Adobe Experience Manager 6.5 Latest Service Pack Release Notes aem-service-pack-release-notes

Release information release-information

Adobe Experience Manager 6.5
Service Pack release
Thursday, August 24, 2023
Download URL
Software Distribution

What is included in Experience Manager what-is-included-in-aem-6518

Experience Manager includes new features, key customer-requested enhancements, bug fixes, and performance, stability, and security improvements that have been released since the initial availability of 6.5 in April 2019. Install this service pack on Experience Manager 6.5.

Some of the key features and enhancements in this release include the following:

Key features

  • Assets, Dynamic Media - Multiple caption and audio track support for videos in Dynamic Media—You can now easily add multiple subtitles and multiple audio tracks to a primary video. This capability means that your videos are accessible across a global audience. You can customize a single, published primary video to a global audience in multiple languages and adhere with accessibility guidelines for different geographical regions. Authors can also manage the subtitles and audio tracks from a single tab in the user interface.

  • Assets - From Search results, you can now navigate to the folder location that contains an asset to let you perform various asset management tasks. (ASSETS-23182)

Key Enhancements

  • Sites Polaris Picker in Content Fragments has improved performance. (SITES-14092)

  • Enabled Sites Page Editor/Image Component user to reference assets from the remote Assets Cloud Service. (SITES-13448, SITES-13433)

  • To quickly find a project in List view, where you may have many projects in your system, Adobe now supports server-side sorting. Project nodes are sorted on the backend based on the column selected by the user before rendering them in the user interface. (NPR-41027)

  • AEM supports MongoDB 5.0 to 6.0.

Deprecated feature

  • ActiveMQ in AEM is deprecated. ActiveMQ was used for communication between two AEM Publish instances. Adobe recommends that customers now use a load-balancer.


  • Enhanced error handling with custom error handlers in the rule editor – You can now invoke a custom function (using Client Library) in response to an error returned by an external service. And, you can provide a tailored response to end users. Or, you can take specific actions for errors returned by a service. For example, you can invoke a custom workflow in the backend for specific error codes or inform the customer that the service is down

  • Enhanced Adobe Sign Workflow step – Adobe Sign workflow step in AEM Workflows is available with the following enhancements.

    • Enhanced Security with Government ID-Based Authentication for Adobe Sign – Adobe Acrobat Sign’s Government ID-Based Authentication offers an additional layer of verification. It enables users to authenticate their identity using government-issued IDs (driver’s license, national ID, passport). By using trusted identification documents, this enhancement adds an extra level of confidence to the signing process, making it ideal for scenarios that require heightened security, compliance, and user validation.

    • Enhanced Transparency with Audit Trail for Adobe Sign Documents – Use the Audit Trail feature for detailed insights into the lifecycle of your Adobe Sign documents. With the Audit Trail, you can now maintain a comprehensive record of all actions and interactions related to your documents. This includes details such as who viewed, edited, or signed the document, along with timestamps for each event. This enhancement is crucial for maintaining compliance, resolving disputes, and ensuring the integrity of your digital agreements.

    • Expanded the roles for Agreement recipients beyond just the Signer – Adobe Acrobat Sign lets you expand the roles for Agreement recipients beyond just the Signer to better match their workflow requirements. When enabled, each recipient in an Agreement has their role individually configurable, with Signer being the default.

  • AEM Forms on JEE full installer – The service pack brings a full installer for AEM Forms on JEE that brings support for multiple new software combinations, including:

    • Microsoft® Windows Server 2022
    • Microsoft® Active Directory 2022
    • Oracle WebLogic 14C on Windows Server 2022
    • Red Hat® JBoss® 7.4.10
    • MongoDB 6.0
    • MySQL JDBC Connector 8

If you are installing or planning to use the latest software for your AEM 6.5 Forms on JEE environment, Adobe recommends using AEM Forms on JEE full installer. To explore the complete list of newly added and deprecated software, refer to the documentation for AEM Forms on JEE or AEM Forms on OSGi.

