
在您的Adobe Experience Platform資料上使用「模糊」相符專案,傳回最有可能的近似相符專案,而無需搜尋具有相同字元的字串。 如此可讓您更靈活地搜尋資料,並節省時間與精力,讓您的資料更容易存取。

模糊比對不會嘗試重新格式化搜尋字串以便進行比對,而是會分析兩個序列之間的相似度比率,並傳回相似度百分比。 FuzzyWuzzy 建議用於此程式,因為其函式更適合用於比對較複雜情況下的字串 regex 或 difflib.

此使用案例中提供的範例著重於比對來自兩個不同旅行社資料集中的飯店房間搜尋的類似屬性。 本檔案會示範如何透過字串與大型個別資料來源的相似度來比對字串。 在此範例中,模糊比對會比較來自Luma和Acme旅行社的房間功能的搜尋結果。

快速入門 getting-started


此範例使用 Python 和 Jupyter Notebook 開發環境。 雖然有許多可用選項, Jupyter Notebook 建議使用,因為這是開放原始碼Web應用程式,運算需求低。 可從以下位置下載: Jupyter官方網站.

開始之前,您必須匯入必要的程式庫。 FuzzyWuzzy 是開放原始碼 Python 程式庫建置在 difflib 資料庫和用來比對字串。 它使用 Levenshtein Distance 以計算序列和陣列之間的差異。 FuzzyWuzzy 有以下需求:

  • Python 2.4 (或更新版本)
  • Python-Levenshtein

從命令列,使用以下命令安裝 FuzzyWuzzy:

pip install fuzzywuzzy

或使用下列命令進行安裝 Python-Levenshtein 以及:

pip install fuzzywuzzy[speedup]

更多相關技術資訊 Fuzzywuzzy 可以在以下連結中找到: 正式檔案.


您必須提供連線認證,將機器學習模型連線至查詢服務。 可以提供到期和未到期的認證。 請參閱 認證指南 有關如何取得必要認證的詳細資訊。 如果您使用 Jupyter Notebook,請詳閱完整指南,網址為 如何連線至查詢服務.

此外,請務必匯入 numpy 封裝至您的 Python 環境以啟用線性代數。

import numpy as np

從以下命令連線到查詢服務是必要的 Jupyter Notebook:

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect('''
cur = conn.cursor()

您的 Jupyter Notebook 執行個體現在已連線至查詢服務。 如果連線成功,則不會顯示任何訊息。 如果連線失敗,將會顯示錯誤。

從Luma資料集提取資料 luma-dataset

使用下列命令,從第一個資料集提取要分析的資料。 為簡短起見,範例已限製為欄的前10個結果。

cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM luma;
luma = np.array([r[0] for r in cur])


選取 輸出 以顯示傳回的陣列。

code language-console
array(['Deluxe King Or Queen Room', 'Kona Tower City / Mountain View',
       'Luxury Double Room', 'Alii Tower Ocean View With King Bed',
       'Club Two Queen', 'Corner Deluxe Studio',
       'Luxury Queen Room With Two Queen Beds', 'Grand Corner King Room',
       'Accessible Club Ocean View Suite With One King Bed',
       'Junior Suite'], dtype='<U66')

從Acme資料集提取資料 acme-dataset

現在會使用下列命令,從第二個資料集提取要分析的資料。 同樣地,為簡短起見,這些範例已限製為欄的前10個結果。

cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM acme;
acme = np.array([r[0] for r in cur])


選取 輸出 以顯示傳回的陣列。

code language-console
array(['Deluxe King Or Queen Room', 'Kona Tower City / Mountain View',
       'Luxury Double Room', 'Alii Tower Ocean View With King Bed',
       'Club Two Queen', 'Corner Deluxe Studio',
       'Luxury Queen Room With Two Queen Beds', 'Grand Corner King Room',
       'Accessible Club Ocean View Suite With One King Bed',
       'Junior Suite'], dtype='<U66')

建立模糊評分函式 fuzzy-scoring

接下來,您必須匯入 fuzz 從FuzzyWuzzy資料庫並執行字串的部分比率比較。 partial ratio函式可讓您執行子字串比對。 這會取得最短字串,並將其與具有相同長度的所有子字串相符。 此函式會傳回高達100%的百分比相似度比率。 例如,部分比率函式會比較下列字串「Deluxe Room」、「1 King Bed」和「Deluxe King Room」,並傳回69%的相似性分數。


from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
def compute_match_score(x,y):
    return fuzz.partial_ratio(x,y)

下一步,匯入 cdist 從 SciPy 程式庫,用於計算兩個輸入集合中每對之間的距離。 這會計算每個旅行社所提供的所有酒店房間分數。

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
pairwise_distance =  cdist(luma.reshape((-1,1)),acme.reshape((-1,1)),compute_match_score)


