Configure and send the delivery
- Topics:
- Channel Configuration
- User
Only the delivery owner can start a delivery. For other operators (or operator group) to be able to start a delivery, add them as reviewers in the Delivery start: field. Learn more.
Delivery additional parameters
Before sending the delivery, you can define the sending parameters in the delivery properties, via the Delivery tab.
Delivery priority: use this option to change the sending order for your deliveries by setting their priority level: normal, high or low.
Message batch quantity: use this option to define the number of messages grouped within the same XML delivery package. If the parameter is set to 0, the messages are automatically grouped. The package size is defined by the calculation
<delivery size>/1024
, with a minimum of 8 and a maximum of 256 messages by package.IMPORTANT
When the delivery is created by duplicating an existing one, this parameter is reset. -
Send using multiple waves: use this option to send your messages in batches rather than to your whole audience at once. Learn more.
Test SMTP delivery: use this option to test sending via SMTP. The delivery is processed up to connection to the SMTP server but is not sent: for every recipient of the delivery, Campaign connects to the SMTP provider server, executes the SMTP RCPT TO command, and closes the connection before the SMTP DATA command.
This option must not be set in mid-sourcing.
Learn more about SMTP server configuration, in this section.
Email BCC: use this option to store emails on an external system through BCC by simply adding a BCC email address to your message target. Learn more.
Confirm delivery
When the delivery is configured and ready to be sent, execute the delivery analysis.
To do this, click Send, select the desired action and click Analyze. Learn more.
Once done, click Confirm delivery to launch the delivery of messages.
You can then close the delivery assistant and track the execution of the delivery from the Delivery tab, accessible via the detail of this delivery or via the list of deliveries.
After sending messages, you can monitor and track your deliveries. For more on this, refer to these sections:
Schedule the delivery sending
You can defer the message sending by scheduling the delivery.
Click the Send button and select the Postpone delivery option.
Specify a start date in the Contact date field.
- You can then start the delivery analysis, then confirm the delivery sending. However, the delivery sending will not start until the date given in the Contact date field.
In the delivery list, the delivery will appear with Pending status.
Scheduling can also be configured upstream via the Scheduling button of the delivery.
It lets you defer the delivery to a later date or save the delivery in the provisional calendar.
The Schedule delivery (no automatic execution) option lets you schedule a provisional analysis of the delivery.
When this configuration is saved, the delivery changes to Targeting pending status. The analysis will be launched on the specified date.
The Schedule delivery (automatic execution on planned date) option lets you specify the delivery date.
Click Send and select Postpone delivery then launch the analysis and confirm delivery. When the analysis is complete, the delivery target is ready and messages will automatically be sent on the specified date.
Dates and times are expressed in the time zone of the current operator. The Time zone drop-down list located below the contact date input field lets you automatically convert the entered date and time into the selected time zone.
For instance, if you schedule a delivery to be executed automatically at 8 o’clock London time, the time is automatically converted into the selected time zone:
Send using multiple waves
To balance the load, you can divide deliveries into several batches. Configure the number of batches and their proportion with respect to the entire delivery.
Open the delivery properties window and click the Delivery tab.
Select the Send using multiple waves option and click the Define waves… link.
To configure waves, you can either:
Define the size for each wave. For example, if you enter 30% in the corresponding field, each wave will represent 30% of the messages included in the delivery, except the last one, which will represent 10% of the messages.
In the Period field, specify the delay between the start of two consecutive waves. For example, if you enter 2d, the first wave will start immediately, the second wave will start in two days, the third wave in four days, and so on.
Define a calendar for sending each wave.
In the Start column, specify the delay between the start of two consecutive waves. In the Size column, enter a fixed number or a percentage.
In the example below, the first wave represents 25% of the total number of messages included in the delivery and will start immediately. The next two waves complete the delivery and are set to begin at six-hour intervals.
A specific typology rule, Wave scheduling check, ensures that the last wave is planned before the delivery validity limit. Campaign typologies and their rules, configured in the Typology tab of the delivery properties, are presented in Validation process with typologies.
Make sure the last waves do not exceed the delivery deadline, which is defined in the Validity tab. Otherwise some messages might not be sent.You must also allow enough time for retries when configuring the last waves. See this section. -
To monitor your sends, go to the delivery logs. See this page.
You can see the deliveries that were already sent in the processed waves (Sent status) and the deliveries to be sent in the remaining waves (Pending status).
The two examples below are the most common use cases for using multiple waves.
During ramp-up process
When emails are sent using a new platform, Internet service providers (ISPs) are suspicious of IP addresses that are not recognized. If large volumes of emails are suddenly sent, the ISPs often mark them as spam.
To avoid being marked as spam, you can progressively increase the volume sent using waves. This should ensure smooth development of the start-up phase and enable you to reduce the overall rate of invalid addresses.
To do so, use the Schedule waves according to a calendar option. For example, set the first wave to 10%, the second to 15%, and so on.
Campaigns involving a call center
When managing a loyalty campaign by phone, your organization has a limited capacity to process the number of calls to contact subscribers.
Using waves, you can restrict the number of messages to 20 per day, for example, considering the daily processing capacity of a call center.
To do this, select the Schedule multiple waves of the same size option. Enter 20 as the wave’s size and 1d in the Period field.
Configure retries
Temporarily undelivered messages due to a Soft or Ignored error are subject to an automatic retry. The delivery failure types and reasons are presented in this section.
For on-premise installations and hosted/hybrid installations using the legacy Campaign MTA, the central section of the Delivery tab for delivery parameters indicates how many retries should be performed the day after the delivery and the minimum delay between retries.
By default, five retries are scheduled for the first day of the delivery with a minimum interval of one hour spread out over the 24 hours of the day. One retry per day is programmed after that and until the delivery deadline, which is defined in the Validity tab. See Define the validity period.
Define the validity period
When the delivery has been launched, the messages (and any retries) can be sent until the delivery deadline. This is indicated in the delivery properties, via the Validity tab.
The Delivery duration field lets you enter the limit for global delivery retries. This means that Adobe Campaign sends the messages beginning on the start date, and then, for messages returning an error only, regular, configurable retries are performed until the validity limit is reached.
You can also choose to specify dates. To do this, select Explicitly set validity dates. In this case, the delivery and validity limit dates also let you specify the time. The current time is used by default, but you can modify this directly in the input field.
For hosted or hybrid installations, if you have upgraded to the Enhanced MTA, the Delivery duration setting in your Campaign email deliveries will be used only if set to 3.5 days or less. If you define a value higher than 3.5 days, it will not be taken into account. -
Validity limit of resources: The Validity limit field is used for uploaded resources, mainly for the mirror page and images. The resources on this page are valid for a limited time (to save disk space).
The values in this field can be expressed in the units listed in this section.