Maintenance Release Notes maintenance-release-notes

The following section outlines the technical release notes for the maintenance releases of Experience Manager as a Cloud Service associated with 2024.5.0 feature activation.

Release 16461 release-16461

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 16461, which was publicly released on May 27, 2024. The previous maintenance release was release 16357.

2024.5.0 Feature Activation will provide the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-16461


Fixed Issues fixed-issues-16461


Known Issues known-issues-16461

  • SITES-20364: 302 Redirects Not Working with Selector in URL.
  • SITES-20547: Truncated Paths in Live Copy Excluded Paths List on AEM as a Cloud Service.
Two fixes for known issues have been reverted in this new release.
AEM Engineering has identified a regression for Launches functionality which is affecting current AEM releases starting with 16461. Because of this regression, new Launches (created after new releases have been applied) that include non-deep pages will not be properly promoted due to missing configurations.
In case your environments are affected, a shell script to identify and update missing configurations is available through customer support (internal reference SITES-22457).
A longer term fix will be made available that will ensure new Launches are created with all the right configurations. Until then, an internal patch release is also available on demand.

Deprecated Features and APIs deprecated-16461

To know what is deprecated or removed in AEM as a Cloud Service, see Deprecated and Removed Features and APIs.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-16461

Oak API 1.62.0 API
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
AEM WCM Core Components

Release 16357 release-16357

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 16357, which was publicly released on May 22, 2024. The previous maintenance release was release 16145.

2024.5.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Release 16357 has been made private on May 27th and has been replaced by release 16461.

Enhancements enhancements-16357

  • ASSETS-30379: DRM License check walks entire tree of assets being downloaded.
  • ASSETS-35535: [DaaS Adapter Error] Empty Asset Downloads need to be ignored for v1 Events.
  • CQ-4356445: Event Producer & Schema Implementation.
  • CQ-4356625: Improve authorization check in languagecopyrendercondition.jsp.
  • CQ-4356629: Improve authorization check in isWorkflowUser rendercondition.
  • CQ-4356934: Simplify the RequestProcessor API when working with ResponseEntities.
  • CQ-4357214: Request processors must not depend on servlet logic.
  • FORMS-11295: Added support for SHA256 with ECDSA algorithm for AEM Forms Digital Signature.
  • FORMS-12052: A form author can now apply custom functions to preprocess data before submission.
  • FORMS-13209: A handler is included to override Adaptive Forms default submission success and submission failure handlers. You can configure these handlers via Adaptive Forms Rule Editor.
  • FORMS-13612: Screen readers now read error messages, short descriptions, and long descriptions for fields in core component-based Adaptive Forms. Additionally, support has been added to invalidate adaptive form inputs when the form contains errors and is not valid for submission.
