Community Functions
- Topics:
- Communities
- Admin
The type of features expected from a community experience are well known. Community features are available as community functions. Essentially, they are one or more pages pre-wired to implement a community feature which requires more than simply adding a component to a page in author mode. They are the building blocks used to define the structure of a community site template from which community sites are created.
Once a community site is created, content may be added to the resulting pages using the standard AEM authoring mode.
A number of community functions are immediately available as seen in the community functions console. More community functions will be delivered in future releases and custom functions may also be created.
Community Functions Console
In the author environment, to reach the community functions console
- From global navigation: Tools > Communities > Community Functions
Pre-built Functions
Following is a brief description of the functions delivered with AEM Communities. Each function is comprised of one or more AEM pages containing Communities components wired together into a feature that is easily incorporated into a community site template.
A community site template provides the structure for a community site including login, user profiles, notifications, messaging, site menu, search, theming, and branding features.
Title and URL Settings
Title and URL are properties common to all community functions.
When a community function is added to a community site template or added when modifying the structure of a community site, the function’s dialog opens so that the Title and URL may be configured.
Configuration Function Details
(required) The text which appears in the menu of features for the site -
(required) The name used to generate the URI. The name must conform to the naming conventions imposed by AEM and JCR.
For example, using the site created from following the Getting Started tutorial, if
- Title = Web Page
- URL = page
Then the URL to the page is http://local_host:4503/content/sites/engage/en/page.html and the menu link for the page appears as:
Activity Stream Function
The activity stream function is a page with an Activity Streams component with all views selected (all activities, user activities, and following). See also Activity Stream Essentials for developers.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens:
Configuration Function Details
Show “My Activities” view
If checked, the Activities page will include a tab which filters activities based on those generated within the community by the current member. Default is checked. -
Show “All Activities” view
If checked, the Activities page will include a tab which includes all activities generated within the community to which the current member has access. Default is checked. -
Show “News Feed” view
If checked, the Activities page will include a tab which filters activities based on those the current member is following. Default is checked.
Assignments Function
The assignments function is the basic feature which defines a community site for enablement. It allows for the assignment of enablement resources to community members. See also Assignments Essentials for developers.
This function is available as a feature of the enablement add-on. The enablement add-on requires additional licensing for use in a production environment.
When added to a template, the only configuration is for the Title and URL Settings.
Blog Function
The blog function is a page with a Blog component configured for tagging, file uploads, following, members to self-edit, voting, and moderation. See also Blog Essentials for developers.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens:
Allow Privileged Members
If checked, the blog will only allow privileged members to create articles by allowing selection of a privileged members group. If not checked, all community members are allowed to create. Default is unchecked. -
Allow File Uploads
If checked, the blog will include the ability for members to upload files. Default is checked. -
Allow Threaded Replies
If not checked, the blog will allow replies (comments) to an article, but replies to comments are not allowed. Default is checked. -
Allow Featured Content
If checked, the idea is able to be identified as featured content. Default is checked.
Calendar Function
The calendar function is a page with a Calendar component configured to allow tagging. See also Calendar Essentials for developers.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens:
Allow Pinning
If checked, the forum will allow topic replies to be pinned to the beginning of the list of comments. Default is checked. -
Allow Privileged Members
If checked, the blog will only allow privileged members to create articles by allowing selection of a privileged members group. If not checked, all community members are allowed to create. Default is unchecked. -
Allow File Uploads
If checked, the blog will include the ability for members to upload files. Default is checked. -
Allow Threaded Replies
If not checked, the blog will allow replies (comments) to an article, but replies to comments are not allowed. Default is checked. -
Allow Featured Content
If checked, the idea is able to be identified as featured content. Default is checked.
Catalog Function
The catalog function provides the ability for enablement community members to browse enablement resources which are not assigned to them. See Tagging Enablement Resources and Catalog Essentials for developers.
All enablement resources and learning paths for the community site will show in all catalogs if their property, [Show in Catalog](
, is set to true. To explicitly include resources and learning paths, it is necessary to apply a pre-filter to the catalog.
When added to a template, the configuration allows specifying tag namespace(s) used to configure the tag filter presented to site visitors:
Select All Namespaces
- The selected tag namespaces define which tags are selectable by visitors for filtering the list of enablement resources listed in the catalog.
- If checked, all tag namespaces allowed for the community site are available.
- If unchecked, it is possible to select one or more namespaces allowed for the community site.
- Default is checked.
Featured Content Function
The featured content function is a page with a Featured Content component configured to allow comments to be added and deleted.
The ability to feature content may be allowed or disallowed per component (see Blog Function, Calendar Function, Forum Function, Ideation Function, and QnA Function).
When added to a template, the only configuration is for the Title and URL Settings.
File Library Function
The file library function is a page with a File Library component configured to allow comments to be added and deleted.
When added to a template, the only configuration is for the Title and URL Settings.
Forum Function
The forum function is a page with a Forum component configured for tagging, file uploads, following, members to self-edit, voting, and moderation.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens:
Configuration Function Details
Allow Pinning
If checked, the forum will allow topic replies to be pinned to the beginning of the list of comments. Default is checked. -
Allow Privileged Members
If checked, the forum will only allow privileged members to post topics by allowing selection of a privileged members group. If not checked, all community members are allowed to post. Default is unchecked. -
Allow File Uploads
If checked, the forum will include the ability for members to upload files. Default is checked. -
Allow Threaded Replies
If not checked, the forum will allow comments on a topic, but replies to those comments are not allowed. Default is checked. -
Allow Featured Content
If checked, the idea is able to be identified as featured content. Default is checked.
