Live Search Events

Live Search uses events to power search algorithms such as “Most Viewed”, and “Viewed This, Viewed That”. While the Commerce sample Luma theme gets eventing out of the box, headless and other custom implementations have to implement eventing for their own needs.

This table describes the events used by Live Search ranking strategies.

| Ranking Strategy | Events | Page |
| — | — | — | —|
| Most Viewed | page-view
product-view | Product detail page |
| Most Purchased | page-view
complete-checkout | Cart/Checkout |
| Most added to cart | page-view
add-to-cart | Product detail page
Product listing page
Wish List |
| Viewed this, viewed that | page-view
product-view | Product detail page |

Data collection for the purposes of Live Search does not include personally identifiable information (PII). All user identifiers, such as cookie IDs and IP addresses, are strictly anonymized. Learn more.

Required dashboard events

Some events are required to populate the Live Search dashboard

Dashboard area
Join field
Unique searches
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received
Zero results searches
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received
Zero results rate
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received
Popular searches
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received
Avg. click position
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received, search-results-view, search-product-click
Click-through rate
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received, search-results-view, search-product-click
searchRequestId, sku, parentSku
Conversion rate
page-view, search-request-sent, search-response-received, search-results-view, search-product-click, product-view, add-to-cart, place-order
searchRequestId, sku, parentSku

Required contexts

All events require the Page and Storefront contexts. This should happen at the page level/storefront application layer rather than when generating individual events (for example, in a PHP storefront, the PHP application container is responsible for setting them at runtime).


Here is a sample implementation of the search-request-sent event:

const mse = window.magentoStorefrontEvents;

/* set in application container */
// mse.context.setStorefrontInstance(storefrontCtx);

/* set before firing event */


  • Ad blockers and privacy settings can prevent events from being captured and might cause the engagement and revenue metrics to be under-reported. Additionally, some events might not be sent due to shoppers leaving the page or network issues.
  • Headless implementations must implement eventing to power intelligent merchandising.
If Cookie Restriction Mode is enabled, Adobe Commerce does not collect behavioral data until the shopper consents to using cookies. If Cookie Restriction Mode is disabled, Adobe Commerce collects behavioral data by default.