  • FORMS-7483: AEM Forms JSON Schema Parser now supports JSON schema (2020-12).
  • FORMS-9432: An additional content type (REST Endpoint) has been added to the data source cloud configuration. It enables data submission in key-value pairs to an authenticated endpoint.
  • SITES-16392: Failed launch creation should not leave garbage content.
  • SITES-17854: Support UUID for CF & assets references (Pfizer MVP).
  • SITES-19555: Simple Model API for UI schema.
  • SITES-19579: Java API to migrate content fragments from one model to the other.
  • SITES-19611: [Open API] Create write/update operation for managing a UI Schema per model in the OpenAPI definition.
  • SITES-19614: [Xwalk] Spreadsheet pagination / infinite scroll.
  • SITES-19698: [Open API] Create read operation for managing a UI Schema per model in the OpenAPI definition.
  • SITES-19834: Adobe I/O event missing ids for publish/unpublishing.
  • SITES-19973: CFM Search API Implementation.
  • SITES-20005: The author pipeline should have a configurable event delay.
  • SITES-20121: Allow defaultValue for enum fields.
  • SITES-20146: Enable Preview Version / Compare for moved pages.
  • SITES-20149: RTC: [cq-wcm-launches-core] Export new API for Launches for CFs.
  • SITES-20150: RTC: [cq-command] Add new methods to existing API.
  • SITES-20238: [RTC] Pfizer MVP - Add CF API to resolve CF paths to IDs and for vice versa.
  • SITES-20333: Improve validation when creating Content Fragments.
  • SITES-20334: Improve validation when editing Content Fragment Models.
  • SITES-20342: [Backend] Publish at the folder level - add filter to only publish CFs.
  • SITES-20355: Remove content fragment models and permissions API servlets.
  • SITES-20387: Navigating the tagadmin always calculates the tag usage.
  • SITES-20405: [Xwalk] Support mimeType for field collapsing.
  • SITES-20451: Add sidecar plugin to wcm-commons.
  • SITES-20495: [BE] Ability to get the permission to publish at folder level.
  • SITES-20499: [MSM][Async] Extract the code from AsyncOperationServlet to a utility class.
  • SITES-20583: Add etag as property in LIST/search fragments.
  • SITES-20585: Enhance Content Fragment Search API to filter by locale.
  • SITES-20594: Return the full name of the user creating/modifying/replicating a resource.
  • SITES-20601: [OpenAPI] Update CF Search API to allow fetching only direct children content fragments.
  • SITES-20653: [Xwalk] add experiment-start-date and -end-date.
  • SITES-20656: [BE] Provide option to match case when replacing a string.
  • SITES-20666: [Xwalk] experiment’s should be turned off per default on authoring.
  • SITES-20752: [cq-wcm-core] Apple Launches for CFs.
  • SITES-20763: Update delivery API endpoints in sites integration.
  • SITES-20946: Add etag as a property in LIST models endpoint.
  • SITES-20947: [persistence] fetch sub task by content fragment id.
  • SITES-21012: Merge Model Metadata Schema to product.
  • SITES-21043: [CF][launches] Side-port performance improvements to Cloud Service.
  • SITES-21044: [CF][launches] Side-port async edit payload implementation to Cloud Service.
  • SITES-21550: [Xwalk] Custom metadata: number, date, datetime, time fields.
  • SITES-21769: Use the /jcr:id/ path prefix for resource-by-id retrieval.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-16357