現在,欄已根據距離評分,您可以索引配對,並僅保留評分高於特定百分比的相符專案。 此範例只會保留分數為70%或更高的配對。

matched_pairs = []
for i,c1 in enumerate(luma):
    idx = np.where(pairwise_distance[i,:] > 70)[0]
    for j in idx:

可以使用以下命令顯示結果。 為簡短起見,結果限製為10列。


選取 輸出 以檢視結果。

code language-console
[('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room Dolphin Lagoon View'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Premier Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, Corner', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Suite', 'Corner Deluxe Studio')]


matching_sql = ' OR '.join(["(e.luma = '{}' AND b.acme = '{}')".format(c1,c2) for c1,c2 in matched_pairs])

套用對應以在查詢服務中進行模糊聯結 mappings-for-query-service


SELECT *  FROM luma e
[r for r in cur]

選取 輸出 檢視此聯結的結果。

code language-console
[('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room Dolphin Lagoon View'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Premier Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, Corner', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Suite', 'Corner Deluxe Studio'),
 ('Deluxe Suite', 'Deluxe Suite'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Club Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Business King Room'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Business Double Room With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Deluxe Double Room'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Suite, 1 Bedroom', 'Deluxe Suite'),
 ('City Room, City View', 'Room With City View'),
 ('City Room, City View', 'Queen Room With City View'),
 ('City Room, City View', 'Club Level King Or Queen Room with City View'),
 ('Club Room, Premium 2 Queen Beds', 'Club Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Club Room, Premium 2 Queen Beds', 'Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Deluxe Room, Lake View', 'Deluxe King Or Queen Room with Lake View'),
 ('King Room, Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa bed', 'King Room'),
 ('King Room, Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa bed', 'King Room'),
 ('King Room, Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa bed', 'King Room'),
 ('Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking, Kitchen', 'Deluxe Suite'),
 ('Junior Suite, 1 King Bed, Accessible (Roll-in Shower)', 'Junior Suite'),
 ('Regency Club, Mountain View', 'Regency Club Ocean View'),
 ('Regency Club, Mountain View', 'Regency Club Mountain View'),
 ('Club Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Room, 2 Queen Beds, City View',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and City View'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Queen Room'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Partial Ocean View With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Kona Tower Partial Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Waikiki Tower Partial Ocean View'),
 ('Premium Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Grand Corner King Room, 1 King Bed', 'Grand Corner King Room'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Ocean View Room With King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Accessible, Partial Ocean View',
  'Accessible Partial Ocean View With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Accessible, Partial Ocean View',
  'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Room, Ocean View ', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View ', 'King Or Two Queen Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View ', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Signature Suite, 1 Bedroom', 'Signature King'),
 ('Room, 2 Queen Beds (Waikiki View)',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and Waikiki View'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Queen Room'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Standard Room, Oceanfront', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Oceanfront', 'Standard Room With Ocean Front View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (City View - Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Mountain View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (City View - Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('High-Floor Premium Room, 1 King Bed', 'High-Floor Premium King Room'),
 ('Club Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Junior Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed', 'Junior Suite'),
 ('Junior Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed', 'Deluxe King Suite With Sofa Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, City View', 'Queen Room With City View'),
 ('Deluxe Room, City View', 'Club Level King Or Queen Room with City View'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Ocean View Room With King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Partial Ocean View', 'Kona Tower Partial Ocean View'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Partial Ocean View', 'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Room, 1 Queen Bed, City View',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and City View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View', 'King Or Two Queen Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean Front View'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View (Waikiki Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Waikiki Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Waikiki Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean Front View'),
 ('Regency Club, Ocean View',
  'Accessible Club Ocean View Suite With One King Bed'),
 ('Regency Club, Ocean View', 'Regency Club Ocean View'),
 ('Regency Club, Ocean View', 'Regency Club Mountain View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (Scenic)', 'Standard Room With Mountain View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (Scenic)', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, 1 Queen Bed', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Luxury Double Room'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Queen Room'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Business Double Room With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Deluxe Double Room'),
 ('Club Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'High-Floor Premium King Room'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'Premier King Room'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'Premier Queen Room With Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'Premium King Room With Free Wi-Fi'),
 ('Premium Room, 1 Queen Bed', 'Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Premium Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 Queen Bed (High Floor)', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Room, 2 Queen Beds, Garden View',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and Garden View'),
 ('Signature Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Signature Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Signature Two Queen'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View', 'Standard Room With Ocean Front View')]

將模糊比對結果儲存至Platform save-to-platform

最後,模糊比對的結果可以儲存為資料集,以供使用SQL的Adobe Experience Platform使用。

Create table luma_acme_join
(SELECT *  FROM luma e