Credentials guide

Adobe Experience Platform Query Service allows you to connect with external clients. You can connect to these external clients by using either expiring credentials or non-expiring credentials.

The credentials panel is not automatically available to all users. Please contact your Adobe account team to request the Credentials tab to be included in the Query Service workspace should you require it. If requested, this change is organization wide and is conducted by Adobe’s engineering team. It is not a setting controlled by users.

Expiring credentials expiring-credentials

You can use expiring credentials to quickly set up a connection to an external client.

The Queries dashboard Credentials tab with the Expiring credentials section highlighted.

The Expiring credentials section provides the following information:

  • Host: The name of the host to connect your client to. This incorporates the name of your organization as seen in the top ribbon of the Platform UI.
  • Port: The port number of the host to connect to.
  • Database: The name of the database to connect a client to.
  • Username: The username used to connect to Query Service.
  • Password: The password used to connect to Query Service. Passwords in the UI have been hashed for security. Select the copy icon ( The copy icon. ) to copy your complete, un-hashed credentials to the clipboard.
  • PSQL command: A command that automatically has inserted all the relevant information for you to connect to Query Service using PSQL on the command line.
  • Expires: The expiry date and time for the expiring credentials. The default validity duration of the token is 24 hours but it can be changed in the advanced settings of the Admin Console.
To change the session life for your expiring credentials connection to Query Service, navigate to the Admin Console and select the following on screen options: Settings > Privacy and Security > Authentication Settings > Advanced settings > Max session life.
The Admin Console settings tab with Privacy and Security, Authentication settings, and Max session life highlighted.
See the Adobe Help documentation for more information on the Advanced settings offered by Admin console.

Connect to Customer Journey Analytics data within query sessions connect-to-customer-journey-analytics

Use the Customer Journey Analytics BI extension with Power BI or Tableau to access your Customer Journey Analytics data views with SQL. By integrating Query Service with the BI extension, you can access your data views directly within Query Service sessions. This integration streamlines functionality for BI tools that use Query Service as their PostgreSQL interface. This functionality eliminates the need to duplicate data views in BI tools, ensures consistent reporting across platforms, and simplifies the integration of Customer Journey Analytics data with other sources in BI platforms.

See the documentation to learn how to connect Query Service to a variety of desktop client applications such as Power BI or Tableau

A Customer Journey Analytics workspace project and a data view are required to use this functionality.

To access your Customer Journey Analytics data in either Power BI or Tableau, select the Database dropdown menu, then select prod:cja from the available options. Next, copy your Postgres credentials parameters (Host, Port, Database, Username, and others) for use in your Power BI or Tableau configuration.

The Query Service credentials tab with the database dropdown highlighted.

When you connect Power BI or Tableau to Customer Journey Analytics, the Query Service ‘concurrent sessions’ entitlement is consumed. If additional sessions and queries are required, an additional ad hoc query users pack add-on can be purchased to obtain five additional concurrent sessions and one additional concurrent query.

You can also access your Customer Journey Analytics data directly from the Query Editor or Postgres CLI. To do this, reference the cja database when writing your query. See the Query Editor query authoring guide for more information on how to write, execute, and save queries.

See the BI extension guide for complete instructions on accessing your Customer Journey Analytics data views with SQL.

Non-expiring credentials non-expiring-credentials

You can use non-expiring credentials to set up a more permanent connection to an external client.

Non-expiring credentials have the following limitations:
  • Users must log in with their username and password in the format of {technicalAccountId}:{credential}. More information can be found in the Generate credentials section.
  • By default, non-expiring credentials are granted permissions to execute only SELECT queries. To run CTAS or ITAS queries, manually add the “Manage Dataset” and “Manage Schemas” permissions to the role associated with the non-expiring credential. The “Manage Schemas” permission can be found under the “Data Modeling” section, and the “Manage Datasets” permission is located under the “Data Management” section of the Adobe Developer Console.
  • Third-party clients may perform differently than expected when listing out query objects. For example, some third-party clients such as DB Visualizer will not display the view name in the left panel. However, the view name is accessible if called within a SELECT query. Similarly, PowerUI might not list the temporary views created through SQL for selection in dashboard creation.


Before you can generate non-expiring credentials, you must complete the following steps in Adobe Admin Console:

  1. Log into Adobe Admin Console and select the relevant Org from the top navigation bar.
  2. Select a product profile.
  3. Configure both the Sandboxes and Manage Query Service Integration permissions for the product profile.
  4. Add a new user to a product profile so they are granted its configured permissions.
  5. Add the user as a product profile admin to allow an account creation for any active product profile.
  6. Add the user as a product profile developer in order to create an integration.