Fixed issues in Service Pack 18 fixed-issues

Sites sites-6518

  • Used the Bulk Editor to update the properties of multiple pages by downloading the tsv Export, made changes offline, and then uploaded the tsv back to Experience Manager. Even though the pages were updated, the JCR Property cq:lastModified was not updated and in the timeline. (SITES-14072)
  • Link reference does not get updated inside an Experience Fragment when creating a live copy or rollout of an Experience Fragment. (SITES-14759)
  • A workflow synchronization action was added to the out-of-the-box Experience Manager standard rollout configuration, the “Rollout page and subpages”, from the parent page, and async job fails with NullPointer exception. The source location page (en-us) does not exist in the parent, but exists in the target location (Live copy) (en). (SITES-12207)
  • You have ‘en’ page which contains jcr:description and sent the page for translation. The jcr:description is getting translated and the property is present under launch. However, when the launch is promoted, jcr:description is not getting updated in the page. (SITES-13146)
  • Localized content on Live Copy is lost after blueprint rollout. (SITES-12602)

Admin User Interface sites-adminui-6518

  • If a user’s delete permission is removed by way of the useradmin console, the user no longer sees the ‘Properties’ button in the sites.html console (when selecting the page). However, this option is present if the user opens the page editor. (SITES-14341)
  • When a folder has many pages, each having many versions, when using the compare version feature, the load on the instance becomes high. When several users are using the feature at the same time, the instance can go down. (SITES-13026)

Content Fragments sites-contentfragments-6518

  • A problem was discovered with the exception handling in the RemoteAssetClientImpl. When an IOException or RuntimeException occurs while querying the metadata, the current thread attempts to close and recreate the shared httpClient which could result in a cascade of other errors in the threads. (SITES-14092)
  • When authors fill out the rich text editor field in a content fragment, and insert an image inside a link, when the content fragment is queried through the GraphQL API, the error message Exception while fetching data (/genericContentByPath) : null is returned. This error only occurred if there was a link with an image inside it. Removing the image from the link made the error message go away. (SITES-13988)
  • The GraphQL implementation of Experience Manager 6.5 was not on par with master and several important fixes were missing. (SITES-13096)
  • A mandatory HTTP header is needed when accessing the metadata service endpoint. (SITES-13068)

Core Components sites-core-components-6518

  • Asset selector does not fetch an updated list of assets when it is closed and reopened. If new assets are uploaded in the repository, then they are not shown in the asset selector until the page containing the asset selector is refreshed. (SITES-14828)
  • Asset selector user interface, integrated in the Sites editor (CS), is not responsive when the window is reduced. (SITES-14127)
  • The Adobe IMS (Identity Management System) Configuration for Asset selector integration was accepting incorrect values. (SITES-13962)
  • Asset selector, when integrated in the Sites Image component, should not allow the selecting of non-image assets. (SITES-13879)
  • After successful sign-in, the user is redirected to Page Editor. The user has to reopen the Asset selector to pick Remote Assets. (SITES-13851)
  • Remote Asset Picker always redirects to the Adobe IMS (Identity Management System) Stage environment. (SITES-13448, SITES-13433)

Page Editor sites-pageeditor-6518

  • When the author opens Page properties, the dialog box has an incorrect view. That is, an extra horizontal scrollbar and additional margins are visible. (SITES-14502)
  • Styles added in Experience Manager 6.5, Service Pack 17, for anchor and body tag was causing CSS issues. Anchor tags were not showing underlined in Author. (SITES-14261)

