Identity selection
Adobe recommends that you select a unique identifier from your union schema. This is the field that your user identities are keyed off of. Most commonly, this field is the email address, but it can also be a loyalty program ID or a phone number. Refer to the table below for the most common unique identifiers and their XDM field in the schema.
Unique Identifier | XDM field in Unified Schema |
Email Address | personalEmail.address |
Phone | mobilePhone.number |
Loyalty program ID | Customer-defined XDM field |
Other destination attributes
In the Schema field selector, choose which other fields you want to export to the email destination. Some recommended options are:
Schema | XDM field |
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Phone | mobilePhone.number |
Address City | |
Address State | homeAddress.stateProvince |
Address Postal Code | homeAddress.postalCode |
Birthday | person.birthDayAndMonth |
Segment membership | segmentMembership.status |
Activate audiences to email marketing destinations
Some email marketing destinations in the catalog export profiles in a streaming manner, through an API integration with the destination.
Other destinations export files to a cloud storage location. After the export completes, you need to import data from the cloud storage location into your email marketing destination.
Follow the links in the supported email marketing destinations section to learn how to activate audiences to each email marketing destination.