Groups Function
The groups function provides the ability for community members to create sub-communities within the community site in the publish environment.
Depending on settings when the Groups function is included in a community site template, the groups can be public or private and one or more community group templates may be configured to provide a choice of templates when the community group is actually created (such as from the publish environment). A community group template specifies which Communities features are created for the group pages, such as forums and calendars.
When a community group is created, a member group is dynamically created for the new group, to which members can be assigned or join. For more information, see Managing Users and User Groups.
As of Communities feature pack 1, community groups are created in the author environment using the Communities Sites’ Groups console, and may be created in the publish environment when enabled.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens:
Select Group Templates
A pull-down menu that allows selection of one or more enabled group templates from which the future creator of a new community group (in the publish environment) may choose. -
Allow Privileged Members
If checked, the forum will only allow privileged members to post topics by allowing selection of a privileged members security group. If not checked, all community members are allowed to post. Default is unchecked. -
Allow Publish Creation
If checked, it is possible for authorized community members to create a group in the publish environment. If unchecked, new groups (sub-communities) may only be created in the author environment from the Communities Sites’ Groups console.Default is
Ideation Function
The ideation function is a page with one Ideation component.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens, which specifies the default Title and URL names, as well as default display settings for the template:
Allow Privileged Members
If checked, the forum will only allow privileged members to post topics by allowing selection of a privileged members security group. If not checked, all community members are allowed to post. Default is unchecked. -
Allow File Uploads
If checked, the idea will include the ability for members to upload files. Default is checked. -
Allow Threaded Replies
If not checked, the idea will allow replies (comments) to a topic, but replies to comments are not allowed. Default is checked. -
Allow Featured Content
If checked, the idea is able to be identified as featured content. Default is checked.
Leaderboard Function
The leaderboard function is a page with one Leaderboard component.
NOTE: the Leaderboard component will need further configuration after a community site is created from a community template which includes the Leaderboard funciton. The Leaderboard component’s rules will need to be specified, which depend on configuration of scoring and badges for the community site.
When added to a template, the following dialog opens, which specifies the default Title and URL names, as well as default display settings for the template:
Display Badge
If checked, a column for badge icons is included in the leaderboard.Default is unchecked.
Display Badge Name
If checked, a column for the badge name is included in the leaderboard.Default is unchecked.
Display Avatar
If checked, the member’s avatar image is included in the leaderboard, next to their name link to their member profile.Default is unchecked.
Page Function
The page function adds a blank page to the community site that it is wired into the features of the community site: login, menu, notifications, messaging, theming and branding. Content may be added to the page using the standard AEM authoring mode.
When added to a template, the only configuration is for the Title and URL Settings.
QnA Function
The QnA function is a page with a QnA component configured for tagging, file uploads, following, members to self-edit, voting, and moderation.
When added to a template, the configuration allows restriction to privileged members:
Allow Pinning
If checked, the forum will allow topic replies to be pinned to the beginning of the list of comments. Default is checked. -
Allow Privileged Members
If checked, the QnA forum will only allow privileged members to post questions by allowing selection of a privileged members group. If not checked, all community members are allowed to post. Default is unchecked. -
Allow File Uploads
If checked, the QnA forum will include the ability for members to upload files. Default is checked. -
Allow Threaded Replies
If not checked, the QnA forum will allow for a comments (answers) to a posted question, but replies to answers are not allowed. Default is checked. -
Allow Featured Content
If checked, the idea is able to be identified as featured content. Default is checked.
Create Community Function
The ability to create a community function is reached by selecting the Create Community Function
icon located at the top of the Community Functions console. Multiple functions based on the same AEM Blueprint may be created and then uniquely customized by opening in author edit mode.
Community Function Name
On the Community Function Name panel, a name, description and whether the function is enabled or disabled are configured:
Community Function Name
The function name used for display and storage -
Community Function Description
The function description for display -
A toggle switch controlling whether the function is referenceable
AEM Blueprint
On the AEM Blueprint
panel, it is possible to select the blueprint which is the underlying implementation of the community function.
The community function is a mini site comprised of one or more pages, pre-wired for inclusion into a community site including login, user profiles, notifications, messaging, site menu, search, theming, and branding features. Once the function is created, it is possible to open the function in author edit mode and customize the page and/or component settings.
Since the community function is implemented as a live copy of a blueprint, it is possible to rollout changes made to a function which affects all community site pages created from the community site template or community group template that included the function. It is also possible to disassociate a page from its parent blueprint in order to make page-level modifications.
See also Multi Site Manager.
On the Thumbnail panel, an image may be uploaded to display in the Community Functions console.
Open Community Function
Select the Open Community Function
icon to enter author edit mode for authoring the page content and modifying the configuration of the feature component(s).
Configuring Components
A community function is implemented as a Live Copy of an AEM Blueprint, details of which are documented under Multi Site Manager.
It is possible to not only author page content, but to configure components.
If configuring a component on a page of a created community site, it may be necessary to cancel inheritance in order to configure the component. Inheritance should be re-established when configuration is completed.
For configuration details, visit Communities Components for authors.
Edit Community Function
Select the Edit Community Function
icon to edit the function’s properties using the same panels as creating a community function, including enabling or disabling the function.