Assets assets-6518

  • The screen reader does not announce the expand or collapse state of the Start Crop option while editing an asset. (NPR-40593)
  • Experience Manager displays error and warning messages while uploading an asset on AEM instance. (ASSETS-26232)
  • When you relate an asset from a folder with full access to an asset from a folder with read-only access, Experience Manager displays an error message, but still creates a partial relation between the two assets. (ASSETS-25832)
  • Connected Assets do not work between an AMS instance and a Cloud Service instance. (ASSETS-24930)
  • While editing Metadata Schema Forms, the values of On time and Off time fields are not getting saved correctly. (ASSETS-24871)
  • While generating the Smart Tags report for the trained tags, the tags with low confidence scores are not getting listed. (ASSETS-24109)
  • Experience Manager displays a blank screen while editing and annotating an image in Column view. (ASSETS-24108)
  • Screen readers do not announce the purpose of the Add User field while creating a collection. (ASSETS-21736)
  • The Collections label is not localized on the Collections properties page. (ASSETS-21102)
  • When you add a rule or edit an existing rule using the default Metadata Schema form, the languages in the drop-down list are not localized. (ASSETS-21026)
  • Experience Manager displays an unlocalized error message on adding a JSON path in the metadata schema. (ASSETS-21025)
  • The timeline option on the left navigation does not display the appropriate contrast ratio. (ASSETS-17348)
  • Calendar elements do not use the required ARIA attributes. (ASSETS-17282)
  • The left navigation text does not display the appropriate contrast ratio. (ASSETS-17268)
  • The Lightbox image is not hidden from the screen reader users. (ASSETS-17263, ASSETS-17242)
  • The state of an Active user interface does not provide a suitable contrast ratio regarding the background. (ASSETS-17260)
  • While annotating an Asset, the screen reader does not recognize the Save as version or Start workflow buttons while navigating them using the keyboard arrow keys. (ASSETS-17253)
  • Certain ARIA roles do not contain the appropriate child roles on the Assets home page. (ASSETS-17248)
  • When you navigate to the editing options for an asset of image type using the keyboard, the Launch Map option is not recognized and the keyboard focus goes to the Cancel button instead. (ASSETS-17238)

Dynamic Media assets-dm-6518

  • When VTT fails to download, the video is not visible. It shows a blank screen, while the video scrubber is seen progressing forward. (ASSETS-21909)
  • Focus is not moving to multiple controls present below the video when navigating using Tab on the keyboard. As such, they are not accessible. Improved keyboard navigation for interactive videos. (ASSETS-25749)
  • Fixed disabled Viewer presets showing in the Dynamic Media component. (ASSETS-22922)
  • Removed “Image Serving” from the General Settings Security tab. (ASSETS-24618)
  • Fixed assets failing to upload to Dynamic Media and StringIndexOutOfBoundsException. (ASSETS-25787)
  • Added visual asterisk for the mandatory ‘width’ edit field in the ‘Basic’ tab. (ASSETS-25741)
  • Fixed download of Watermark Dynamic Media Rendition. (ASSETS-26173)
  • Reinstated the 127-character limit for non-video asset names. (ASSETS-26074)

Forms forms-6518

  • Document Services

    • When a user uses a transformPDF service, it fails with an exception: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: default task-158Class name com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLExceptionInvalidParameter from package com.adobe.internal.afml (FORMS-9957)
    • If the server is shut down during PDF document generation, post-server startup job processing errors are thrown. The argument -Dcom.adobe.livecycle.dsc.deferServiceStart=true must be added during server startup. (FORMS-9836)
    • If a user tries to merge PDFs using the AssemblerService.Invoke method, the assembler fails to perform the task. (FORMS-9550)
    • When you upgrade to AEM Service Pack on OSGI and JEE environments, the Assembler service using a specific template stops working. (FORMS-9355, FORMS-9445, FORMS-9408)
    • Java™ garbage collection is unable to clear old-gen heap on an AEM Forms OSGi server, as the Global Timeout for XMLFormService is not configured to a proper value. (FORMS-9384, FORMS-9035)
    • While rendering the PDF preview of an Adaptive Form, the unwanted Java™ stack dumps appear in the error logs. (FORMS-8865)
    • When a user reviews the document status for documents in the document details section, it is not displayed correctly. (FORMS-8946, FORMS-10424)
    • When a user upgrades to AEM Forms and uses the sendToPrinter service, there is a continuous increase in heap utilization. (FORMS-10148)
    • On JBoss® 7.4 EAP server, the email functionality fails with (FORMS-10138)
    • When a user uses the transformPDF service, it fails with an error: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: default task-158Class name com.adobe.internal.afml.AFMLExceptionInvalidParameter from package com.adobe.internal.afml(FORMS-9957)
    • After upgrading to AEM Service Pack, the issue arises in the assembler service when using a specific template. (FORMS-9445, FORMS-9408)
  • Adaptive Forms

    • When a user tries to call a custom function without modifying a field, such as setting the value of another field, it fails. (FORMS-9921)

    • While working with the custom error function for the Rule Editor in an Adaptive Form, the following errors occur:

