
Journey Optimizer Guardrails Product Link

Guardrails and End to End Latency Guidance

Implementation steps

Adobe Experience Platform


  1. Configure individual profile, experience event, and multi-entity schemas in Experience Platform, based on customer-supplied data.
  2. Create Experience Event class-based schemas for Adobe Campaign broadLog, trackingLog and non-deliverable addresses tables (optional).
  3. Create datasets in Experience Platform for data to be ingested.
  4. Add data usage labels in Experience Platform to the dataset for governance.
  5. Create policies that enforce governance on destinations.


  1. Create any customer-specific namespaces.
  2. Add identities to schemas.
  3. Enable the schemas and datasets for Profile.
  4. Set up merge policies for differing views of Real-time Customer Profile (optional).
  5. Create segments for Journey usage.


  1. Ingest data into Experience Platform using streaming APIs & source connectors.

Journey Optimizer

  1. Configure your Experience Platform datasource and determine what fields should be cached as part of the profileStreaming data used to initiate a customer journey must be configured within Journey Optimizer first to get an orchestration ID. This orchestration ID is then supplied to the developer to use with ingestion
  2. Configure external data sources
  3. Configure custom actions for Campaign instance