  • ASSETS-37611: “Request to Complete Move Operation” workflow is triggered for un-published asset.
  • ASSETS-38723: NPE thrown by MetadataRulesProviderImpl when getReadRulesForMetadataChildNodes() is called before this.readRules is initialized.
  • CQ-4357161: AEM Inbox Payload screen is returning 404.
  • CQ-4357278: DispatcherServlet throws NPE if getRequestBodyType returns null.
  • CQ-4357279: Request processing fails when there is no pathInfo for a request.
  • FORMS-11589: For users with only the AEM Forms solution (without any other solutions), the frontend pipeline is not functioning.
  • FORMS-11952: When a form is submitted, the submit URL generated by the form starts with /content/ instead of /portale/, misrouting the request. This prevents the request from reaching the intended servers.
  • FORMS-13587: In the Adaptive Forms Editor, the Device Emulator feature is not functioning correctly for Core Components based Adaptive Forms.
  • FORMS-13616: The date picker is showing the current date as one day behind, likely due to a timezone issue, and there’s difficulty in setting the correct date format due to this inconsistency and an additional display pattern problem.
  • FORMS-13786: In the Adaptive Forms Rule Editor, the drag-and-drop functionality is not working for custom functions.
  • FORMS-13801: Even if the terms and conditions component is disabled, the corresponding checkbox remains enabled.
  • FORMS-13827: In the Adaptive Forms Rule Editor, the WHEN operation does not currently support different types of fields with date pickers.
  • FORMS-13829: The dropdown, controlled by rules to mimic radio button functionality, fails to populate correctly after a selection is cleared and reselected. The desired behavior is for individual checkboxes to act as radio buttons, allowing only one selection at a time and permitting deselection of all options.
  • FORMS-13896: In DoR (Document of Record) output, dates, and numbers are displayed in Arabic regardless of whether the input data is merged using Gregorian numbers.
  • FORMS-14244: In an Adaptive Form based on an XDP with embedded scripts on checkboxes, the scripts are not executed for elements after such checkboxes.
  • FORMS-14267: Users are experiencing consistent timeout errors when sending API requests across development, stage, and production environments. These requests are related to generating PDFs, sometimes with data prefilled using data binding. The issue results in a hanging process that eventually times out but succeeds upon retrying after the error.
  • FORMS-14376 When a user presses the Reset button, it results in console errors if the static text is marked as unbound.
  • SCRNS-3945: Skyline: Unlocalized “Scheduled” string in Screens.
  • SITES-11727: [GQL] Full hydration of content fragment references is missing data.
  • SITES-16674: Inherit rollout configs checkbox not working on live copy properties.
  • SITES-17772: AEM: User with admin group can’t unlock page what another user locked.
  • SITES-18680: Unable to pull reference variations in graphql query (Apple).
  • SITES-19462: Asset search is not working properly in AEM Cloud.
  • SITES-19554: [Xwalk] Spreadsheet Editor: Can’t empty a cell.
  • SITES-19971: Patching a CFM containing tabs changes the order of the fields.
  • SITES-19994: Close button clocking when users try to close Content Fragment.
  • SITES-20023: Fileupload is not working for Remote(Next gen assets) assets in multifield.
  • SITES-20029: Content fragment Versions are created right after closing it without changing the content.
  • SITES-20168: Content Fragment Model locked field not properly updated.
  • SITES-20214: AEM Rollout Configuration Sequence Issue on Save.
  • SITES-20367: Issue with Deleting Launches in AEM.
  • SITES-20364: 302 Redirects Not Working with Selector in URL.
  • SITES-20547: Truncated Paths in Live Copy Excluded Paths List on AEM as a Cloud Service.
  • SITES-20401: [Xwalk] Section metadata do not support multi-value properties.
  • SITES-20496: [Xwalk] No properties option when selecting spreadsheet in site admin.
  • SITES-20522: Corrupted Content Fragments break /adobe/sites/cf/fragments endpoint.
  • SITES-20559: [MSM][XF][Lufthansa] Rollout of Experience Fragments from masters/language to country/language does not update references.
  • SITES-20582: Searching and listing content fragments should allow depth 0.
  • SITES-20586: Template “Published” timestamp not updated.
  • SITES-20608: Experience Fragment’s with personalization enabled when included in a template causes an infinite loop.
  • SITES-20691: Experience Fragment Template Restriction Not Honoring cq:allowedTemplates.
  • SITES-20816: CF OpenAPI - Output inconsistency with missing model for referenced fragment.
  • SITES-21122: AEM CS Live Copy Defect with Content Fragments.
  • SITES-21233: [CoreCmp] Accordion broken for GS1 US after upgrade to 15860.
  • SITES-21239: Remove ContentFragmentSearchService circular dependency.
  • SITES-21316: Fragment Preview: preview fails due to code changes from SITES-11727.
  • SITES-21391: [OpenAPI Event] No events triggered when modifying the title or tags (properties) of a Content Fragment Model.
  • SKYOPS-73234: Error log failure increase on AEM Assets Global DAM program upgrade to AEM release 15553 and PR Id 35362.
  • SKYOPS-75341: NoSuchMethodError in distribution Crosswalk bundle.

