Analytics components help you fine tune and empower your analysis of data. Components include:
Dimensions: Reference for dimensions usable in Adobe Analytics.
Metrics: Reference for metrics usable in Adobe Analytics.
Segmentation: Focus on a subset of your data.
Calculated metrics: Use simple formulas to combine metrics, or advanced functions for statistical analysis.
Virtual report suites: Create a virtual silo of data based on a report suite. Allows the ability to cleanse or segment data for a better user experience. Some features can only be used in virtual report suites.
Cross-Device Analytics: A special type of virtual report suite allows you do configure Cross-Device Analytics.
Alerts: Receive notifications any time data goes above or below a threshold.
Classifications: Reorganize and group dimensions to obtain additional insight.
Real-time reporting: Get reports and trends the minute they are available.
Marketing channels: Understand how visitors arrive to your site and determine which channels are most successful.