      • When a user tries to use @param{boolean} with a function, the rule editor does not allow Boolean values to pass to a function.
      • When a user tries to use @param{string} with a function, the rule editor fails to pass the optional values and warns of incomplete rules. (FORMS-9816, FORMS-9815)
    • The forms-user group fails to call the Rule Editor twice in an Adaptive Form. (FORMS-9051)

    • In a visual editor, when a user selects a Form object then whole field instance object is passed to the custom function instead of just the value of the field. (FORMS-10015)

    • When a user creates a core component-based Adaptive Form and adds a text input component, Is Empty and Is Not Empty do not work in the Rule editor. (FORMS-10098)

    • If a field is marked as invalid in a core component based Adaptive Form, it starts a change event on the field. (FORMS-10087)

    • When a user tries to create an Adaptive Form using a complex JSON schema, it fails. The error occurs as:
      GET /content/forms/af/katezeroone/testaf1.html HTTP/1.1] Could not emit JSON with context java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException:0. (FORMS-9639)

    • In an Adaptive Form, when a user disables the “I agree to the terms & conditions” checkbox, it gets enabled again when the user scrolls down. (FORMS-9458)

    • When a user opens an Adaptive Form on an Android™ device, using Google Chrome/Firefox, and enters the maximum allowed characters in a Textbox, the value in the textbox fails to clear. (FORMS-9354)

    • When the label of the checkbox includes special characters like ‘,’, ‘/’, or ‘.’, clicking the text/label does not select the respective checkbox. (FORMS-9313)

    • When a user tries to validate the Terms and Conditions component, it fails to validate if the component is not in focus while the other component gets validated. (FORMS-8725, FORMS-8913)

    • If an Adaptive Form is reloaded after upgrading to AEM Service Pack, the file attachment retrieval fails. (FORMS-8906)

    • In an Adaptive Form based on an XDP, if a checkbox component includes a text title assigned a numeric value, the text title gets truncated and does not match the assigned value. (FORMS-8743)

    • If a user tries to implement lazy loading on a fragment embedded in an Adaptive Form for the author environment, the rules/logic defined for the fragment are not reflected in the form. (FORMS-8554, FORMS-9182)

    • When you try to open any Coral dialog in AEM Service Pack, it generates the error.log: cannot render resource exception. (FORMS-8942)

    • When a user tries to translate a checkbox with a single option in an Adaptive Form, it fails. (FORMS-10181)

    • All Document of Record (DoR) templates fail to publish. Only English locale-based DoR templates and their associated Forms-based DoR templates get published. (FORMS-10535)

  • Accessibility

    • When using the Scribble Signature component in an Adaptive Form, the following errors occur:

      • After the Scribble Signature component, when there are more components, pressing the Tab key does not traverse to the signature dialog box; instead, it moves to the next component. Only after traversing all components, it finally moves to the signature dialog box.
      • When a user signs in the signature dialog box using a brush or keyboard, pressing the Enter key does not close the dialog box.
      • The clear signature confirmation dialog cannot be accessed using a keyboard.
      • The screen reader fails to read information entered in a dialog box.
      • It is not possible to clear the signature without using a mouse. (FORMS-9317)
    • When a user submits an Adaptive Form, the screen reader fails to read error messages for the mandatory fields. (FORMS-9316)

    • When a screen reader reads an HTML form, the issue occurs while reading the text with kerning (spacing). (FORMS-9258)

    • In an Adaptive Form, the references/footnotes linked to the text are not called out using the screen reader. (FORMS-8920)

    • Accessibility tags are not recognized properly in the latest Designer. (FORMS-10139)

  • Interactive Communications

    • In Correspondence Management, the localization is not working. (FORMS-8926)
    • The draft letter fails to open when the publishAll service is used. (FORMS-8589)
    • After Experience Manager, Service Pack 16 is installed on the servers, all the Interactive communication Letters starts to clock if they try to edit these letters. If they provide any sample payload to preview or view/edit the properties page, they work. However, they are not able to edit the letters. (FORMS-9067)

Foundation foundation-6518

Content distribution foundation-content-distribution-6518

  • The asset delete queue should not be blocked and no error should occur in the log file. (NPR-40570)

