Adobe Experience Platform release notes

Release date: January 15, 2020

Updates to existing features in Adobe Experience Platform:

Experience Data Model (XDM) System xdm

Standardization and interoperability are key concepts behind Experience Platform. Experience Data Model (XDM), driven by Adobe, is an effort to standardize customer experience data and define schemas for customer experience management.

XDM is a publicly documented specification designed to improve the power of digital experiences. It provides common structures and definitions for any application to communicate with services on Adobe Experience Platform. By adhering to XDM standards, all customer experience data can be incorporated into a common representation delivering insights in a faster, more integrated way. You can gain valuable insights from customer actions, define customer audiences through segments, and use customer attributes for personalization purposes.

New features

Field-type restrictions for fields of equal hierarchy
After an XDM field has been defined as as a certain type, any other fields of the same name and hierarchy must use the same field type, regardless of the classes or schema field groups they are used in. For example, if a field group for the XDM Profile class contains a profile.age field of type “integer”, a similar field group for XDM ExperienceEvent cannot have a profile.age field of type “string”. In order to utilize a different field type, the field must be of a different hierarchy than the previously defined field (for example, profile.person.age). This feature is meant to prevent conflicts when schemas are brought together in a union. While the constraint does not retroactively affect existing schemas, it is strongly recommended that you review your schemas for field-type conflicts and edit them as necessary.
Case-sensitive field validation
Custom fields on the same level must have different names, regardless of capitalization. For example, if you add ad a custom field named “Email”, you cannot add another custom field at the same level named “email”.

Known issues

  • None

To learn more about working with XDM using the Schema Registry API and Schema Editor user interface, please read the XDM System documentation.

Privacy Service privacy

New legal and organizational regulations are giving users the right to access or delete their personal data from your data stores upon request. Adobe Experience Platform Privacy Service provides a RESTful API and user interface to help you manage these data requests from your customers. With Privacy Service, you can submit requests to access and delete private or personal customer data from Adobe Experience Cloud applications, facilitating automated compliance with legal and organizational privacy regulations.

New features

Privacy Service rebranding
The formerly named “GDPR Service” has been rebranded to Privacy Service as the service has grown to support other regulations in addition to GDPR.
New API endpoints
Base path for the Privacy Service API has been updated from /data/privacy/gdpr to /data/core/privacy/jobs.
New required regulation property
When creating new jobs in the Privacy Service API, a regulation property must be supplied in the request payload to indicate which regulation to track the job under. Accepted values are gdpr and ccpa.
Support for Adobe Primetime Authentication
Privacy Service now accepts access/delete requests from Adobe Primetime Authentication, using primetimeAuthentication as its product value.
Privacy Service UI enhancements
Separate job tracking pages for GDPR and CCPA regulations. New **Regulation Type **dropdown to switch between tracking data for GDPR and CCPA.

Known issues

  • None

For more information about Privacy Service, please start by reading the Privacy Service overview.

Sources sources

Adobe Experience Platform can ingest data from external sources while allowing you to structure, label, and enhance that data using Platform services. You can ingest data from a variety of sources such as Adobe applications, cloud-based storage, third party software, and your CRM system.

Experience Platform provides a RESTful API and an interactive UI that lets you set up source connections for various data providers with ease. These source connections allow you to authenticate and connect to external storage systems and CRM services, set times for ingestion runs, and manage data ingestion throughput.

New features

Support for customer attribute data
UI and API support for creating streaming connectors to ingest customer attribute data.
Additional file format support for cloud storages
File ingestion from cloud storages now supports XDM-compliant Parquet and JSON file formats.
Support for access control permissions
The access control framework in Adobe Experience Platform provides the permissions needed to grant access to sources in data ingestion. Depending on their permission level, a user can view sources, manage sources, or be denied access altogether.

Access control permissions

Data Ingestion
Manage Sources
Access to read, create, edit, and disable sources.
Data Ingestion
View Sources
Read-only access to available sources in the Catalog tab and authenticated sources in the Browse tab.

Known issues

  • None

For more information about sources, see the sources overview

Destinations destinations

In Real-Time CDP, destinations are pre-built integrations with destination platforms that activate data to those partners in a seamless way.

New features

Support for access control permissions
The Destinations functionality in Real-Time CDP works with Adobe Experience Platform access control permissions. Depending on your user’s permission level, you can view, manage, and activate destinations.

Access control permissions

Manage Destinations
Access to read, create, edit, and disable destinations.
View Destinations
Read-only access to available destinations in the Catalog tab and authenticated destinations in the Browse tab.
Activate Destinations
Ability to activate data to destinations. This permission requires either “Manage Destinations” or “View Destinations” to be added to the product profile.

Known issues

  • None

See the Destinations overview for more information.
