Subscribe to alerts in the UI

You must enable instant notifications of emails for your Platform account in order to receive email-based alert notifications for your dataflows.

You can enable alerts for your dataflows during the Configure new destination step of the destination connection workflow.

UI image showing the destination alerts section.

Select the alerts you would like to subscribe to and then select Next to review and finish your dataflow.

The alerts available to destination dataflows are described in the table below.

  • For streaming destinations, only the Activation Skipped Rate Exceeded alert is available.
  • For file-based destinations, all alerts are available.
Destination Flow Run DelayThis alert notifies you when a destination flow run takes longer than 150 minutes to activate an audience.
Destination Flow Run FailureThis alert notifies you when an error occurs while activating an audience to a destination.
Destination Flow Run SuccessThis alert notifies you when an audience is successfully activated to a destination.
Destination Flow Run StartThis alert notifies you when a destination flow run starts activating an audience.
Activation Skipped Rate ExceededThis alert notifies you when the activation skip rate has exceeded 1% of total activations. Identities are skipped during activation when they have missing attributes or consent violation.

Receiving alerts

Once your destination dataflow runs, you can receive alerts through the UI or by email.

Receiving alerts in the UI

Alerts are represented in the UI by a notification icon in the top header of the Platform UI. Select the notification icon to see specific alert messages regarding your dataflows.

UI image showing the notification icon in Experience Platform

The notifications panel appears, displaying a list of status updates on the dataflow that you created.

UI image showing the notification panel

You can hover on an alert message to mark them as read or you can select the clock icon to set future reminders on the status of your dataflow.

UI image showing the notification reminder options

Select the alert message to see specific information on your dataflow.

UI image showing how to select a notification

The Dataflow run details page appears. The upper half of the screen displays an overview on your dataflow, including information on its attributes, corresponding dataflow run ID, and high-level error summary.

UI image showing the dataflow run details page.

The lower half of the page displays any Dataflow run errors that ocurred during the dataflow run stage. From here, you can preview error diagnostics or use the Data Access API to download error diagnostics or the file manifest that corresponds to your dataflow.

UI image showing the dataflow run details page, with a highlight on the errors section.

For more information on handling dataflow errors, see the guide on monitoring destinations dataflows in the UI.

Receiving alerts by email

Alerts for your dataflows are also delivered to you by email. Select the dataflow name in the email body to see more information on your dataflow.

Screenshot of an alert email

Similar to the UI alert, the Dataflow run overview page appears, providing you with an interface to investigate any errors associated with your dataflow.


Subscribe and unsubscribe to alerts

You can subscribe to more alerts or unsubscribe from established alerts for an existing destination dataflow in the destinations Browse page.

UI image showing the Destinations Browse page

Locate the destination connection that you want to receive alerts for and select the ellipses (...) to see a dropdown menu of options. Next, select Subscribe to alerts to modify the alert settings of your destination dataflow.

UI image showing the destination options

A pop-up window appears, providing you with a list of destination alerts. Select any alerts you want to subscribe to or deselect alerts that you want to unsubscribe from. When finished, select Save.

UI image showing the destination alerts subscriptions page

Next steps

This document provided a step-by-step guide on how to subscribe to in-context alerts for your destination dataflows. For more information, see the alerts UI guide.

Previous pageConfigure file formatting options for file-based destinations
Next pageDestinations catalog overview

Experience Platform