To learn more about how to assign permissions, please read the documentation on access control.

All the required permissions are now configured in Adobe Developer Console for the user to use the expiring credentials feature.

Generate credentials generate-credentials

To create a set of non-expiring credentials, return to the Platform UI and select Queries from the left navigation to access the Queries workspace. Next, select the Credentials tab followed by Generate credentials.

The Queries dashboard with the Credentials tab and Generate credentials highlighted.

A dialog appears that allows you to generate credentials. To create non-expiring credentials, you must provide the following details:

  • Name: The name of the credentials you are generating.
  • Description: (Optional) A description for the credentials you are generating.
  • Assigned to: The user to which the credentials will be assigned. This value should be the email address of the user who is creating the credentials.
  • Password (Optional) An optional password for your credentials. If the password is not set, Adobe will automatically generate a password for you.

Once you have provided all the required details, select Generate credentials to generate your credentials.

The Generate credentials dialog is highlighted.

When Generate credentials is selected, a configuration JSON file is downloaded to your local machine. Since Adobe does not record the generated credentials, you must securely store the downloaded file and keep a record of the credential.
Additionally, if the credentials are not used for 90 days, the credentials will be expunged.

The configuration JSON file contains information such as technical account name, technical account ID, and credential. It is provided in the following format.


After you have saved your generated credentials, select Close. You can now see a list of all your non-expiring credentials.

The Queries dashboard Credentials tab with the Non-expiring Credentials section highlighted.

You can either edit or delete your non-expiring credentials. To edit a non-expiring credential, select the pencil icon ( A pencil icon. ). To delete a non-expiring credential, select the delete icon ( A trash can icon. ).

When editing a non-expiring credential, a modal appears. You can provide the following details to update:

  • Name: The name of the credentials you are generating.
  • Description: (Optional) A description for the credentials you are generating.
  • Assigned to: The user to which the credentials will be assigned. This value should be the email address of the user who is creating the credentials.

The Update account dialog.

Once you have provided all the required details, select Update account to complete the update to your credentials.

Use credentials to connect to external clients use-credential-to-connect

You can use either the expiring or non-expiring credentials to connect with external clients, such as Aqua Data Studio, Looker, or Power BI. The method of input for these credentials will vary depending on the external client. Refer to the external client’s documentation for specific instructions on the use of these credentials.

The image indicates the location of each parameter found in the UI except for the password of the non-expiring credentials. While non-expiring credentials are provided by their JSON configuration files, you can view your expiring credentials under the Credentials tab in the UI.

The Queries workspace Credentials tab with the Expiring credentials section highlighted.

The table below outlines the parameters that are typically required to connect to external clients.

When connecting to a host using non-expiring credentials, it is still necessary to use all the parameters listed in the EXPIRING CREDENTIALS section except for the password and username.
The format for entering your username and password uses colon separated values as seen in this example username:{your_username} and password:{password_string}.

The name of the server/host that you are connecting to.

  • This value is used for both expiring credentials and non-expiring credentials and takes the form of The value is found under Host in the EXPIRING CREDENTIALS section.

The port for the server/host you are connecting to.

  • This value is used for both expiring credentials and non-expiring credentials and is found under Port in the EXPIRING CREDENTIALS section.

The database that you are connecting to.

  • This value is used for both expiring credentials and non-expiring credentials and found under Database in the EXPIRING CREDENTIALS section.

The username for the user who is connecting to the external client.

  • This value is used for both expiring credentials and non-expiring credentials. It takes the form of an alphanumeric string before @AdobeOrg. This value is found under Username.

The password for the user who is connecting to the external client.

  • If you’re using expiring credentials, this can be found under Password within the EXPIRING CREDENTIALS section.
  • If you’re using non-expiring credentials, this value is the concatenated arguments from the technicalAccountID and the credential taken from the configuration JSON file. The password value takes the form: {technicalAccountId}:{credential}.
  • An expiring credential password is over a thousand character alpha-numeric string. No example will be given.
  • A non-expiring credential password is as follows:

Next steps

Now that you understand how both expiring and non-expiring credentials work, you can use these credentials to connect to external clients. For more information detailed information about external clients, please read the connect clients to Query Service guide.
