Common commands

The following summarizes some of the available commands.

To display a complete list of commands:

bin/magento list

Example help command:

bin/magento help <command>
bin/magento help cache:enable

Commands are shown in summary form only; for more information about a command, click the link in the Command column.

magento cache:{enable/disable/clean/flush/status}
Manages the cache
magento indexer:{status/show-mode/set-mode/reindex/info/reset/show-dimensions-mode/set-dimensions-mode}
Manages the indexers
magento cron:run
Runs Commerce cron jobs
magento setup:di:compile
Compiles all non-existent proxies and factories; and pre-compiles class definitions, inheritance information, and plug-in definitions for one store and website.
magento info:dependencies:{show-modules/show-modules-circular/show-framework}
Module dependencies, circular dependencies, and Commerce framework dependencies.
magento i18n:{collect-phrases/pack/uninstall}
Creates a translation dictionary or a translation package
magento setup:static-content:deploy
Deploys static view files
magento dev:source-theme:deploy
Creates CSS from LESS
magento dev:tests:run
Runs automated tests
magento dev:xml:convert
Update your layout XML files to match the new Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT) stylesheet
magento setup:perf:generate-fixtures
Generate data to use for performance testing.
magento sampledata:install
Installs optional sample data after you install the Commerce application.

For more details about sample data, see Optional sample data.
magento config:{set/sensitive:set/show/}
Manages backend configurations
magento admin:user:{create/unlock}
Creates/edits/unlocks admin users.
magento dev:template-hints:{enable/disable}
Enables/disables developer template hints.

Common arguments

The following arguments are common to all commands. These commands can be run either before or after the Commerce software is installed:

Long version
Short version
Get help for any command. For example, ./magento help setup:install or ./magento help setup:config:set.
Quiet mode; no output.
No interactive questions.
-v, -vv, -vvv
Verbosity level. For example, --verbose=3 or -vvv displays debug verbosity, which is the most verbose output. Default is --verbose=1 or -v.
Display this application version
Force ANSI output
Disable ANSI output