Activity Streams Feature activity-streams-feature

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Introduction introduction

The activities of a signed in community member, such as posting to a forum or blog, are collected into a stream which may be filtered and displayed in various ways through configuration of the Activity Streams component.

The ability to follow adds another view of activities when community members follow postings of interest or follow the activities of other community members.

This section of the documentation describes

  • Adding the Activity Streams component to an AEM site
  • Configuration settings for Activity Streams component

Adding Activity Streams to a Page adding-activity-streams-to-a-page

If it is desired to add an Activity Streams component to a page in author mode, use the component browser to locate

  • Communities / Activity Streams

and drag it into place on a page where activity streams should appear.

For necessary information, visit Communities Components Basics.

When the required client-side libraries are included, this is how the Activity Streams component will appear:


Configuring Activity Streams configuring-activity-streams

Select the placed Activity Streams component to access and select the Configure icon which opens the edit dialog.


Under the User Activities tab, specify which activities to display:


  • Max number of activities
    The number of activities to display
  • Stream Resource Path
    Leave blank to default to the community site or community group. The stream resource path identifies the source of activities. Default is blank.
  • Display User Activities View
    if checked, the activities page will include a tab which filters activities based on those generated within the community by the current member. Default is checked.
  • Display All Activities View
    If checked, the activities page will include a tab which includes all activities generated within the community to which the current member has access. Default is checked.
  • Display Following View
    If checked, the activities page will include a tab which filters activities based on those the current member is following. Default is checked.

Following View following-view

Components must be configured to enable following. Features that allow following are blog, forum, QnA, calendar, filelibrary, and comments.


The Follow button provides a means to follow entries as activities, notifications, and/or subscriptions. Each time the Follow button is selected, it is possible to toggle on or off a selection. The Email Subscriptions selection is only present when configured.

If any method of following is selected, the text of the button changes to Following. For convenience, it is possible to select Unfollow All to toggle off all methods.

The Follow button will appear:

  • When viewing another member’s profile

  • On a main feature page, such as forums, QnA, and blogs

    • Follows all activity for that general feature
  • For a specific entry, such as a forum topic, QnA question, or blog article

    • Follows all activity for that specific entry

Additional Information additional-information

More information may be found on the Activity Streams Essentials page for developers.