Platform foundation-platform-6518

  • After a vanilla Experience Manager, Service Pack 17 install, you see errors in the stderr.log. Vanilla installs should not get errors. (CQ-4353637)
  • The Create button in the Tagging screen not respecting ACL (Access Control List). (NPR-40973)
  • Unable to create, or access, or both, cache node of ContextHub on Experience Manager. (NPR-40515)

Replication foundation-replication-6518

  • Replication flush deletes all descendants of the requested path. (NPR-40569)

Sling foundation-sling-6518

  • When a Link Share Report is generated, the column Link does not contain the correct values. (NPR-40798)
  • With AEM, all vanity URLs, sling aliases, and sling mapping are broken after an AEM restart. (NPR-40420)

Translation projects foundation-translation-6518

  • Translation rules.xml sorted in a poor way when rules are added from the translation configuration user interface. (NPR-40431)
  • Support links with query parameters during translation. (NPR-40339)
  • The dictionary user interface is not loading for the customer after updating the additional context root. (NPR-40650)
  • Error creating language copies when one of the assets is a Content Fragment that contains a multi-field with ReferenceFragment or ContentFragment types. (NPR-40892)

User interface foundation-ui-6518

  • As described in the Configuration Browser documentation, The Name becomes the node name in the repository. However, in Configuration Browser, the Configuration Title is used for Path in CRXDE Lite, and the Name of the Configuration is ignored. (NPR-40607)

Workflow foundation-workflow-6518

  • Reverting an asset version keeps the asset status in processing mode. (NPR-41029)
  • Sorting issue on Assets and Projects user interface. Some have overlaid the custom columns on the Assets and Projects user interface as per business requirements. They have implemented a sort using the out-of-the-box property sortable=true. However, they are seeing inconsistencies in sorting when there are many entries under the Projects or Assets user interface. (NPR-41027)
  • Logs are getting filled up with NullPointerException in the EMailNotificationService, and emails, which workflows should send, are not getting sent. (NPR-40898)

Install Experience Manager install

  • Experience Manager requires Experience Manager 6.5. See upgrade documentation for detailed instructions.
  • The service pack download is available on Adobe Software Distribution.
  • On a deployment with MongoDB and multiple instances, install Experience Manager on one of the Author instances using the Package Manager.
Adobe does not recommend that you remove or uninstall the Experience Manager package. As such, before you install the pack, you should create a backup of the crx-repository in case you must roll it back.

Install the service pack on Experience Manager 6.5 install-service-pack

  1. Restart the instance before installation if the instance is in update mode (when the instance was updated from an earlier version). Adobe recommends a restart if the current uptime for an instance is high.

  2. Before installing, take a snapshot or a fresh backup of your Experience Manager instance.

  3. Download the service pack from Software Distribution.

  4. Open Package Manager, then select Upload Package to upload the package. To know more, see Package Manager.

  5. Select the package, then select Install.

  6. To update the S3 connector, stop the instance after installation of the Service Pack, replace the existing connector with a new binary file provided in the install folder, and restart the instance. See Amazon S3 Data Store.

Dialog on Package Manager UI sometimes exits during the installation of the service pack. Adobe recommends that you wait for error logs to stabilize before accessing the deployment. Wait for the specific logs related to the uninstall of the updater bundle before being assured that the installation is successful. Typically, this issue occurs in the Safari browser but can intermittently occur on any browser.

Automatic installation

There are two different methods that you can use to automatically install Experience Manager

  • Place the package into ../crx-quickstart/install folder when the server is available online. The package is automatically installed.
  • Use the HTTP API from Package Manager. Use cmd=install&recursive=true so that the nested packages are installed.
Experience Manager does not support Bootstrap installation.

Validate the installation

To know the platforms that are certified to work with this release, see the technical requirements.

  1. The product information page (/system/console/productinfo) displays the updated version string Adobe Experience Manager ( under Installed Products.

  2. All OSGi bundles are either ACTIVE or FRAGMENT in the OSGi Console (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

  3. The OSGi bundle org.apache.jackrabbit.oak-core is version 1.22.16 or later (Use Web Console: /system/console/bundles).

Install Service Pack for Experience Manager Forms install-aem-forms-add-on-package

For instructions to install the service pack on Experience Manager Forms, see Experience Manager Forms Service Pack installation instructions.

