
Install the B2B extension (magento/b2b-extension) using Composer. The extension is a composer metapackage that includes the collection of modules that enable the B2B capabilities for an Adobe Commerce instance. For a list of included modules, see B2B Packages.

When installing Adobe Commerce B2B on cloud infrastructure, Adobe recommends that you deploy your Adobe Commerce application to an Integration or Staging environment before beginning.

Adobe recommends working in a development branch when adding the B2B extension to your project. If you do not have a branch, see Create a branch for development. When installing the B2B extension, the Magento_B2b extension name is automatically inserted in the app/etc/config.php file. There is no need to edit the file directly.

To install the B2B extension:

  1. On your local workstation, change to your project directory.

  2. Create or check out a development branch.

  3. Add the B2B extension to the require section of the composer.json file.

    composer require magento/extension-b2b --no-update
  4. Update the project dependencies.

    composer update
  5. Add, commit, and push code changes.

    git add -A
    git commit -m "Install the B2B extension."
    git push origin <branch-name>
    Pushing updates to the cloud environment initiates the Commerce cloud deployment process to apply the changes. Check the deployment status from the deploy log. If you encounter deployment errors, see Recover from component failure.
  6. After the build and deploy finishes, use SSH to log in to the remote environment and verify that the B2B extension is installed and enabled.

    bin/magento module:status Magento_B2b

    An extension name uses the format: <VendorName>_<ComponentName>.

    Sample response:

    Magento_B2b : Module is enabled
  1. From the Adobe Commerce application root directory, update the composer.json to add the dependencies for the B2B extension:

    composer require magento/extension-b2b:<version>

    If an error occurs, for example:

    [InvalidArgumentException] Could not find a matching version of package magento/extension-b2b.

    Check the package spelling, your version constraint, and that the package is available and matches your minimum-stability (stable) requirement.

  2. If prompted, enter your authentication keys.

    Your public key is your username; your private key is your password. If you have stored your public and private keys in auth.json, you are not prompted to authenticate.

  3. Run the following commands after Composer finishes updating modules:

    bin/magento setup:upgrade
    bin/magento setup:di:compile
    bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy -f
    bin/magento cache:clean
    In Production mode, you might receive a message to Please rerun Magento compile command. Enter the commands to complete the installation. Adobe Commerce does not prompt you to run the compile command in Developer mode.

After completing the installation, configure and start message consumers.

Message consumers

The Adobe Commerce B2B extension uses MySQL for message queue management. The following table lists the message consumers that support B2B capabilities. After you install the extension, start the message consumers for the B2B capabilities required for your Commerce storefront.

sharedCatalogUpdatePriceUpdates the price for each product in a shared catalog. Required when the Shared Catalogs option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
sharedCatalogUpdateCategoryPermissionsUpdates categories assigned to a shared catalog category. Required when the Shared Catalogs option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
negotiableQuotePriceUpdateUpdates prices for negotiable quotes. Required when the Quotes option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
purchaseorder.toorderConverts purchase order to order. Required when the Purchase Orders option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
purchaseorder.transactional.emailSend purchase order emails. Required when the Purchase Orders option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
purchaseorder.validationValidates purchase order against relevant approval rules. Required when the Purchase Orders option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
quoteItemCleanerDeletes invalid or inactive price quotes when a product is deleted from the catalog or removed from the cart. Required when the Quotes option is enabled in the Admin System configuration settings.
inventoryQtyCounterAsynchronously corrects the stock index after an order is placed or a product is removed. Required when the Use deferred stock update option is enabled for Inventory Management in the Admin configuration settings. See Performance Best Practices.
async.operations.allCreates messages for each individual task of a bulk operation such as importing or exporting items, changing prices on a mass scale, and assigning products to a warehouse. Required when the Admin bulk operations option for Inventory Management is set to Run asynchronously in the Admin System configuration settings.
For a list of all Adobe Commerce message consumers, see Message queue consumers in the Configuration Guide.

Configure message consumers

Prevent possible processing issues or delays by adding the following parameters when you start the message consumers for B2B capabilities.

  • --max-messages <value>— Specifies the maximum number of messages each consumer must process before terminating (default = 10000). Although Adobe does not recommend it, you can use 0 to prevent the consumer from terminating. The best practice for a PHP application is to restart long-running processes to prevent possible memory leaks.

  • --batch-size <value>— Allows you to limit the system resources consumed by the consumers (CPU, memory). Using smaller batches reduces resource usage and, thus, leads to slower processing. If specified, messages in a queue are consumed in batches of <value> each. This option is applicable for the batch consumer only. If --batch-size is not defined, the batch consumer receives all available messages in a queue.

For information about additional configuration options, see Specific-configuration.

Start message consumers

To enable asynchronous operations for B2B capabilities, you must start multiple message consumers.

  1. List the available message consumers:

    bin/magento queue:consumers:list

    The command returns available message consumers including all B2B message consumers.

  2. Start each consumer separately:

    bin/magento queue:consumers:start [--max-messages=<value>] [--batch-size=<value>] <consumer_name>

    For example:

    bin/magento queue:consumers:start quoteItemCleaner
To run it in the background, append & to the command, return to a prompt, and continue running commands. For example: bin/magento queue:consumers:start sharedCatalogUpdatePrice &.

For more information, see Manage message queues in the Configuration Guide.

Add message consumers to cron

You can automate the run schedule for the SharedCatalogUpdateCategoryPermissions and SharedCatalogUpdatePrice message consumers by adding the schedule to the cron configuration file /app/code/Magento/MessageQueue/etc/crontab.xml.

* * * * * ps ax | grep [s]haredCatalogUpdateCategoryPermissions >>/dev/null 2>&1 || nohup php /var/www/html/magento2/bin/magento queue:consumers:start sharedCatalogUpdateCategoryPermissions &
* * * * * ps ax | grep [s]haredCatalogUpdatePrice >>/dev/null 2>&1 || nohup php /var/www/html/magento2/bin/magento queue:consumers:start sharedCatalogUpdatePrice &

You can also configure schedules for message consumers from the Store Configuration settings in the Admin.

Enable B2B features in the Admin

After installing the Adobe Commerce B2B extension and starting message consumers, you must also enable B2B features in the Admin.

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Next pageEnable B2B features

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