A checkbox that enables the collection of download links.

  • Download link qualifier: A regular expression that qualifies a link URL as a download link.

  • Filter click properties: A callback function to evaluate and modify click-related properties before collection. This function runs before the On before event send callback.

  • Context settings: Automatically collect visitor information, which populates specific XDM fields for you. You can choose All default context information or Specific context information. It is the tag equivalent to context in the JavaScript library.

    • Web: Collects information about the current page.
    • Device: Collects information about the user’s device.
    • Environment: Collects information about the user’s browser.
    • Place context: Collects information about the user’s location.
    • High entropy user-agent hints: Collects more detailed information about the user’s device.
The On before link click send field is a deprecated callback that is only visible for properties that already have it configured. It is the tag equivalent to onBeforeLinkClickSend in the JavaScript library. Use the Filter click properties callback to filter or adjust click data, or use the On before event send callback to filter or adjust the overall payload sent to Adobe. If both the Filter click properties callback and the On before link click send callback are set, only the Filter click properties callback runs.

Configure media collection settings media-collection

The media collection feature helps you collect data related to media sessions on your website.

The collected data can include information about media playbacks, pauses, completions, and other related events. Once collected, you can send this data to Adobe Experience Platform and/or Adobe Analytics, to generate reports. This feature provides a comprehensive solution for tracking and understanding media consumption behavior on your website.

Image showing the media collection settings of the Web SDK tag extension in the Tags UI

  • Channel: The name of the channel where media collection occurs. Example: Video channel.
  • Player Name: The name of the media player.
  • Application Version: The version of the media player application.
  • Main ping interval: Frequency of pings for main content, in seconds. The default value is 10. Values can range from 10 to 50 seconds. If no value is specified, the default value is used when using automatically-tracked sessions.
  • Ad ping interval: Frequency of pings for ad content, in seconds. The default value is 10. Values can range from 1 to 10 seconds. If no value is specified, the default value is used when using automatically-tracked sessions

Configure datastream overrides datastream-overrides

Datastream overrides allow you to define additional configurations for your datastreams, which get passed to the Edge Network via the Web SDK.

This helps you trigger different datastream behaviors than the default ones, without creating a new datastream or modifying your existing settings.

Datastream configuration override is a two step process:

  1. First, you must define your datastream configuration overrides in the datastream configuration page.
  2. Then, you must send the overrides to the Edge Network either via a Web SDK command, or by using the Web SDK tag extension.

See the datastream configuration overrides documentation for detailed instructions on how to override datastream configurations.

As an alternative to passing the overrides through a Web SDK command, you can configure the overrides in the tag extension screen shown below.

Datastream overrides must be configured on a per-environment basis. The development, staging, and production environments all have separate overrides. You can copy the settings between them using the dedicated options shown in the screen below.

Image showing the datastream configuration overrides using the Web SDK tag extension page.

Configure advanced settings

Use the Edge base path field if you need to change the base path that is used to interact with the Edge Network. This shouldn’t require updating, but in the case that you participate on a beta or alpha, Adobe might ask you to change this field.

Image showing the advanced settings using the Web SDK tag extension page.