Install GraphQL Index Package for Experience Manager Content Fragments install-aem-graphql-index-add-on-package

Customers using GraphQL must install the Experience Manager Content Fragment with GraphQL Index Package 1.1.1.

Doing so lets you add the required index definition based on the features they actually use.

Failure to install this package may result in slow or failed GraphQL queries.

Only install this package once per instance; it does not need to be reinstalled with every Service Pack.

UberJar uber-jar

The UberJar for Experience Manager is available in the Maven Central repository.

To use UberJar in a Maven project, see how to use UberJar and include the following dependency in your project POM:

UberJar and the other related artifacts are available on Maven Central Repository instead of Adobe Public Maven repository ( The main UberJar file is renamed to uber-jar-<version>.jar. So, there is no classifier, with apis as the value, for the dependency tag.

Deprecated and removed features removed-deprecated-features

See Deprecated and removed features.

Known issues known-issues

  • Page publishing not working in Page Editor after upgrading to Service Pack 18 (

    After you upgrade an instance of AEM— to AEM, when you click Publish Page inside the Page Editor, you are redirected to a URL that does not exist.

    To work around this issue, do one of the following:

    • Remove the following “path” property.


    • Paste the correct URL directly into the browser.


  • Related to Oak
    From Service Pack 13 and above, the following error log has begun to appear which affects the persistence cache:

    code language-shell
    org.h2.mvstore.MVStoreException: The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.0.202/5]
    at org.h2.mvstore.DataUtils.newMVStoreException(
        at org.h2.mvstore.MVStore.getUnsupportedWriteFormatException(
        at org.h2.mvstore.MVStore.readStoreHeader(
        at org.h2.mvstore.MVStore.<init>(
        at org.h2.mvstore.MVStore$
        at org.h2.mvstore.db.Store.<init>(


    code language-shell
    org.h2.mvstore.MVStoreException: The write format 1 is smaller than the supported format 2 [2.1.214/5].

    To resolve this exception, do the following:

    1. Delete the following two folders from crx-quickstart/repository/

      • cache
      • diff-cache
    2. Install the Service Pack, or restart Experience Manager as a Cloud Service.
      New folders of cache and diff-cache are automatically created and you no longer experience an exception related to mvstore in the error.log.

  • Update your GraphQL queries that may have used a custom API name for your content model to use the default name of the content model instead.

  • A GraphQL query may use the damAssetLucene index instead of the fragments index. This action might result in GraphQL queries that fail, or take a long time to run.

    To correct the problem, damAssetLucene has to be configured to include the following two properties:

    • contentFragment
    • model

    After the index definition is changed, a reindexing is required (reindex = true).

    After these steps, the GraphQL queries should perform faster.

  • When trying to move, delete, or publish either Content Fragments, Sites, or Pages, there is an issue when Content Fragment references are fetched, as the background query fails. That is, the functionality does not work.
    To ensure correct operation, you must add the following properties to the index definition node /oak:index/damAssetLucene (no reindexing is required):

    code language-xml
    "tags": [
    "refresh": true
  • If you upgrade your Experience Manager instance from 6.5.0 - 6.5.4 to the latest service pack on Java™ 11, you see RRD4JReporter exceptions in the error.log file. To stop the exceptions, restart your instance of Experience Manager.

  • Users can rename a folder in a hierarchy in Assets and publish a nested folder to Brand Portal. However, the title of the folder is not updated in Brand Portal until the root folder is republished.

  • The following errors and warning messages may be displayed during installation of Experience Manager 6.5.x.x:

    • "When the Adobe Target integration is configured in Experience Manager using the Target Standard API (IMS authentication), then exporting Experience Fragments to Target results in wrong offer types getting created. Instead of type “Experience Fragment”/source “Adobe Experience Manager,” Target creates several offers with type “HTML”/source “Adobe Target Classic.”
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler: No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • Adaptive Form server-side validation fails when aggregate functions such as SUM, MAX, and MIN are used (CQ-4274424).
    • com.adobe.granite.maintenance.impl.TaskScheduler - No maintenance windows found at granite/operations/maintenance.
    • The hotspot in a Dynamic Media interactive image is not visible when previewing the asset through the Shoppable Banner viewer.
    • bundle (395)[] : Timeout waiting for register change to complete unregistered.
  • Starting with AEM 6.5.15, the Rhino JavaScript Engine provided by the org.apache.servicemix.bundles.rhino bundle has a new hoisting behavior. Scripts that use the strict mode (use strict;) have to correctly declare their variables, otherwise they do not get run, instead throwing a runtime error.

