
对您的Adobe Experience Platform数据使用“模糊”匹配可返回最有可能的近似匹配,而无需搜索具有相同字符的字符串。 这允许更灵活地搜索数据,并节省时间和精力,使数据更易于访问。

模糊匹配方法不是通过重新格式化搜索字符串来进行匹配,而是分析两个序列之间的相似度并返回相似度百分比。 建议对此进程使用FuzzyWuzzy,因为其函数比regex或difflib更适合在更复杂的情况下帮助匹配字符串。

此用例中提供的示例侧重于匹配来自两个不同旅行社数据集的酒店房间搜索的相似属性。 此文档演示了如何通过字符串与大型独立数据源的相似度来匹配字符串。 在本例中,模糊匹配比较了Luma和Acme旅行社对房间特征的搜索结果。

快速入门 getting-started


此示例使用Python和Jupyter Notebook开发环境。 虽然有许多可用选项,但建议使用Jupyter Notebook,因为它是开源Web应用程序,计算要求较低。 可从官方Jupyter网站下载。

在开始之前,必须导入必要的库。 FuzzyWuzzy是基于difflib库构建的开源Python库,用于匹配字符串。 它使用Levenshtein Distance计算序列和模式之间的差异。 FuzzyWuzzy具有以下要求:

  • Python 2.4(或更高版本)
  • Python-Levenshtein


pip install fuzzywuzzy


pip install fuzzywuzzy[speedup]



您必须通过提供连接凭据将机器学习模型连接到查询服务。 可以提供过期凭据和不过期凭据。 有关如何获取所需凭据的更多信息,请参阅凭据指南。 如果您使用的是Jupyter Notebook,请阅读有关如何连接到查询服务的完整指南。


import numpy as np

以下命令是从Jupyter Notebook连接到查询服务所必需的:

import psycopg2
conn = psycopg2.connect('''
cur = conn.cursor()

您的Jupyter Notebook实例现在已连接到查询服务。 如果连接成功,则不会显示任何消息。 如果连接失败,将显示错误。

来自Luma数据集的Draw数据 luma-dataset

使用以下命令从第一个数据集中绘制要分析的数据。 为简单起见,这些示例已限制为该列的前10个结果。

cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM luma;
luma = np.array([r[0] for r in cur])


选择​ 输出 ​以显示返回的数组。

code language-console
array(['Deluxe King Or Queen Room', 'Kona Tower City / Mountain View',
       'Luxury Double Room', 'Alii Tower Ocean View With King Bed',
       'Club Two Queen', 'Corner Deluxe Studio',
       'Luxury Queen Room With Two Queen Beds', 'Grand Corner King Room',
       'Accessible Club Ocean View Suite With One King Bed',
       'Junior Suite'], dtype='<U66')

Acme数据集中的Draw数据 acme-dataset

现在,使用以下命令从第二个数据集中提取要分析的数据。 同样,为简短起见,这些示例已限制为该列的前10个结果。

cur.execute('''SELECT * FROM acme;
acme = np.array([r[0] for r in cur])


选择​ 输出 ​以显示返回的数组。

code language-console
array(['Deluxe King Or Queen Room', 'Kona Tower City / Mountain View',
       'Luxury Double Room', 'Alii Tower Ocean View With King Bed',
       'Club Two Queen', 'Corner Deluxe Studio',
       'Luxury Queen Room With Two Queen Beds', 'Grand Corner King Room',
       'Accessible Club Ocean View Suite With One King Bed',
       'Junior Suite'], dtype='<U66')

创建模糊评分函数 fuzzy-scoring

接下来,必须从FuzzyWuzzy库导入fuzz并执行字符串的部分比率比较。 partial ratio函数允许您执行子字符串匹配。 这会采用最短的字符串,并将其与具有相同长度的所有子字符串匹配。 此函数返回高达100%的百分比相似度比率。 例如,partial ratio函数将比较以下字符串“Deluxe Room”、“1 King Bed”和“Deluxe King Room”,并返回相似度得分69%。


from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
def compute_match_score(x,y):
    return fuzz.partial_ratio(x,y)

接下来,从SciPy库导入cdist以计算两个输入集合中每对之间的距离。 这会计算每个旅行社提供的所有酒店客房的得分。

from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
pairwise_distance =  cdist(luma.reshape((-1,1)),acme.reshape((-1,1)),compute_match_score)


现在,各列已经根据距离进行了评分,您可以对这些列进行索引,并且仅保留得分高于特定百分比的匹配。 此示例仅保留与得分70%或更高匹配的配对。

matched_pairs = []
for i,c1 in enumerate(luma):
    idx = np.where(pairwise_distance[i,:] > 70)[0]
    for j in idx:

可以使用以下命令显示结果。 为简单起见,结果限制为10行。


选择​ 输出 ​以查看结果。

code language-console
[('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room Dolphin Lagoon View'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Premier Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, Corner', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Suite', 'Corner Deluxe Studio')]


matching_sql = ' OR '.join(["(e.luma = '{}' AND b.acme = '{}')".format(c1,c2) for c1,c2 in matched_pairs])

