File Library Feature :headding-anchor:file-library-feature

AEM 6.4 has reached the end of extended support and this documentation is no longer updated. For further details, see our technical support periods. Find the supported versions here.

Introduction :headding-anchor:introduction

The file library feature provides a place for signed-in site visitors (community members) to upload, manage and download files within the community site.

This section of the documentation describes

  • Adding the file library feature to an AEM site
  • Configuration settings for the File Library component

Adding a File Library to a Page :headding-anchor:adding-a-file-library-to-a-page

To add a File Library component to a page in author mode, locate the component

  • Communities / File Library

and drag it into place on a page.

For necessary information, visit Communities Components Basics.

When the required client-side libraries are included, this is how the File Library component will appear:


Configuring File Library :headding-anchor:configuring-file-library

Select the placed File Library component to access and select the Configure icon which opens the edit dialog.

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Comments tab :headding-anchor:comments-tab

Under the Comments tab, specify if and how comments for uploaded files appear:

  • Allow Comments on Files
    If checked, allow comments on uploaded files. Default is unchecked.

  • Comments Per Page
    Limits the number of comments shown per page as well as the number of replies shown. Default is 10.

  • Max File Size
    This value will limit the uploaded file size. Default limit is 104857600 (10 Mb).

  • Max Message Length
    Maximum number of characters that may be entered into the text box. Default is 4096 characters.

  • Allowed File Types
    A comma separated list of file extensions with the “dot” separater. For example: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .doc, .docx, .pdf. If any file types are specifed, then those not specified will not be allowed. Default is none specified such that all file types are allowed.

  • Rich Text Editor
    If checked, comments may be entered with markup. Default is unchecked.

  • Delete Comments
    If checked, users are allowed to delete their own comments. Default is checked.

  • Allow Tagging
    If checked, the ability to add a tag to the file will be enabled. Default is unchecked.

  • Allowed Namespaces
    If Allow Tagging is checked, the tags available will be limited to the namespaces checked. If none are checked, then all are allowed. Default is all namespaces.

  • Suggestion Limit
    If Allow Tagging is checked, this setting limits the number of suggested tags to display. If set to -1, there is no limit. Default is -1.

  • Allow Voting
    If checked, the ability to voter for a file will be enabled. Default is unchecked.

  • Allow Following
    If checked, include the following feature for blog articles, which allows members to be notified of new posts. Default is unchecked.

  • Allow Threaded Replies
    If checked, allow replies to posted comments. Default is unchecked.

User Moderation tab :headding-anchor:user-moderation-tab

Under the User Moderation tab, configure moderation of comments, if comments are allowed:

  • Pre-Moderation
    If checked, comments must be approved before they will appear on a publish site. Default is unchecked.

  • Delete Comments
    If checked, the visitor who posted the comment is provided the ability to delete it. Default is checked.

  • Deny Comments
    If checked, allow trusted member moderators to deny comments. Default is unchecked.

  • Close / Reopen Comments
    If checked, allow trusted member moderators to close and reopen comments. Default is unchecked.

  • Flag Comments
    If checked, allow visitors to flag comments as inappropriate. Default is unchecked.

  • Flag Reason List
    If checked, allow visitors to choose, from a drop-down list, their reason for flagging a comment as inappropriate. Default is unchecked.

  • Custom Flag Reason
    If checked, allow visitors to enter their own reason for flagging a comment as inappropriate. Default is unchecked.

  • Moderation Threshold
    Enter the number of times a comment has to be flagged by visitors before moderators are notified. Default is one time (1).

  • Flagging Limit
    Enter the number of times a comment has to be flagged before it is hidden from public view. This number must be greater than or equal to the Moderation Threshold. Default is 5.

Additional Information :headding-anchor:additional-information

More information may be found on the File Library Essentials page for developers.

For moderation of posted topics and comments, see Moderating User Generated Content.

For tagging posted topics and comments, see Tagging User Generated Content.