Known Issues known-issues-16357

  • Some users may face issue while creating forms on Cloud Service version 2024.5.16461, the issue is, when a user creates a form, the following error message pops up in the creation dialog box:

    A server error occurred. Try again after sometime.

    The issue occurs because the author publishes the form without first publishing the template used in the form, which results in the addition of the jcr:uuid and other protected and system-generated properties to the <template-path>/initial/jcr:content node. This cause failures in subsequent form creation.

    To resolve the issue, follow the workaround steps.

Deprecated Features and APIs deprecated-16357

To know what is deprecated or removed in AEM as a Cloud Service, see Deprecated and Removed Features and APIs.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-16357

Oak API 1.62.0 API
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
AEM WCM Core Components

Release 16145 release-16145

Summarized below are the continuous improvements for maintenance release 16145, which was publicly released on May 1, 2024. The previous maintenance release was release 15977.

2024.5.0 Feature Activation provides the full feature set for this maintenance release. See the Experience Manager Releases Roadmap for more information.

Enhancements enhancements-16145

  • ASSETS-23489: Repository insights enhancements.
  • ASSETS-26926: Dynamic Media upload polling improvements.
  • ASSETS-30351: Download dialog should load Dynamic Media rendition sizes asynchronously.
  • ASSETS-30379: Improve resolution of DRM licenses in download.
  • ASSETS-31058: Surface smart crop renditions in AEM assets UI in renditions tab and generate smart cropped images when the user clicks on these renditions.
  • ASSETS-31218: Add support for named smartcrop in the assets delivery api.
  • ASSETS-31979: Add visual indicator and disable UI functions during Async Assets operations.
  • ASSETS-32735: Improvements to asset metadata updated event.
  • ASSETS-34661: API for DM Preview and/or Delivery URLs from AEMaaCS Publish.
  • ASSETS-37259: XMP parsing improvements.
  • ASSETS-37263: Allow cancellation of failing Assets async jobs.
  • CNTBF-114: Content backflow improvements.
  • CNTBF-148: Content backflow improvements.
  • CQ-4356992: Latest AEM and Granite translations.
  • SITES-19326: Update links in the Assets UI to open CF in the new CF Editor.
  • SITES-20686: GraphQL - Expose Dynamic Media URL via _dmS7Url (for non-images assets).
  • SKYOPS-68091: Update to Java 11.0.20.

Fixed Issues fixed-issues-16145

  • ASSETS-32321: Post-Processing workflow resolution fails if ancestor folder is missing ‘jcr:content’ subnode.
  • ASSETS-33856: JPEG Image Preset downloads file as TXT.
  • ASSETS-34096: Fix Touch UI view for async download report.
  • ASSETS-34493: Failure while loading download dialog box after enabling multi company feature toggle.
  • ASSETS-34824: Copy url shows empty for DM disabled folders.
  • ASSETS-35226: Post-Processing workflow not resolved if specified on the DAM root.
  • ASSETS-35559: Reduce DM Batch Upload failure log to WARN.
  • ASSETS-35860: Incorrect Time Zone Conversion in AEM Assets Column View.
  • ASSETS-35935: Incorrect folder navigation after closing payload review.
  • ASSETS-35961: Add crop button is not working under image profile.
  • ASSETS-36227: Disable FolderPreviewUpdaterImpl service on publish.
  • ASSETS-36943: Misaligned columns when CF and other non CF items are present in a folder in list view.
  • ASSETS-36990: Exported metadata jobs failing/slow with large number of properties.
  • ASSETS-37113: Reprocess Assets job terminates immediately if query returns only CF results.
  • ASSETS-37260: Metadata Export in AEM can produce invalid CSV.
  • ASSETS-37261: PPTx and PDF Annotation Issue on AEM Assets.
  • ASSETS-37282: Potential slow request opening large folder.
  • ASSETS-37330: Bulk Import from OneDrive creates incorrect AEM Folder Structure.
  • ASSETS-37609: Remove legacy scene7 conf lookup.
  • ASSETS-38016: Some metadata updates are not properly tracked in events.
  • CQ-4357161: AEM Inbox Payload screen is returning 404.
  • GRANITE-50041: Add Rendition is not working when resolution is more than 1440px width when only “Add Rendition” option is in the dropdown option.
  • GRANITE-50279: Disordered Week Names in Coral Datepicker Component.
  • SCRNS-3949: Screens channel fetch request time is too long.
  • SCRNS-3981: [Sequence channel] Black screen resulted when the sequence of element load/unload events gets distorted.
  • SCRNS-4180: [Sequence channel] Sequence stops with a Blank screen for channels with videos of duration -1 upon recovery from fallback thumbnail.
  • SCRNS-4245: [Sequence channel] Limited duration of Blank screen when a video is loaded & switched from fallback thumbnail.
  • SITES-16055: Fix Live Copy and Live Copy Source links within respective properties page.
  • SCRNS-4243: Missing buttons in Content Provider for Non-Admin users.

Known Issues known-issues-16145


Deprecated Features and APIs deprecated-16145

  • JWT Credentials Deprecation in Adobe Developer Console

  • Effective May 1, 2024, Adobe Dynamic Media is ending support for the following:

    • SSL (Secure Socket Layer) 2.0

    • SSL 3.0

    • TLS (Transport Layer Security) 1.0 and 1.1

    • The following weak ciphers in TLS 1.2:

      • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
      • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_256_CBC_SHA256
      • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256
      • TLS_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA256

To know what is deprecated or removed in AEM as a Cloud Service, see Deprecated and Removed Features and APIs.

Embedded Technologies embedded-tech-16145

Oak API 1.62.0 API
Apache Sling API 2.27.2 API
HTML Template Language Specification
AEM Core Components
AEM WCM Core Components