Cloud storage destinations overview cloud-storage-destinations

Overview overview

Adobe Experience Platform can deliver your audiences as data files to your cloud storage locations. This enables you to send audiences and their profile attributes to your internal systems, via CSV files for Amazon S3, Azure Blob, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2, Data Landing Zone, Google Cloud Storage, and SFTP. For Amazon Kinesis and Azure Event Hubs destinations, data is streamed out of Experience Platform in JSON format.

Adobe cloud storage destinations

Supported cloud storage destinations supported-destinations

Adobe Experience Platform supports data exports to the following cloud storage destinations:

Connect to a new cloud storage destination connect-destination

To send audiences to cloud storage destinations for your campaigns, Platform must first connect to the destination. See the destination creation tutorial for detailed information on setting up a new destination.

Use macros to create a folder in your storage location use-macros

The functionality described in this section is currently available for Amazon S3 destinations only.

To create a custom folder per audience file in your storage location, you can use macros in the folder path input field. Insert the macros at the end of the input field, as shown below.

How to use macros to create a folder in your storage

The examples below reference a sample audience Luxury Audience with ID 25768be6-ebd5-45cc-8913-12fb3f348615.


Input: acme/campaigns/2021/%SEGMENT_NAME%
Folder path in your storage location: acme/campaigns/2021/Luxury Audience

Macro 2: %SEGMENT_ID%

Input: acme/campaigns/2021/%SEGMENT_ID%
Folder path in your storage location: acme/campaigns/2021/25768be6-ebd5-45cc-8913-12fb3f348615


Input: acme/campaigns/2021/%SEGMENT_NAME%/%SEGMENT_ID%
Folder path in your storage location: acme/campaigns/2021/Luxury Audience/25768be6-ebd5-45cc-8913-12fb3f348615

Further macros

Similar to the examples above, you can use further macros to create a custom folder structure in your folder location:

  • %DATETIME% or %TIMESTAMP% to add a custom folder name based on the export time of the files. The format for the first macro is MMDDYYYY_HHMMSS and a UNIX 10-digit format for the second macro.
  • %DESTINATION_NAME% to add a custom folder based on the name of the destination dataflow.

Data export type export-type

Cloud storage destinations support the following export types:

  • Profile-based export. This means that you are exporting details about the individuals in the audience. These details are needed for personalization and can include attributes, events, audience memberships, and more.
  • Dataset export. This functionality allows you to export entire datasets to cloud storage destinations. Read more about the functionality.

Next steps next-steps

After selecting which one of the supported cloud destinations you would like to use, read the connect to destinations tutorial to learn how to establish a connection to the destination. Then, read the activation tutorial to file-based destinations to learn how to start exporting data to your cloud storage destination.
