Install Channel Manager

Review the requirements and gather required information before you install Channel Manager.

Install the extension

The Channel Manager installation instructions depend on whether Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source is deployed on-premises or on cloud infrastructure.

Both methods require you to use the Command Line Interface (CLI).

For help with installing Commerce software using the CLI, see Install an extension.

Install on an on-premises instance

Use these instructions to install Channel Manager on Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source to an on-premises instance.

  1. Log in to the Commerce server as a user with permissions to write to the Commerce file system.

  2. Put your website into maintenance mode.

    code language-bash
    $ bin/magento maintenance:enable
  3. From the Commerce project root directory, add Channel Manager to composer.json.

    code language-bash
     composer require magento/channel-manager --no-update
  4. If prompted, enter the access keys from your Commerce account.

    Your public key is your username; your private key is your password.

  5. Update the dependencies and install the extension.

    code language-bash
    composer update magento/channel-manager

    The composer update command updates only the dependencies required for Channel Manager. To update all dependencies, use this command instead: composer update.

  6. Wait for Composer to finish updating project dependencies and resolve any errors.

  7. Verify the module installation:

    • Check the module status.

      code language-bash
      bin/magento module:status Magento_SalesChannels

      Sample response:

      code language-none
      Module is enabled
    • If the module is not enabled, enable it.

    code language-bash
    bin/magento module:enable Magento_SalesChannels
  8. Register the extension.

    code language-bash
    bin/magento setup:upgrade
  9. If prompted, recompile your Commerce project.

    code language-bash
    bin/magento setup:di:compile
  10. Clean the cache.

    code language-bash
    bin/magento cache:clean
  11. Disable maintenance mode.

    code language-bash
    bin/magento maintenance:disable

Install on an Adobe Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Instance

Work in a development branch when adding an extension to your cloud instance.

For help with using branches, see Get started creating branches in the Commerce on Cloud Infrastructure Guide.

During installation, the extension name (magento\channel-manager) is automatically inserted in the app/etc/config.php file. You do not need to edit the file directly.

  1. On your local workstation, change to the Cloud project root directory.

  2. Create or check out a development branch.

  3. Using the Composer name, add the extension to the require section of the composer.json file.

    code language-bash
    composer require magento/module-sales-channels-extension --no-update
  4. Update the dependencies and install the extension.

    code language-bash
    composer update magento/module-sales-channels-extension

    The composer update command updates only the dependencies required for Channel Manager. To update all dependencies, use this command instead: composer update.

  5. Add, commit, and push code changes–include changes to both the composer.lock and composer.json file.

    code language-bash
    $ git add -A
    code language-bash
    $ git commit -m "Install channel manager extension"
    code language-bash
    $ git push origin <branch-name>
  6. After the build and deploy process completes, use SSH to log in to the remote environment and verify that the extension installed correctly.

   bin/magento module:status Magento_SalesChannels

Sample response:

Module is enabled

If the module is disabled, enable it in your local environment and deploy your changes.

  1. After you install the extension successfully, log in to the Admin to configure the Commerce Services Connector.

    note note
    For instructions to update Channel Manager to a new release, see Upgrade modules and extensions.


Use the following information to resolve errors that occur during the Channel Manager installation process.

Incorrect Composer keys

If the access keys used to authenticate to the Composer repository are invalid, or not linked to the MAGE ID used to sign up for the Channel Manager service, the following error displays.

Could not find a matching version of package magento/channel-manager. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available in a stability which matches your minimum-stability (stable).

Check the key configuration:

  1. Find the location of the auth.json file:

    code language-bash
    $ composer config –global home
  2. View the auth.json file.

    code language-bash
    $ cat /path/to/auth.json
  3. Verify that the credentials in the auth.json match the keys associated with the MAGE ID used to register for the Channel Manager service.

Insufficient memory for PHP

The following error displays if the system does not have enough memory allocated for PHP.

Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 2146435072 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 4096 bytes) in phar:///usr/local/bin/composer/src/Composer/DependencyResolver/RuleWatchGraph.php on line 52

Use either of the following methods to resolve the memory issue:

  • Increase the memory limit for PHP in the environment php.ini file. Also, verify that the Commerce instance has the recommended values for other PHP settings.

  • Specify the memory limit from the command line.

    code language-bash
    $ php -d memory_limit=-1 \[path to composer]/composer require magento/payment-services.

    For example:

    code language-bash
    $ php-d memory_limit=-1 vendor/bin/composer require magento/channel-manager

Missing view

If you get an error about a missing process_catalog_exporter_view during the Channel Manager installation, try refreshing the indexers.

php bin/magento indexer:refresh

Cloud deployment errors

For problems deploying the extension to the cloud, see extension deployment failure.