Known issues for AEM Forms

Supported platforms

  • JDK versions higher than 1.8.0_281 are not supported for WebLogic JEE server. (FORMS-8498, CQDOC-20383)
  • As Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 does not support MySQL 5.7 and JBoss® EAP 7.1, Microsoft® Windows Server 2019 does not support turnkey installations for Experience Manager Forms (CQDOC-18312)
  • JDK 11.0.20 is not supported to install AEM Forms on JEE Installer. Only JDK 11.0.19 or earlier versions are supported to install AEM Forms on JEE Installer. (FORMS-10659)


  • On JBoss® 7.1.4 platform, when user installs Experience Manager or later service pack, adobe-livecycle-jboss.ear deployment fails. (CQ-4351522, CQDOC-20159)

  • After upgrading to AEM Forms JBoss Turnkey full installer environment on Windows Server 2022, when compiling Output client application code using Java 11, the following compilation error may occur:

    code language-none
    error: error reading [AEM_Forms_Installation_dir]\sdk\client-libs\common\adobe-output-client.jar;
    Illegal character in path at index 70: file:/[AEM_Forms_Installation_dir]/sdk/client-libs/common/${} 1 error

    To resolve the issue, perform the following steps:

    1. Navigate to [AEM_Forms_Installation_dir]\sdk\client-libs\common\ and unzip adobe-output-client.jar to extract the file.

    2. Update the file by removing the entry ${} from the class-path attribute.

      note note
      You can also use an in-place editing tool, for example, 7-zip, to update the file.
    3. Save the updated the in the adobe-output-client.jar archive.

    4. Save the modified adobe-output-client.jar file and re-run the setup. (CQDOC-20878)

  • After installing AEM Service Pack full installer, the EAR deployment fails on JEE using JBoss® Turnkey.
    To resolve the issue, locate the <AEM_Forms_Installation_dir>\jboss\bin\standalone.bat file and update Adobe_Adobe_JAVA_HOME to Adobe_JAVA_HOME for all occurrences before running the configuration manager. (CQDOC-20803)

Adaptive Forms

  • When an Adaptive Form is published, all its dependencies, including policies, get republished, even if no modifications have been made to them. (FORMS-10454)
  • When a user selects to configure a field for the first time in an adaptive form, the option to save a configuration does not display in Properties Browser. Selecting to configure some other field of the Adaptive Form in the same editor resolves the issue.
  • When a redirect URL is set in the guide container of an Adaptive Form, the inline signing stops working. (FORMS-10493). A hotfix is available for this issue. To download and install the hotfix, see Adobe Experience Manager Forms Hotfixes
  • All Document of Record (DoR) templates fail to publish. Only English locale-based DoR templates and their associated Forms-based DoR templates get published. (FORMS-10535). A hotfix is available for this issue. To download and install the hotfix, see Adobe Experience Manager Forms Hotfixes
  • The popup preview is non-functional for the Scribble signature component in AEM 6.5 Forms Service Pack 18. (FORMS-12073). A hotfix is available for this issue. To download and install the hotfix, see Adobe Experience Manager Forms Hotfixes.
  • When you submit an adaptive form, the checkbox stores the wrong value. It adds an extra “/” for each “,”. (FORMS-12093)

Interactive Communications

  • After upgrading to AEM Service Pack 18, it is not possible to edit interactive communication letters. (FORMS-10578). A hotfix is available for this issue. To download and install the hotfix, see Adobe Experience Manager Forms Hotfixes

AEM Forms on JEE

  • The PDF Generator service fails to enumerate the fonts available on the server. Consequently, the font selection panel on the Adobe PDF Settings page in the PDFG Admin UI remains empty, effectively preventing (un)embedding of chosen fonts. (FORMS-12095)

OSGi bundles and content packages included osgi-bundles-and-content-packages-included

The following text documents list the OSGi bundles and Content Packages included in Experience Manager

Restricted websites restricted-sites

These websites are only available to customers. If you are a customer and need access, contact your Adobe account manager.