在查询服务中应用映射进行模糊连接 mappings-for-query-service


SELECT *  FROM luma e
[r for r in cur]

选择​ 输出 ​查看此连接的结果。

code language-console
[('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Lagoon View', 'Standard Room Dolphin Lagoon View'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Premier Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, Corner', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Suite', 'Corner Deluxe Studio'),
 ('Deluxe Suite', 'Deluxe Suite'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Club Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Business King Room'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Business Double Room With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Business Double Room, 2 Double Beds', 'Deluxe Double Room'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Traditional Double Room, 2 Double Beds',
  'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Suite, 1 Bedroom', 'Deluxe Suite'),
 ('City Room, City View', 'Room With City View'),
 ('City Room, City View', 'Queen Room With City View'),
 ('City Room, City View', 'Club Level King Or Queen Room with City View'),
 ('Club Room, Premium 2 Queen Beds', 'Club Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Club Room, Premium 2 Queen Beds', 'Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Deluxe Room, Lake View', 'Deluxe King Or Queen Room with Lake View'),
 ('King Room, Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa bed', 'King Room'),
 ('King Room, Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa bed', 'King Room'),
 ('King Room, Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa bed', 'King Room'),
 ('Deluxe Suite, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking, Kitchen', 'Deluxe Suite'),
 ('Junior Suite, 1 King Bed, Accessible (Roll-in Shower)', 'Junior Suite'),
 ('Regency Club, Mountain View', 'Regency Club Ocean View'),
 ('Regency Club, Mountain View', 'Regency Club Mountain View'),
 ('Club Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Room, 2 Queen Beds, City View',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and City View'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Queen Room'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Partial Ocean View With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Kona Tower Partial Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Room, Partial Ocean View', 'Waikiki Tower Partial Ocean View'),
 ('Premium Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Grand Corner King Room, 1 King Bed', 'Grand Corner King Room'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Ocean View Room With King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 King Bed, Non Smoking', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Accessible, Partial Ocean View',
  'Accessible Partial Ocean View With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Accessible, Partial Ocean View',
  'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Room, Ocean View ', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View ', 'King Or Two Queen Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View ', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Signature Suite, 1 Bedroom', 'Signature King'),
 ('Room, 2 Queen Beds (Waikiki View)',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and Waikiki View'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Queen Room'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room (Non Refundable)'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Deluxe Room', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Standard Room, Oceanfront', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Oceanfront', 'Standard Room With Ocean Front View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (City View - Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Mountain View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (City View - Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('High-Floor Premium Room, 1 King Bed', 'High-Floor Premium King Room'),
 ('Club Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Junior Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed', 'Junior Suite'),
 ('Junior Suite, 1 King Bed with Sofa Bed', 'Deluxe King Suite With Sofa Bed'),
 ('Deluxe Room, City View', 'Queen Room With City View'),
 ('Deluxe Room, City View', 'Club Level King Or Queen Room with City View'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Ocean View Room With King Bed'),
 ('Room, 1 King Bed', 'Royal Club Premier Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Partial Ocean View', 'Kona Tower Partial Ocean View'),
 ('Room, 2 Double Beds, Partial Ocean View', 'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Room, 1 Queen Bed, City View',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and City View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View', 'King Or Two Queen Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, Ocean View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Partial Ocean View Room'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Kona Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean Front View'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View (Waikiki Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Waikiki Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Partial Ocean View (Waikiki Tower) - No Resort Fee',
  'Standard Room With Ocean Front View'),
 ('Regency Club, Ocean View',
  'Accessible Club Ocean View Suite With One King Bed'),
 ('Regency Club, Ocean View', 'Regency Club Ocean View'),
 ('Regency Club, Ocean View', 'Regency Club Mountain View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (Scenic)', 'Standard Room With Mountain View'),
 ('Standard Room, Mountain View (Scenic)', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Room, 1 Queen Bed', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Luxury Double Room'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Queen Room'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Double Room with Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Business Double Room With Two Double Beds'),
 ('Double Room', 'Deluxe Double Room'),
 ('Club Room, 1 King Bed', 'Deluxe Room - One King Bed'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'High-Floor Premium King Room'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'Premier King Room'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'Premier Queen Room With Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Premier Twin Room', 'Premium King Room With Free Wi-Fi'),
 ('Premium Room, 1 Queen Bed', 'Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Premium Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Premium Two Queen'),
 ('Deluxe Room, 1 Queen Bed (High Floor)', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Room, 2 Queen Beds, Garden View',
  'Queen Room With Two Queen Beds and Garden View'),
 ('Signature Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Deluxe Room - Two Queen Beds'),
 ('Signature Room, 2 Queen Beds', 'Signature Two Queen'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View', 'Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View', 'Standard Room With Ocean View'),
 ('Standard Room, Ocean View', 'Standard Room With Ocean Front View')]

将模糊匹配结果保存到平台 save-to-platform

最后,利用SQL将模糊匹配的结果保存为数据集,供Adobe Experience Platform使用。

Create table luma_acme_join
(SELECT *  FROM luma e